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MISA Zimbabwe Condemns Ejection Of 7 Journalists From State House Event

2 years agoTue, 18 Oct 2022 15:05:37 GMT
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MISA Zimbabwe Condemns Ejection Of 7 Journalists From State House Event

MISA Zimbabwe has condemned the ejection of seven journalists from the State House where President Emmerson Mnangagwa appointed a Tribunal to inquire into the removal from office of Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission’s Spokesperson John Makamure.

The Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services, Mr Nick Mangwana had earlier shared the details of this event on his personal Twitter page and indicated that “Media is invited”.

However, upon arriving at the State House and undergoing all the required procedures, it is reported that one of the security officers then asked for press cards.

Resultantly, Alpha Media Holdings journalists Taurai Mangudhla, Shepherd Tozvireva, Blessed Mhlanga and Chengeto Chidi, Daily News reporter Katty Nyoni and Heart and Soul TV journalists Zibusiso Ncube and Atricia Gondo were then kicked out. 

The journalists highlighted that the security officer indicated that there were specific media houses that were welcome at this event. Journalists from state media representing ZTN, ZBC and The Herald were allowed to remain and cover the event.

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In a statement seen by Pindula news, MISA Zimbabwe said all journalists should be afforded fair and equal opportunities to access information. Reads the statement:

MISA’s position

MISA Zimbabwe condemns this continuation of discrimination against private media. All media practitioners, whether from state or private media, have a constitutional right to seek, receive and impart information as part of their media freedom.

The Constitution is very clear in Section 44 that the State and every person, including juristic persons and every institution and agency of the government at every level, must respect, protect, promote and fulfil the rights and freedoms set out in the Constitution.

There is, therefore no lawful, reasonable or justifiable basis for the discrimination of journalists from private media and the infringement to the realisation of their constitutional rights.

MISA Zimbabwe calls on all stakeholders within government, including the Zimbabwe Media Commission and the Ministry of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services to undertake key and practical steps towards addressing this recurring media violation.

All journalists should be afforded fair and equal opportunities to access information.

Pindula News



Morgan Chiwande · 2 years ago
iwe mpfana don't make a fool of your self,read and understand first before commenting. how can he pass through the main gate without a press card??
The Adjudicator · 2 years ago
How can we hve a balanced news when private media houses are forbidden to attend such and report what happenes at such functions. They plot evil on such events and the herald feed us with cheep propaganda.
SWART · 2 years ago
and it seems these journalists are being told what to report
Vesto · 2 years ago
@Adjudicator, we are supposed to be the proverbial mushrooms - kept in the dark and fed on
Daniel Gusha · 2 years ago
dai zvakaitwa neCCC?????¿¿¿
Tkt says · 2 years ago
My contribution there is simple, DID THEY HAVE PRESS CARDS AS REQUIRED BY THE LAW?
Vesto · 2 years ago
@Tkt, if you read the original article, it was clearly stated that the journalists were ejected AFTER they had "gone through ALL routine checks and Covid'19 tests..." If they didn't have Press Cards do you, even with your pea-sized brain, think they would have been allowed into State House grounds and allowed to go through the checks including Covid'19 tests?
^ · 2 years ago
That mantra, "Zimbabwe is open for business" has been defiled by that barbaric acts of the overzealous state security agents. Journos particularly private ones give an insight of the country and sell it to the world, which in turn brings the much needed investors for business.
@Vesto · 2 years ago
If they did not have press cards definitely with the calibre of those security agents, the journos would have been arrested and detained.
Journalists must be allowed to do their duties unfettered from all angles. They should be as independent as possible. State Security at Bulawayo State House erred by ejecting the 7 journalists from covering the occasion. [ ZANU PF' IS KICKING LIKE A DYING HORSE ]. [ CITIZENS ARE NOW FED UP WITH ZANU PF RULE. THEY DEMAND REAL CHANGE AND NOT COSMETIC CHANGE ]. Yours faithfully William Sonboy CHINEMBIRI THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC].
Johannes Mwansa · 2 years ago
when a certain female reporter was harrased in at a political rally Minister Monica issued a statement condemning the the harassment.This tym we are yet to hear from the minister
siqhoza · 2 years ago
Zimbabwe is zoo now
V · 2 years ago
MISA executives should also read what the constitution says about individual and press rights when it comes to matters concerning state security.
Anglebert Tinashe Chilimanzi · 2 years ago
@V what has state security to do with a public state function?why are u acting like it was JOC meeting?take your propaganda to ZBC tv here we are to clever for you!!!😡😡😡
Anglebert Tinashe Chilimanzi · 2 years ago
👏👏👏 ane nzeve anzwa.
@V · 2 years ago
State security🤯⁉️ Yeyii papublic state function?
🌚🌚🌚🌚🇱🇷🇺🇦 · 2 years ago
V , what do you know about the constitution?Please take your propsgsnganda somewhere else.

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