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List Of Companies That Submitted Bids For Laptops Tender Awarded To Blinart At US$9K Each

2 years agoThu, 29 Sep 2022 15:57:56 GMT
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List Of Companies That Submitted Bids For Laptops Tender Awarded To Blinart At US$9K Each

The Parliament of Zimbabwe was put on the spotlight recently when a computer tender was awarded to a company that was supplying the gadets at USD9 264.48 each, a price viewed by Treasury as very high.

While the tenders were cancelled, suppliers blacklisted, talk on the deal has not yet subsided.

It has emerged that some companies, Lacheln for instance, submitted bids for the Laptop tender at Parliament for as low as $213 655 but Parliament opted for Blinart which had tendered for $1.6 million. Pindula News presents below a list of companies that submitted bids and the prices they were charging:

Bidder Amount $
Omni Africa $1 991 117.79(USD) $ 697 381.75(USD)
Kemek Technologies $998 071 .60(USD) $ 191 424 90(USD)
AT Telecoms $ 673 172.06 (USD) N/A
Century Technology $ 1 043 903.99(USD) $317039.35(USD)
Happy year Tech $ 991 217.34 (USD) N/A
Axis Solutions $ 363 762 50 (USD) $ 982 008.98 (USD)
Lacheln $213 655(USD) $87 295 (USD
TrickMut Computers $583 245. 28(USD) $ 234 054.09 (USD)
Global Horizon $ 664 1320.00 (USD) $ 171 825.00(USD)
Ashert $ 448 480.01 (USD) $ 109 659. 90 (USD)
Frologate Technology $ 593 822. 50 (USD) $ 306 032 .18 (USD)
Mid-End Computers (Pvt) Ltd $1 635587.85 (USD) $ 243 052.59 (USD)
Stem Magnetics $242451. 00(USD) $ 150 008. 85(USD)
Compulink Systems $1,138 578.88 (USD) $ 485 118.90(USD)
Teezik Technologies $1 056 597.57 (USD) $ 328 640.00 (USD)
Tafron Technologies $ 1 363 508.55 (USD) $ 286 627.60(USD)
Avantis Technologies $ 530 391. 64 (USD) $167 796.00(USD)
Top Tech Computers $ 179 043 668.95 (ZWL) $508 97 216. 24 (ZWL)
Light House Digital $ 416757.00 (USD) $ 207 691.00 (USD)
Kintex Investments $796 524.58 (USD) $ 325 29.47 (USD)
Zacks Electronics $467 100 (USD) $ 165 900(USD)
Metro Sol $ 952 685.05 (USD) $ 237 46.94(USD)
Palsten Investments $ 1 944 698. 19 (USD) $588 550.00 (USD)
Tafano Investments $432 500 (USD) $ 221 200 (USD)
Wilhart Enterprises $ 326 840 250(ZWL) $113 068 750 (ZWL)
Ovacoda Business $ 682 485(USD) $209 350 (USD)
Airhead Investment $ 462 818.25(USD) $138 467.25(USD)
Blinart investments P/L $ 1 602 755.77(USD $333 348.40(USD)
Elite Collection (Pvt) Ltd $ 150 495.00 (USD) $ 482 151.00(USD)

Mid-End Computers and Hardware (P/L) had offered to supply 79 Desktops at US$243 052.36 payable at interbank rate.

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Anonymous · 2 years ago
Ko zvakazopera sei
Tru · 2 years ago
You should be looking for tenders that have been accepted before. you will realise that this wont be the first time for this to happen.
Faith · 2 years ago
hazvisi kuverengeka
Nimrod · 2 years ago
Heads must roll. Simpuru
Amai Sorobhi · 2 years ago
ehe ndizvo hazvo but tuma songs twe Zanu PF tunekamwe ka that so hehehehe.kuseka nhamo kunge rugare
Tender Document · 2 years ago
When was the tender awarded How long does it take the government to pay for goods supplied Does the government pay in a stable currency or it pays in an unstable currency. Some companies have supplied goods and services to the government at reasonable prices but were paid months later after the money they charged had lost value in our local currency
Don't Cry Suferer, Just Go Vote · 2 years ago
Elections are nearby the corner, let's all participate.
chasser · 2 years ago
we ain't going anywhere here pity tto hose who died for the country living behind family members only tdae to witness rubbish
chasser · 2 years ago
our concerns are not not on submissions by these companies but our our government awarding contracts to them and approving such nonsense
Billboard Of Public Opinions · 2 years ago
More than 95% of those companies are owned by Zanu Pf criminals. Zanu Pf members are stealing taxpayers money through those unscrupulous tender deals. Those criminals have got WhatsApp groups in which lots of tenders are being posted and such tenders are open to Zanu Pf members only. That's how the likes of Passion Java and Mike Chimombe have been stealing state funds. ED is aware of those tenders but he chose to pretend as if he does not know. His children and himself have got such companies which are milking government's money through those racket deals.
dispenser · 2 years ago
Billboard I recommend yu an intellect. unlike some s t u pids who post hogwash on pindula at e behest of their suffering. Eg yu cld be hearing a sluggard ,if asked a question simple as saying what is 1+1 to everyone's disappointment = 11 bz pane ma one maviri. Hanzi Zimbabwe is educated .Haaa maizoshandiswa kuuraya vanhu here . shame so called Pk and Jack.
pk · 2 years ago
.... · 2 years ago
Data bundle · 2 years ago
Daylight robbery usina pfuti otoshaya kuti vanoba nepfuti vano birei. Handei tione apa mushandi opihwa pay yake iri BondRtgs maZimba ndokusaka vari kuvaka mazimba 15rooms ndiwo mabasa acho
VicmanReloaded · 2 years ago
Some people got to resign over this
___ · 2 years ago
Blinart has not made any comment nor apologize. At least it should have justified its pricing model.

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