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Mashonaland West Villagers Threaten To Withdraw Support From ED

2 years agoSun, 09 Oct 2022 14:28:52 GMT
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Mashonaland West Villagers Threaten To Withdraw Support From ED

Hundreds of ZANU PF supporters in Chegutu East who are facing potential displacement have threatened to withdraw support from President Emmerson Mnangagwa in the general elections scheduled for 2023.

About 300 families who were allocated land in Chegutu may be displaced to make way for a proposed platinum mine for a Chinese firm.

The majority of the plot holders are retired civil servants who depend on small-scale farming.

The disgruntled villagers held a meeting at Hopewell farm in Chegutu where they blamed Mnangagwa for their possible displacement. One of the villagers said:

Even he (President Emmerson Mnangagwa) if we are evicted, the election is coming, who will vote for him, how will he win the election?

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Will the Chinese vote for him? Will one person make him win? They cannot support one corrupt person at the expense of hundreds.

We fought for this land, and you cannot tell us to leave, where do you want us to go as old as we are?

Hurumende ngaiticherechedzewo, murombo haavigwi ari mupenyu munotoumirira kuti afe.

We suffered for this land and our pain cannot go in vain because of one person.

Another plot holder who spoke during the meeting expressed dismay over the development. He said:

Yes, we fought the whites and they left, now fellow blacks are fighting us, we cannot be fighting each other.

Thousands of Zimbabweans across the country have been displaced to make way for big business as the “Second Republic” apparently shows scant regard for local people’s right to land.



jimalo · 2 years ago
Manama mayo zany of mushonga
9 · 2 years ago
Ndozvirikutaurwa naBiti kuti puwai ma title deeds. murikubatwa kumeso nezanupf
Tibvirei pano · 2 years ago
Why threaten. Ingosiyanayi neZanu makanyarara. You are very sefish. You don't even regard other serious issues. So long you are given that land then you will vote for ZANU . Use your heads to think not your b**
i · 2 years ago
funhidzai coffee
John chimbz · 2 years ago
We fought and liberated our land from white **** system but now a 400sqm stand costs $12000 USD... Mubvunzo vakawoda kupi land baJury Moyo
CHEMUSANGO · 2 years ago
ngavapiwe pamwe. but zvakangooma so
0775670257 · 2 years ago
Dont worry my president is a listening president. Point taken
Diss Nyongoro · 2 years ago
Nhaka muchaziva pekuvhotera mavhurika now
Sabhuku · 2 years ago
Earth has been taken, kwasara wind and fire LOL. On another light note, what makes them.think a few hundred of them determine the presidency? On a more serious note, they'd be wise to know they're not friends with ZANU, they never were, kushandiswa basi.
DaCool · 2 years ago
Guys , A game btwn Liverpool n Arsenal is starting at what time?
Bhuru · 2 years ago
17:30 bro asernal leading by a goal.
Arsenal fan · 2 years ago
Chiropa chogochwa nema gunners zvekuziva kk
The law allows government to remove people who will have been affected by mining operations or road construction. The law goes further and says that it must relocates those people at its own costs or it compensates those who have been affected. I am a [ BUSH LAWYER ]. I advise these people to engage an advocate, a real [lawyer] to represent them. Even in the engagement with government for compensation these cdes still need the services of an advocate. The Chilonga folk engaged lawyers and upto today they are still there despite government's shenanigans. I read that they are threatening to abandon [ZANU PF ship rat the Harmonised Elections in 2023. I urge these Cdes to think deeply and join CCC political party massively. [ THIS GOVERNMENT IS NOT FOR THE COUNTRY, NOT FOR THE PEOPLE AND NOT FOR THE LAW. IT THERE FOR THE CHINESE]. [ ADVOCATE NELSON CHAMISA, KWENYAI MHINO NEKASIYANWA ]. Yours truly William Sonboy CHINEMBIRI [THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC].
pk · 2 years ago
ko imi munogara pamusoro peplatinum sei musingazive? basa kuchera makurwe chete 😂😂😂
Anglebert Tinashe Chilimanzi · 2 years ago
matii madii.
Jah🇿🇼Tsvarie-07 · 2 years ago
Don't use elections as a weapon if your stay there was illegal, if you were temporary put there then you shouldn't be surprised coz it is what it should be. Let's invest where we belong coz looking for greener pastures will only end in tears...
Sorojena · 2 years ago
Zvakanzi musavake strong structures mukasimbisa misoro. That's why we did not give you title deeds. Nobody owns land in Zimbabwe, all land belong to the state. The 99 year lease does not give you ownership of the land togona kuisuspenda kana tazvifunga
me · 2 years ago
Ignatius kanyimo · 2 years ago
Atsettt 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂
Gwedu · 2 years ago
Nonsense torerwai saka munoti ivhu ndera ED here? matununu evanhu!! we told you vote for right people not those who weaponized the land for political gains!!

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