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"The Major Effects Of Sanctions Are Clear Like Our Access To Lines Of Credit" - Madhuku

2 years agoSun, 25 Sep 2022 04:36:05 GMT
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"The Major Effects Of Sanctions Are Clear Like Our Access To Lines Of Credit" - Madhuku

The leader of the National Constitutional Assembly (NCA) Professor Lovemore Madhuku has said sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe at the turn of the millennium have to be removed as they have a negative effect on the economy.

He said Zimbabwe was losing opportunities including lines of credit due to sanctions, ZBC News reported.

Madhuku’s remarks come as African countries told a recent United Nations summit the restrictive measures have to be removed as they were also affecting them.

Madhuku, a member of the Political Actors Dialogue (POLAD), said:

We need to appreciate that we have now succeeded in spreading that message to say sanctions must be removed. We have SADC, AU and UN elements appreciating that sanctions ought to be removed and it is unnecessary to deal with Zimbabwe through the avenue of sanctions.

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The major effects are clear like our access to lines of credit. As Zimbabwe, we are unable to benefit from what others benefit from. If there are opportunities like you borrow money and pay back with existing concessional rate, that is not happening.

Western countries imposed sanctions on the southern African countries at the turn of the millennium following the fast-track land reform programme that was marred by “gross human rights violations.”

Zimbabwe has since then been calling for the removal of sanctions to allow economic growth.

Calls were also made by United Nations officials including United Nations Special Rapporteur, Dr Alena Douhan last year after embarking on a 10-day fact-finding mission (between 18 and 28 October 2021) on the impact of sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe by the West.

SADC and the African Union have also been calling for the removal of sanctions but the West says sanctions can only be removed when Zimbabwe has made reforms to enhance good governance.

Pindula News



Sabhuku · 2 years ago
Musorobanga ngaagare pasi. Uda kukwereta iwe usingadzosere. Takakwereta $20m pa Beijing taakubhadara chikwereti ne platinum
MichaelMyers · 2 years ago
Madhuku zimsoro banga!!
Look East · 2 years ago
Ko ma sunctions ndiwo aka nyangarisa US15 bil here
nxaa · 2 years ago
musoro unenge we demba
Mdala wethu · 2 years ago
Look east
Kkkkk · 2 years ago
Ana MUSOROBHEMBA, just trying to seek relevance pa.propaganda dzana Mutsvangwa. Zimbabwe has since proved to be a bad debtor, so all those international credit facilities no longer want to lend their monies... Leave sanctions alone and talk of looting and rampant squandering of resources but a few top anarchists...
Soljaker · 2 years ago
sorry threw under the bus.
Byron Chitanga · 2 years ago
Iwe muzukuru wangu werusoro rwunenge rwe hwaya, mai vako havana kukudzidzisa kuti chikwereti chinopuwa ane mukurumbira wekudzora zvaakwereta? Chepiri, hauna kuudzwa kuti chikwereti chinopuwa anozvi ninipisa? Ungasvika pamba pe munhu ane chausina wotanga kudzvova dzvova, womutuka, wapedza kuita zvose zvehu benzi wozoti aaaah ndipowozve dhonza rako ndoda kunorima 😂😂😂 Ukwane iwe
ghmg · 2 years ago
uku kungohumana @William hakuna kusina mahuman rights abuse go to states black are suffering there. Sanctions must go . how can u support sanction muri munyika macho burning the house muri mukati mayo pathetic. vari panze
mtt · 2 years ago
uku kungohumana @William hakuna kusina mahuman rights abuse go to states black are suffering there. Sanctions must go . how can u support sanction muri munyika macho burning the house muri mukati mayo pathetic. vari panze
Tio4 · 2 years ago
Nyaya yema sanction its an overplayed record. With vast natural resources (good soils, gold , platinum,diamond, coal, and now oil) we should not be crying, nyaya yemumo ingori corruption chete which is a serious cancer. Ana Russia ndovanofanirwa kuchema zvema Sanction izvo kwete isu. Madhuku is a learned f.o.o.l
I have no fight with citizens like Muzvinafundo wemitemo Lovemore Madhuku for calling of the removal of sanctions. My fight with them comes when they fail to deal with the other side of the coin. Sanctions were imposed on account of Human Rights violations. The recently installed Kenyan President, Mr Ruto, SADC and AU, all demanded the dismantling of sanctions and Professor Lovemore Madhuku has joined the fray. All these people and groups are failing to tell the world that there are no longer Human Rights violations because they know that Human Rights violations, corruption and no rule of law practices are the order of the day. It is very shameful, especially for Zimbabweans, to call for the removal of sanctions without telling His Excellency Advocate President ED Mnangagwa to tell his captured judiciary to release the Nyatsime 16 on bail and allow opposition political parties to campeign without impingements. These are just a few examples. [ PROPATRIA [ FOR THE COUNTRY ], PROPOPULO [ FOR THE PEOPLE ] and PROLEGE [ FOR THE LAW ]. [ CITIZENS MUST REGISTER TO VOTE AND VOTE CCC POLITICAL PARTY FOR REAL CHANGE]. William Sonboy CHINEMBIRI [THE BUSH LAWYER
Chibaba · 2 years ago
No reforms More sanctions USA irikutaura wani zviri simple kana mukavukura sei haribvi kana pasina mareforms
Skalazi International · 2 years ago
Madhuku convert your Polad vehicle into an ambulance and donate it to the people of Mabvuku.Then ask for the removal of sanctions. Anyway u improving your sell out skills. 2023 unenge wava minister of Corruption
Stallion · 2 years ago
sanctions are a condition which demands our gvt to make some reforms . Vanhu vakapindwa for no reason vamwe vari mumajeri for no reason mbavha dziri kufamba free nemhondi dzadzo saka all these need to be reformed
Citizen · 2 years ago
Zanupf bootlicker Madhuku should stop campaigning for zanupf and instead pressure them on reforms and respect for human rights... rule of law... corruption..... >>
cde Chipopi · 2 years ago
Academic fools like lovemore madhuku are a liability in African countries. Instead of telling ED to simply adopt the look West policy, they will be busy barking nonsense.
stallion · 2 years ago
Y oh · 2 years ago
The major reason why sanctions should actually be removed is the need to remove the veil of excuses and enable us all, gullible or not, to see what exactly is going wrong in Zimbabwean affairs. There's right now too much and almost habitual attribution of any wrong to Western imposed sanctions. And it's sickening.
kopo · 2 years ago
Zim cld be self sustained if there was no wadle jena vachitora 5$us mln, mupfumira 90$mln , marry waka externaliser 2 hahaha kuzot scarura nana mugabe vaka misplacer 15us$ bln..
Nimrod · 2 years ago
Proff Madhuku why not only comment on constitutional issues where you are a reknowned guru and just keep quite about economic issues. lwo ma lines of credit ekungowedzera zvikwereti zvisingabhadharwe akanyanyoita sei? lnga kune look east policy, why can't it prevail over the sanctions.
FMD Enterprises · 2 years ago
Americans must remove those sanctions because some of us want to get into FX trading online.
N · 2 years ago
@MHisBlessed people are trading forex online in zim, are you leaving under a rock ?
FMD Enterprises · 2 years ago
Yeah using a third party to do withdrawal and deposit for you. So of these "agents" demand up 30% fee. Out of curiosity which trading platform are you using that doesn't need agents to deal with American banks ?
🌚🌚🌚🌚🇱🇷🇺🇦 · 2 years ago
Whose money does Zimbabwe want to borrow? The money will go into the pocketsvof the thieving cartels and we will still suffer .
Sanctions scapegoat · 2 years ago
We are tired of this issue. vakamboitangirei nyaya yacho vasina counter strategy? Ko look east policy where is it helping? the so called all- weather- friends?

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