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Chokuda Says He Cancelled The Laptop Tenders In August

2 years agoSun, 18 Sep 2022 12:54:17 GMT
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Chokuda Says He Cancelled The Laptop Tenders In August

The Clerk of Parliament of Zimbabwe, Mr Kennedy Chokuda, has said he cancelled the controversial laptop tender in August.

He said this was regardless of compliance with all procurement requirements in choosing the two companies that eventually won tender to supply laptops and desktops. 

In a statement seen by Pindula News, Chokuda said the two companies, Blinart Investments P/L ANCE and Mid-End Computers and Hardware (P/L) had the lowest prices compared to their competitors. Reads his statement issued on 17 September 2022:

However, while all the procurement processes had been adhered to and cognizant of the need to exercise prudence and probity in all procurement processes, our due diligence processes indicated that the prices quoted were highly inflated. It is at this particular point that on Friday 9th August 2022. I, as the Accounting Officer, directed the Parliament’s Director Procurement Unit, in the presence of the Director Audit, to initiate cancellation of the tender and to proceed with retendering as the quoted prices were not justified. It is in this regard, that no contract has been signed with any of the two suppliers, and no payment processes have been activated in respect of the two suppliers.


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In a different letter dated 29 August 2022, Chokuda notified other companies that had applied for tender that Blinart Investments and Mid-End Computers and Hardware had won the tenders. Reads the letter seen by Pindula News:


I take this chance to appreciate your efforts for the Supply and Delivery of 173 Laptops and 79 All m One Desktops. The Evaluation Committee was impressed by your documentation and how you presented your bid…

The award for the Supply and Delivery of 173 Laptops and 79 All in One Desktops was awarded to the following bidders whose bid was more responsive to the proposal requirements.

He then stated that Blinart Investments had won the tenders to supply laptops at USD9 264.48 each while Mid-End Computers and Hardware had won the tender to supply desktops at USD3 076.61 each.

His statement issued on Saturday 17 September came after the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development had directed the cancellation of the tender and blacklisting of the concerned suppliers from any future Government procurement process.

Treasury cited exorbitantly inflated prices. Finance Secretary George Guvamatanga said:

It has come to Treasury’s attention that Parliament of Zimbabwe had awarded a tender for the supply and delivery of laptops and desktops to the following companies as follows:

Blinart Investments P/L ANCE 173 Laptops 1 602 755.77
Mid-End Computers and Hardware (P/L) 79 Desktops 243 052.36

Treasury notes with concern that these suppliers are charging USD9 264.48 and USD3 076.61 for a laptop and desktop, respectively. These USD dollar prices have been exorbitantly inflated way beyond those that are prevailing in the market and hence, are not acceptable.

It is not clear why Treasury would cancel a tender that was cancelled in August.

Pindula News



Faith · 2 years ago
Ma laptop haasi kumbodhura aya ndo price yawo chaiyo, cuz anobhadharwa ne RTGS ne interbank so 9000 USD ne interbank imarii, and remember ma laptop kwawo aya not emu black market probably ma macbook e apple aya, price yacho kuma 3000 usd plus profit plus vat plus transport cost, then convert mari iyoyo kuiisa kuma rtgs, then ma rtgs iwayo wozoona kuti ma USD mangani ne interbank.... Economy yedu ndoyakadhakwa chete there is no looting apa... ma companies aya aigona kutoita loss kana dai mari idzi dzakanonoka kubhadharwa yaitorohwa ne inflation
Thomas Kandima Chimuperu · 2 years ago
Anonymous it seems that you are one of the directors of these fraud companies. The support you are giving to the Looters Club smells to high heaven Warasiswa kaaa. Iba zvirinani kwete kuti price yema US dollars wori ndeye ma bond!! Ukawana nguva ukwane Sahwira.
Lance Sahondo · 2 years ago
Sorry I meant Chokuda. How dd it get to treasury if he cancelled the tender? Ngaatiudze kuti ndiyani akadzvanya green button? If he cancelled it the only one with veto powers over his signature is the Speaker of Parliament. NdiMudenda here akabaya green button? Hurunende yavatema! Ndabvuma zvangu and havatombonyari Coys created for this deal only Who are the directors of these coys, for interest's sake? Gore rino!
Lance Sahondo · 2 years ago
Cofusion. Chotanga chiiko? Awarding of tender or cancellation? How can Guvamatanga cancel a tender that was not awarded? Which means smone had approved it and deal ranga ratopera. Munhu ngaabatwe. Kuba kuri pachena. Briefcase coys asina any track road.
Majority Rule · 2 years ago
Looting club, hapana anosungwa vanotopuhwa nyembe,kaCompany kacho kakapuhwa Tender pidigudhii zvangu
Jakudunya · 2 years ago
Haa this is a good example of corporate governance. Down with corruption.
Nimrod · 2 years ago
l agree with @ Machiavelli; something is smelling to high heaven. lko kumbopa award ye Laptop ye US$9000 plus each doesn't show due diligence at all. A very good ordinary laptop ranges from around US $500-$800. $9300 for one laptop, is stupendous. Gvt is loosing far much more. The DDF should also be scrutinised
Maparamuro · 2 years ago
If this was done and canceled at perliament then how did treasury know about it. If chokuda canceled the tender then who submitted it to treasury for payment. Mbavha idzi
Machiavelli · 2 years ago
@Maparamuro all government, parastatals and quasi government bodies procurement and tenders go through The Procurement Authority of Zimbabwe (PRAZ), which falls under The Ministry of Finance, and whose General Manager reports to the Accountant-General @ The Ministry of Finance.
Maparamuro · 2 years ago
@Machiavelli parliament says it chose those two companies because they had the lowest prices then after choosing them they then went on to cancel the tender because prices were inflated. At what point did they realise the prices were inflated? How did they choose companies if they saw that the prices were inflated. Initial report by treasury said the tender had been approved by parliament an here chokuda says it was never approved. Someone is not telling the truth here
Idyai mugute 2023 isati yasvika · 2 years ago
CCC come in
Wisdom · 2 years ago
Mari ye 5 malaptop ndoyamukuswera kutinyaudza nayo **** imi
ComedyHalfHour · 2 years ago
😂 It's a circus full of clowns tripping over themselves 😂 😂 😂
Surprised Onlooker · 2 years ago
Taurai zvenyu chief kkkkkkkk that's our Zim reps a circus laughing stock .

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