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New HIV Infections Rise Among Adolescent Girls

2 years agoFri, 14 Oct 2022 10:53:30 GMT
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New HIV Infections Rise Among Adolescent Girls

The National AIDS Council (NAC) says new HIV infections continue to increase among adolescent girls and young women while they are going down in other groups.

Addressing female learners at the commemorations of the International Day of the Girl Child on Tuesday, NAC Bulawayo Provincial AIDS Manager, Sinatra Nyathi said:

Imagine, in all age groups HIV is going down but adolescent girls and young women are getting new infections.

We realise young girls attend vuzu parties, where unplanned pregnancies, HIV, STIs, and other diseases emerge.

As NAC, we are on the path to achieving epidemic control, but we must also prevent further HIV spread.

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However, new infections continue to be identified, with adolescent girls and young women being disproportionately affected.

Nyathi urged young girls to practice abstinence as it is important in HIV prevention. She said:

You can’t sell your life over that red box of chips yet you can be a Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) girl who is educated and empowered and buy as many of those red boxes as you want.

We can abstain from sex, it’s not necessary to destroy your life. Even if you have started indulging in sexual activity as NAC we have what we call secondary abstinence where someone realises that they are not going anywhere with having sex.

You need to stop having it today and start planning for the future because you will start dying prematurely.

We want girls to take over but girls cannot take over because of the decisions they make. You can still abstain from sex and plan your life.

I always thank God that I didn’t destroy my life over five minutes’ activity of risky sexual behaviours.

She also urged girls to use the internet wisely and avoid visiting pornography websites as this may lure them into engaging in sexual activities and risk contracting HIV and STIs. | CITE



Tatenda chimbudzaNa · 2 years ago
Ngatityeyi mwari
Big Daddy · 2 years ago
and tuma 2k they don't ask or check weather you are protected or not
mbutu · 2 years ago
why not boy child its all abt girls
Tkt says · 2 years ago
@Tinashe.... Kkkk haaa yaa ndanyarara zvangu ini Tkt
Munhu waShe · 2 years ago
Ataura zvekuti vana vadzidziswe zveshoko raMwari ndotenderana naye .Vasiri vana chete asi tose ngatityei Mwari .Mubairo wechivi rufu
nyoni · 2 years ago
haaa zvefair kaa tuma2k tunedzungu weduweee ......unoona kachisviri.rwa 1cider zvaro kakutopindwa **** ....une 6 pack zvako kana mwana anokuzvarira
Lovegain Sibanda · 2 years ago
HIV is here to stay guys, it preys on the amorous youth for its survival. It procreates inside the fighter cells of the human being to avoid detection from the ever alert immune system as it hijacks all the command structures. To those already compromised, try to keep the viral load as low as possible by sticking to the ART rules.
The Saver · 2 years ago
Thank you Sorojena... You can also contact the nearest PSI or Population Services International known as New start center.... They can educate you and give directions on how you can proceed with your life after infection. They also offer PrEP pills which can help you prevent STIs and HIV upto a range of 60%-90%, before you have it. Abstaining is excellent but in this generation it is uncommon because of seductive social Media influences, morden fashion which exposes sensitive genital body parts, and peer influences. So it is wiser to teach children the consequences of s*x, how to prevent such consequences, HIV in nower days doesn't kill you right away but it can shorten your life, and prolonged goals.. Please contact PSI for more info
onashe · 2 years ago
vana vamedzwa nenyika and if we continue preaching the word of abstainance without preaching on how to have protected **** and ways to overcome pregnancies them hapana kwatiri kuenda
yunger · 2 years ago
pastor ibvapa iwe
pastor · 2 years ago
ngavadzidziswe Shoko ra Mwari vana ava
Tinashe · 2 years ago
Nemanakiro anoita bota; varikutoda rakavidzwa racho 🤦🏽‍♂️
g · 2 years ago
the level of getting to parties is dmso disheartening among teens,may guardiansnvisit NAC and get these girls get jadels or loop to prevent unwanted pregnances

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