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"Richer Than The King", A Quick Guide To The UK’s New Prime Minister Rishi Sunak

2 years agoWed, 26 Oct 2022 08:08:58 GMT
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"Richer Than The King", A Quick Guide To The UK’s New Prime Minister Rishi Sunak

Rishi Sunak was on Tuesday, 25 October confirmed as the United Kingdom’s new Prime Minister taking over from Mary Elizabeth “Liz” Truss, who was on the job for only 44 days.

Sunak won the Conservative leadership contest after rival Penny Mordaunt failed to secure enough backing from Members of Parliament.

Here are a few things you probably didn’t know about Rishi Sunak:

He is Rich

According to BBC, Sunak’s wife is Akshata Murthy, the daughter of Indian billionaire Narayana Murthy.

Sunak himself has worked for the investment bank Goldman Sachs and at two hedge funds.

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The Sunday Times Rich List estimates the couple’s fortune to be worth about £730 million.

Sunak and Murty’s combined fortune is double the estimated £300m-£350m wealth of King Charles III and Camilla, Queen Consort, according to The Guardian.

They own four properties spread across the world and valued at more than £15m.

His Family

Sunak is the UK’s first ever person of colour to lead the country and the first Hindu prime minister.

He was born in Southampton in 1980 to Indian parents who had moved to the UK from east Africa.

His father was a GP and his mother ran her own pharmacy. He is the eldest of three children.

Sunak and his wife Akshata have two daughters.


At 42, Sunak is younger than every predecessor except William Pitt the Younger who became Prime Minister aged 24 and was in office from 1783 to 1801 and then again from 1804 until his death in 1806 at the age of 46. 

Rise to the top

He has gone from Member of Parliament to Prime Minister in just seven years – faster than any other PM in the modern era.

Pitt the Younger holds the overall record with just two years.

Friends and hobbies

Sunak “collects Coca-Cola things”, as he told two school pupils, before saying “I am a Coke addict, I am a total Coke addict,” then, as the pupils sniggered, clarifying “Coca-Cola addict, just for the record”. The Guardian

He ran for office twice in 2022

He lost to Liz Truss in September, but she resigned six weeks later.

In the latest leadership contest, Sunak racked up the support of his fellow MPs early, and fast.

He crossed the 100 nominations he needed long before the deadline – including from MPs that had previously backed Truss or Boris Johnson. BBC News



baTine · 2 years ago
people of colour
Raymond Gunda · 2 years ago
His father in law is an Indian billionaire and the wife inherited a big chunk from his father
Vesto · 2 years ago
@X, indava kusimbirira kanyama kasina muto? How many times do you need to be told that the Monarch in the UK is a Constitutional Monarchy, not a political figure? It is totally different from the Eswatini model for instance where the King is the Executive Head of government. King Charles III is the custodian of the unwritten constitution of the United Kingdom, and is not a political figure. The Prime Minister, whi is the leader of the majority in Parliament is Head of government. He/She is elected by Parliament which in turn is elected by the general populace
X · 2 years ago
Tingataure hedu zvakawanda nekuvapembedza but the bottom line is vana king vanhu avo, the PM reports to the monarch, & that's not real democracy, then those same people wants to teach the world about democracy, PATHETIC
0772408372 · 2 years ago
Sunak may not be richer than Chiyangwa or ED.l Chiyangwa's net worth is over 1.3bln US dolls. Check that on google coz some may think its a lie.
Anonymous · 2 years ago
How can we Google it isu tisina mari yedata. Usatitsvinyire kudaro. Ukationa tichipinda papindula inhamo hakusi kuda kwedu.
Anonymous · 2 years ago
mtt · 2 years ago
millionaire nemari yekuunza masanctions pasi nemutengesi
mtt · 2 years ago
zvepopi zvezim pakufunga zvikabira nhema ne deceit irikubva kuzvibwasungata. vote Strive For Success vane mari dzacho kwete hwatya idzo dzinozobira
cde chipopi · 2 years ago
manje medu muno munyika rimwe Ganda rikatonga itori mhosva chaiyo. Sanike muno kutoita president murungu ndizvo zvinotodiwa chaizvo kuti zvinhu zvifambe bcoz vatema vacho hapana kana nezve vanhu ba apa
Anonymous · 2 years ago
I always support you cde. Unotaura chokwadi chinorwadza.
major · 2 years ago
peace is never an option 😂😂😂😂😂
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Nelson Chamisa and his wife doubled fortune worth US $7200
Anglebert Tinashe Chilimanzi · 2 years ago
😂😂😂 mamwe mazero aripi.
lazymind · 2 years ago
He is as rich as your future self
g · 2 years ago
saka kablaz akana CV kakazvarwa in a wellup family married to a wellup again so Tytun munomutukirei even Tinashe Maphosa munomutukirei nhai imi
General Hercules · 2 years ago
History in the making
Rudo💅 · 2 years ago
this shows kuti The United Kingdom is now mature.Being led by a different race shows maturity in terms of leadership.Hope the whole world will also do the same.USA deed it. Nemashoma iwawo ndapedza hangu
Anglebert Tinashe Chilimanzi · 2 years ago
I don't agree.its all about the type of leadership.its not about racial equality.we want a competent leader whether black or white or red or that's look past color.
Anonymous · 2 years ago
The young ones taking the regns.
Mephistopheles · 2 years ago
£730 million at the 42 years old? Mmm anga ashanda nguvai? Goldman Sachs yacho yaimupa £1 million Pounds a month kahi? Ko kungotaura chokwadi kuti he inherited from his father in law by way of Dowry. Otherwise Sunak is safekeeping looted money for his father in law...
Vesto · 2 years ago
Mephistopheles, that is Old Money my friend, not New Money. You can read in-between the lines that he inherited lots lutto and being an investment banker, just piled on the pounds. Zvasiyana nemaHustlers enyu emuno ari kuita deal in hold, diamonds and are Tenderpreneurs vana baba Shawn nanaDelish on behalf of you-know-who
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Second generation. He inherited most of the fortune or start-up capital somehow. Kubva mumadhaka pakaipa baba, hamubudiki zvekudaro. Ndochinhu one chanobvuma kut dzungu harishande pachiri.
uGatsheni boya beNyathi · 2 years ago
at least the guy has a traceable record yekwakabva fortune yake kwete zvana Saviour kasukuwere nana Obert Mpofu ,ana Chombo munhu anoita millionaire out of the blue

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