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Chamisa Sends Condolence Message Following Death Of President Mnangagwa's Grandson

2 years agoMon, 24 Oct 2022 05:56:21 GMT
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Chamisa Sends Condolence Message Following Death Of President Mnangagwa's Grandson

Nelson Chamisa who leads the opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) has sent a condolence message to the Mnangagwa family following the death of Yasha Mafidi Mnangagwa, a 5-year-old grandson of President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

Yasha who was Sean Mnangagwa’s son succumbed to respiratory complications, according to the Permanent Secretary of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services, Nick Mangwana. 

In a statement seen by Pindula News, Chamisa, a former Minister of ICT, Postal and Courier Services during the Government of National Unity (GNU) said:

LOSS of a loved one is such a painful and sad moment. My deepest condolences to the @edmnangagwa family on the tragic loss of their beloved grandson, Yasha. Our prayers are with the family during this very difficult time. May Yasha’s soul Rest In Peace.

In a statement on Sunday, Mangwana said Yasha died at a local hospital where he was receiving treatment. Reads the statement:

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It is with a great sense of sadness that we inform the Nation that His Excellency, President Cde E.D. Mnangagwa and the First Lady Dr A. Mnangagwa have lost their beloved grandson, Yasha Mafidi Mnangagwa today. Yasha (5 years old) was Sean Mnangagwa’s son. He died at a local hospital where he was receiving treatment for respiratory complications.

Our condolences to the family who deserve their privacy at this difficult time of bereavement.

Pindula News



Sam Sung · 2 years ago
A lot of CCC supporters were disappointed to hear that Adv Nelson Chamisa has sent a condolence message to the leader of Zanu PF who is also the President of Zimbabwe CDE ED Mnangagwa after the death of his grandson.This was witnessed by a few comments from the CCC supporters after emerged that their leader had reached out to the head of state.
major · 2 years ago
nematambudziko vacheche ndivo vanoenda zvavo
rei de o selva · 2 years ago
Well done Chamisa 👏.even if they don't like you.
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Saka chamisa agreed kuti ED is his excellency the president of this country? Aimboti I won't recognise Ed as president of this country, if it was job sikhala he could have said emmerson or just Mnangagwa not his excellency or president, whilst chamisa has done a good thing to send condolences, I feel he is now captured, ccc yave yekuitiswa pamberi ne ZanuPF
,. · 2 years ago
Dont lie, Chamisa never said His Excellency.
The Adjudicator · 2 years ago
May Mafidi's soul rest in everlasting peace. It is a sad moment that our Father, our President, our 2023 Elections Winner has lost his beloved Grandson. Maybe Mafidi was one day going to serve for this Country. Vote ED 2023 ZANU PF 2023
chihera · 2 years ago
msrip comrde yasha
MuPfungwe Chaiye · 2 years ago
Changondirwadza I know that kid. Shame. The rest it's nonsense. Ngavambofirwa vaone kurwadza kunoita rufu.
Chineke Ezawazseying · 2 years ago
Pamunotaura nyaya yekushunya vana vevamwe munombo zvifungao here kuti venyu vakashunywa muchanzwa sei?
SlowActingPoison · 2 years ago
Well done President Chamisa. You have demonstrated the essence of ubuntu. I remember when Chamisa's mum passed on, l waited for ED to pass his condolences but l don't think he ever did. When Ali and Bobeni passed on, l just thought, as the President of Zimbabwe, ED would pass condolences first vozotaurao havo zvimwe since these were issues to do with national political mishaps but maya. It was as if no lives were lost. In fact, more lice had to be crushed!!! Vatungamiriri vati avo vanotiremera chokwadi. Anyway, nematambudziko emwana. Tose tinenge tichida kuyarutsa nekuzovigwa nevana vedu. Kuviga mwana kunorwadza. Mwari wakunyaradze baba waMafidi.
pk · 2 years ago
asi imi ma CCC supporters hamuchemi nevanochema munoto shuwira kuti vamwe vafe kunyanya imi vepano.
SlowActingPoison · 2 years ago
Pk. ZANUPF haitoshuwiri ba. INOTOURAYA. Ini ndiri umwe wemaCCC atoti nematambudziko wani. Read my commend again! ZANUPF haina nguva yekushuwira munhu rufu asi ine nguva yekuitoita plan and execute pfungwa yechimhondi mhondi. How many people have you heard kuti vakaurawa nemathugs or supporter eCCC? But ZANUPF ummm.
Anglebert Tinashe Chilimanzi · 2 years ago
dai vaenda kuma hospital ekunze kwenyika ayirarama kurapisa munhu muZimbabwe kupedza nguva.
😭😢😭 · 2 years ago
They knew it but they also knew that once it got out to the public as well there would be outcry. People would say so our kids are the ones who are supposed to die in local hospitals. It was a painful sacrifice, l think. Government needs to fix the health care system.
tukes · 2 years ago
chinhu chakanaka kuchema nevanochema.waita chakanaka izviitira iye.
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Well done @Nelson Chamisa. You have shown the true definition of humanity by setting your differences aside in difficult times
Leviticus Chaunoita · 2 years ago
Arsenal draw, Barca wins
Da Truth · 2 years ago

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