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Chamisa Gives Prisons Boss 24-hr Ultimatum

2 years agoThu, 20 Oct 2022 14:36:36 GMT
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Chamisa Gives Prisons Boss 24-hr Ultimatum

Opposition CCC leader Nelson Chamisa has given the Zimbabwe Prisons and Correctional Services (ZPCS) a 24-hour ultimatum to explain why he has been blocked from visiting party activists as well as lawmakers Job Sikhala and Godfrey Sithole who have been in pre-trial detention since June.

Chamisa’s lawyers, Shava Law Chambers, wrote a letter to ZPCS Commissioner General, Moses Chihobvu, asking why Chamisa has been denied permission to visit the CCC activists who were arrested and detained for allegedly inciting public violence in Nyatsime in June. The letter reads in part:

Our client advises that on divers occasions, he attempted to visit these individuals at both Harare remand and Chikurubi Maximum prisons, respectively, but upon arrival, he was denied access.

He (Chamisa) was advised by the prison guards that he was specifically barred from visiting anyone in prison detention without your written permission.

The basis for this requirement could not be easily ascertained from these guards.

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Chamisa has been barred from visiting Sithole and Sikhala but MDC-T leader Douglas Mwonzora was recently given access to see the duo.

Sikhala and Sithole, however, refused to meet Mwonzora, according to a spokesperson, Freddy Michael Masarirevu. Chamisa’s lawyers further argued:

In terms of Zimbabwean laws, any person who is detained, including a convicted prisoner, has a right to communicate with, and be visited by a relative or anyone else of their choice, subject to reasonable restrictions which may be imposed for the proper administration of prisons or places of detention.

Further, a careful perusal of your prison policies would reveal that there is only a single category of visitors that are not allowed visit, these are those in need of conjugal rights.

Our client does not fall in that bracket and as such he ought to have been allowed to visit the aforementioned individuals.

| NewZimbabwe.com



wasu · 2 years ago
achatonga iyeyi mmmhh i don't think so
Vesto · 2 years ago
@Anonymous, ZPS yapeta muswe. Read this morning's article.
Faith · 2 years ago
24 hours dzakakwana, what now!!
Lion from woods · 2 years ago
All the pieces needed for the plan r in place. Time for the final push. We need your support citizens.
mtt · 2 years ago
remove the blinkers @dispenser. read widely uvhurike pfungwa. zvokungoteerera mapoliticians anonyepa aya hazvikusvitsi anywhere
kg · 2 years ago
the problem is.most government workers are against nero.they really know that this small can change our lives from bad to good.so they are trying to disturb him from contesting on next elections.vanotya ava
k · 2 years ago
apa be prison and correctional services vakaratidza kusarongeka
Dude · 2 years ago
Today kuona kuti wapihwa ultimatum hachanzwii uye Nani kkkkk
mtt · 2 years ago
hapana chinomboita naDapi the coward akatiza chisoja nekutya kufa kutraining.kufuna amadhodha sibili
Nahoreka · 2 years ago
Yes nothing will materialize with such mentality like yours..
dispenser · 2 years ago
@ mtt ,ndimivanhu vaishandiswa kuuraya vanhu muchimwiswa mahoti muchitembeswa protection. Now zvidhoma zvava kukushungurudza .hausati watanga uchakomita suicide.
MuSabatha(SDA) · 2 years ago
Its not the duty of chamisa only to free this nation from zanu. Its the duty of everyone of us to ask ourselves kuti what can i do to free this nation from dictatorship. It begins with yu, it begins with me. #opressionmustendnow
🌚🌚🌚🌚🇱🇷🇺🇦 · 2 years ago
Yes it begins with me .I was telling myself I will not vote next year but I changed my mind .If I don't vote I would have done a disservice to my grandchildren.Think of your children and Vote this pigs out. mobilize and if each of use assist give people it would be great.
yy · 2 years ago
vote for change Chamisa chete chete ngaapinde haake mkomana CCC [×] please endai kuno register don't lose hope.
Nahoreka · 2 years ago
Zimbabweans are behind such moves to bring an end to dictatorship. This is a clarion call to all Zimbabweans to get up, stand up for your rights. The time is now. Kusvikira rini tichidzvanyirirwa , kusvikira rini tichitambura kudai. The whole world shud be alerted that we have a mafia here who is masquerading as a government. Their only concern is to steal and opress the people. We shud demand an end to this unbalanced and biased application of law. The ccc are Zimbabweans, we ought to be treated fairly and the basic bill of rights must apply to everyone. Yes we the people are behind the demand to return bck to our Zimbabwe where the law is applied fairly. #return to the rule of law.
pk · 2 years ago
Chamisa ari kuda kupedzisa job sikhala. ndo threat yake ku CCC
Mai Ro · 2 years ago
Vamnangagwa ndoohonzeri yematambudziko muno munyika. Mugabe was right in expelling this lunatic from government. I dont know how he managed to sneak back into government. Inga ange adzingwa navaMugabe wani, how come he tracked back here? I bet mai mujuru, Sydney sekeramai or even kasukuwere cud hav been better options than this goon called mnangagwa. Hutongi hwavo hausi hwejekerere, vanombunyikidza ruzhinji rwevanhu. Vakaba futi ma elections acho, varikutadza kuvandudza magariro evanhu munyika. We dont eat propaganda and slogans...#stop the oppression, return our freedoms, stop abusing the police, stop abusing the judiciary, #zimbabwemustbefreeagain. Pasi nehukopokopo hwavamnangagwa.
mubobobo · 2 years ago
Mukoma wangu munemakore mangani muchrnjere kuchembera musina chamuyinacho mychingotuka canhu vanemari.
Nyoro · 2 years ago
Chamisa anenge asasade kuita president anyanya kunyararisa ,vanhu vari ku retire ne kuchembera vakachengeta ma certificate,since Tsvangirai vangani vakafa,Parikutoratidza kuti hapana chirikubuda .
zenda · 2 years ago
@Nyoro you have facts,bacause zvabvakure 2023 akapfura tomirira dzimwe 5years tichichembera.
Anglebert Tinashe Chilimanzi · 2 years ago
saka 24hrs dzacho dzikapfura Chamisa wacho arikuda kuita sei?inga tichawonerera.
Mai Ro · 2 years ago
Zvivhunze iwe bhemba kuti chii chauri kuita kusunungura ruzhinji rwezimbabwe kubva kuhutongi hwavamnangagwa hwekudzvanyirira.
Vesto · 2 years ago
Chihobvu usatambe nevapfanha vakaenda kuskuru. Vanokutambisa nhova
Solanki · 2 years ago
Its us the people who are telling mnangagwa that his days of oppressing us are numbered. Taneta kutongwa nembavha..
Mogul · 2 years ago
Let The Games Begin
Anglebert Tinashe Chilimanzi · 2 years ago
(political)hunger games.
Anglebert Tinashe Chilimanzi · 2 years ago
@ Tintin + (real)hunger games... mudzimba uno.

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