A United Nations official on Tuesday indirectly rejected claims by Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) leader Nelson Chamisa that he was in talks with the UN to supervise Zimbabwe’s general elections next year to ensure transparency and fairness.
Chamisa, who rejected the outcome of the 2018 presidential election, citing rigging allegations, has in recent weeks claimed the CCC was arranging UN supervision of the 2023 harmonised elections.
He made the latest claim at his party’s “Thank You” rally in Chinhoyi on Sunday.
UN Resident and Humanitarian Co-ordinator for Zimbabwe, Edward Kallon, told New Ziana that the UN required a mandate from either the General Assembly or its Security Council to supervise elections in a member country.
He said the UN last supervised an election in 1989 in Namibia when the country gained independence. Said Kallon:
UN electoral supervision requires a mandate from the General Assembly or the Security Council.
It has been undertaken in the context of decolonization, and at the request of the relevant government.
The most recently UN supervised elections were in Namibia in 1989 in a peculiar context.
Kallon said technical assistance was now the most common type of support given to member states by the UN. He said:
The United Nations provides different types of electoral assistance. Technical assistance is the most common form of support provided to Member States.
In Zimbabwe, UNDP has been providing support to the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission since 2016, through the ZIM-ECO (ZEC capacity-building) project, which provides technical support to the electoral process in Zimbabwe.
Richard Dube · 2 years ago
Citizens who think like former Minister Ncube are a clear danger to the country of Zimbabwe because they are anti democracy.
It is well documented that ZAPRA and ZANLA fought for the liberation of Zimbabwe. Independence came on the 18th of April 1980.
These gallant fighters of our liberation, ZANLA and ZIPRA, did not fight alone. They used the general public to collect intelligence which the fighters used to execute the the war, [Mijibha]. Senior citizens fed the comrades with fleshy chickens, goats, sheep, pigs and cattle.
Vana Chimbwido also played their vital part in the liberation this country. I am currently not at liberty to go into details.
Almost every family lost a dear relative during the war of liberation. The war veterans must not rescind on their promise during the war of liberation, that they were fighting for democracy.
Therefore, I want to repeat that the war of liberation did not mortgage the country to ZANU PF nor did it give ZANU PF title deeds to own our beloved Zimbabwe.
Yours faithfully
Advocate Richard Dube
[ THE Treasonous ].
Richard Dube · 2 years ago
Citizens who think like former Minister Ncube are a clear danger to the country of Zimbabwe because they are anti democracy.
It is well documented that ZAPRA and ZANLA fought for the liberation of Zimbabwe. Independence came on the 18th of April 1980.
These gallant fighters of our liberation, ZANLA and ZIPRA, did not fight alone. They used the general public to collect intelligence which the fighters used to execute the the war, [Mijibha]. Senior citizens fed the comrades with fleshy chickens, goats, sheep, pigs and cattle.
Vana Chimbwido also played their vital part in the liberation this country. I am currently not at liberty to go into details.
Almost every family lost a dear relative during the war of liberation. The war veterans must not rescind on their promise during the war of liberation, that they were fighting for democracy.
Therefore, I want to repeat that the war of liberation did not mortgage the country to ZANU PF nor did it give ZANU PF title deeds to own our beloved Zimbabwe.
Yours faithfully
Advocate Richard Dube
[ THE Treasonous].
jz · 2 years ago
Chamisa anodhuva kunyepa nguva yose hameno vanomutevera kt vakaita sei,,,,aimboti masanctions hakuna ktadza kurongeka kweZanuPF,,,,,,but akazenge oti masanctions anofanira kubviswa,,,aibviswa pai iwo asipo,,,imboko mfana uyu,,,anofunga kt UN ingafambira zvakadaro kuZim ,,,kt Chamisa winner chete chero asina here,,,,arikurota chair yehumambo,,,kwete akagara pachair yehumambo,,,ngaamborara naFadzai pamwe angarotawo zvirinane achidya mauyu kwake kwaGutu