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UN Official Rejects Chamisa Claims

2 years agoThu, 15 Sep 2022 16:59:28 GMT
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UN Official Rejects Chamisa Claims

A United Nations official on Tuesday indirectly rejected claims by Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) leader Nelson Chamisa that he was in talks with the UN to supervise Zimbabwe’s general elections next year to ensure transparency and fairness.

Chamisa, who rejected the outcome of the 2018 presidential election, citing rigging allegations, has in recent weeks claimed the CCC was arranging UN supervision of the 2023 harmonised elections.

He made the latest claim at his party’s “Thank You” rally in Chinhoyi on Sunday.

UN Resident and Humanitarian Co-ordinator for Zimbabwe, Edward Kallon, told New Ziana that the UN required a mandate from either the General Assembly or its Security Council to supervise elections in a member country.

He said the UN last supervised an election in 1989 in Namibia when the country gained independence. Said Kallon:

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UN electoral supervision requires a mandate from the General Assembly or the Security Council.

It has been undertaken in the context of decolonization, and at the request of the relevant government.

The most recently UN supervised elections were in Namibia in 1989 in a peculiar context.

Kallon said technical assistance was now the most common type of support given to member states by the UN. He said:

The United Nations provides different types of electoral assistance. Technical assistance is the most common form of support provided to Member States.

In Zimbabwe, UNDP has been providing support to the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission since 2016, through the ZIM-ECO (ZEC capacity-building) project, which provides technical support to the electoral process in Zimbabwe.



Cccc · 2 years ago
Chamisa I suscum anonyepesa iye vanhu kumuda kunge jeso akamuka akafa munodiii don't bleam Ed for your poverty wanzwa akaendeswa kuxool nabab cake kut ashande he is at work whatever he is doing wheather zvokuitira her or not sanda uite mari siyanai na my beloved father edd
Tkt says · 2 years ago
Isaac Banda · 2 years ago
kunyepa Kwa chamisa kunonakidza kkkkkkkkkk
NFDK · 2 years ago
kunyepa Kwa chamisa kunonakidza kkkkkkkkkk
ED · 2 years ago
I've gone through this article several times and I didn't see where it is qouted Chamisa claiming that in will supervise elections. Who wrote this article and for what reason??????? We can't be fooled by cheap propaganda
Richard Dube · 2 years ago
Citizens who think like former Minister Ncube are a clear danger to the country of Zimbabwe because they are anti democracy. It is well documented that ZAPRA and ZANLA fought for the liberation of Zimbabwe. Independence came on the 18th of April 1980. These gallant fighters of our liberation, ZANLA and ZIPRA, did not fight alone. They used the general public to collect intelligence which the fighters used to execute the the war, [Mijibha]. Senior citizens fed the comrades with fleshy chickens, goats, sheep, pigs and cattle. Vana Chimbwido also played their vital part in the liberation this country. I am currently not at liberty to go into details. Almost every family lost a dear relative during the war of liberation. The war veterans must not rescind on their promise during the war of liberation, that they were fighting for democracy. Therefore, I want to repeat that the war of liberation did not mortgage the country to ZANU PF nor did it give ZANU PF title deeds to own our beloved Zimbabwe. [ KUTONGA MAJANA VA "MUDHA" NCUBE ] [CITIZENS MUST REGISTER TO VOTE AND VOTE CCC FOR REAL CHANGE ]. Yours faithfully Advocate Richard Dube [ THE Treasonous ].
Richard Dube · 2 years ago
Citizens who think like former Minister Ncube are a clear danger to the country of Zimbabwe because they are anti democracy. It is well documented that ZAPRA and ZANLA fought for the liberation of Zimbabwe. Independence came on the 18th of April 1980. These gallant fighters of our liberation, ZANLA and ZIPRA, did not fight alone. They used the general public to collect intelligence which the fighters used to execute the the war, [Mijibha]. Senior citizens fed the comrades with fleshy chickens, goats, sheep, pigs and cattle. Vana Chimbwido also played their vital part in the liberation this country. I am currently not at liberty to go into details. Almost every family lost a dear relative during the war of liberation. The war veterans must not rescind on their promise during the war of liberation, that they were fighting for democracy. Therefore, I want to repeat that the war of liberation did not mortgage the country to ZANU PF nor did it give ZANU PF title deeds to own our beloved Zimbabwe. [CITIZENS MUST REGISTER TO VOTE AND VOTE CCC FOR REAL CHANGE ]. Yours faithfully Advocate Richard Dube [ THE Treasonous].
Don GAGAN · 2 years ago
Chamisa is now a Certified Serial Liar.He once lied that he met Donald Trump.Ngaapinde hake ED Pfeeeeeeeee
Sabhuku · 2 years ago
Zvana zvema MEGA DEALS garai pasi. There was never that declaration they're journalists' insinuations. Same as people interpret a Bible on their own terms ndozvakaitwa na journalist avo. Takamirira UN, ko how far ma MEGA DEALS 😂😂😂😂
Maparamuro · 2 years ago
Idhi is a plunderers, a looter, a murderer. Chamisa is a blatant liar with no shame, lies with a straight face as if there is no tomorrow. Is this the best Zimbabwe can offer, are there no better people than these two?
Philip Magavhi · 2 years ago
kna uri wZanu nyarra hapana chaungatiudze taneta nayo,mbavha dzevnhu kubva kumukuru wcho
jz · 2 years ago
Chamisa anodhuva kunyepa nguva yose hameno vanomutevera kt vakaita sei,,,,aimboti masanctions hakuna ktadza kurongeka kweZanuPF,,,,,,but akazenge oti masanctions anofanira kubviswa,,,aibviswa pai iwo asipo,,,imboko mfana uyu,,,anofunga kt UN ingafambira zvakadaro kuZim ,,,kt Chamisa winner chete chero asina here,,,,arikurota chair yehumambo,,,kwete akagara pachair yehumambo,,,ngaamborara naFadzai pamwe angarotawo zvirinane achidya mauyu kwake kwaGutu
FADZAI MAHERE · 2 years ago
I’m Fafa, I carried Nelly’s child. Ko Bush Lawyer mava ku sapota Zanu
jj · 2 years ago
zanu pf vanonyepa 42yrs in power killing economy. ngaapinde haake mkomana CCC Chamisa chete chete
Maparamuro · 2 years ago
Patakasangana na Trump akatibvunza kuti munoda marii. But I never said that it from other people. Idhi will be gone in the next five months I have requested the UN to supervise 2023 elections............ List goes on. Can't remember any truth coming from chamisa
Mdala wethu · 2 years ago
Chinyaya chekunyepa icho dai Zanu B C tv yazvibuditsa kkkkkk
CCC · 2 years ago
chamisa chete chete
Faith · 2 years ago
Which claim did Chamisa make?? From the article itself Chamisa never made a claim about UN, he actually said he wish kut dai UN yavepo and they are trying to engage UN but yooh, vanonyora nhau vauya vanoita fanika ndovega vanogona chirungu
yyy · 2 years ago
vote Strive
mtt · 2 years ago
Vote Strive
mtt · 2 years ago
VOTE STRIVE FOR SUCCESS!!!!!! nhema pamusha hanzi ndapiwa 3 naTrump
Crocodile · 2 years ago
Ed promised maZimbabweans jobs Jobs jobs Jobs wani izvezvi vana vakuita majobs ekumwa mitoriro hamuna nyaya vanhu veZanu
Ginious · 2 years ago
nematitle deeds,nefree education
Pride · 2 years ago
Pride · 2 years ago
CCC is arranging to talk to UN to come and supervise the 2023 elections chete....ndepapi panzi akataura ne UN??
Chipoko chaQueen · 2 years ago
Last time kurally Chamisa said „Ndiwe ani unondirambidza kupinda muhofisi,manje ndirikutomupinda chete 2023“ Zanu Pf media ikatoburitsa kuty Chamisa is promising Violence if he loses Saka beleive whatever you want
Pride · 2 years ago
hanzi Chamisa akati CCC is arranging to talk with UN to come and supervise the 2023 elections chete maZanu imi ma****...hazvina kunzi akatotaura navo but zvinhu zvirimuhurongwa hwe CCC asi havasati vataura ne UN yacho.
2023 · 2 years ago
lm elections results were is UN &AU & also sadc bcse chamisa want's to robe mee
Citizen raPep naChisa · 2 years ago
Pindula please potai muchipa vanhu complete NEWS .CCC has reached out to AU and SADC to dialogue on the socioeconomic crisis in Zimbabwe.then ma**** kwakushandura nyaya vachiti Chamisa ataura neUN nezvema elections.then UN kwakutaura kuty hatizvizive.imimi Pindula makungobufitsa last nyaya isina background This is what happened when Strive paakanyeperwa kuty akuda kutenga Sundowns,Sundowns ikaty hatizvizive Strive akaty handitozive kuty kune club yakadaro ini😂😂isu wamwe tiri matwitter warrior hamutibhaize manje
??? · 2 years ago
pamwe ndabofu...ndepapi pambonzi Chamisa akati UN irokuuya kuzosupervisor maelections.mundiratidzeiwo hama dzangu.
Prince · 2 years ago
I don see pakuratidza kut UN yati Chamisa akanyepa zvingor zvima Herald Pindula Journalst zvinoita misled pple nemaheadline ekupeng
Cde muchapondwa · 2 years ago
Regai mukomana apinde ungati Ed ane vision asina chaaita munyika basa kuuraya nyika chete ED anotonga . chamisa anotungamirira # regster to vote Zimbabwean
Citizen raPep naChamisa · 2 years ago
Hahaha vanhu vese veZANU tabva takuonai hahaha.First of all Chamisa never mentioned this issue.UN can’t even help Ukraine moti vano supervisor which elections.iyo nyaya yePindula yekugadzirira tunyaya twefake far nyaya iyi ndatotanga kuionawo pano,nowhere else is it mentioned,ndiyo inonzi propaganda manje
maimunah · 2 years ago
madiro aunoita chaimisa ukanzi nanzva mudhoto wake unonanzva iwewe.. ukuda munhu Ari kutorambwa naUN yacho kuti anonyepaa
Citizen raPep naChamisa · 2 years ago
I don’t even support Chamisa I just support anyone who wants to remove these Corrupt Self proclaimed saviors of Zimbabwe.All these politicians are corrupt liars.asi tinongovhotera anoba achitisiirawo something
Susan · 2 years ago
I was raped by ED & Mudha, I am not lying.
Emmanuel APIPU · 2 years ago
Bullet train 🚂 kkkkkk
Compass · 2 years ago
Pendula shaa tipowo ma results Eufa please
Leviticus Chaunoita · 2 years ago
Pamberi ne Zanu pf. Vaita vana Vadiki kana vakati parliament ye Britan iwuye tongovadya vachingohukura. Pamberi nekutonga
,,, Dott · 2 years ago
Mfana uyu chaano gona kutaurisa,, hapana kwaanokusvitsai mazimbabweans
kk · 2 years ago
vapfanha vema V11 kaa ava hehedeee
,,, Dott · 2 years ago
Chamisa ndewe kuma. ma uyu haana maleadership qualities,, he wil never deliver us 2 canaan,,,, lets be patience ,,, Garwe ane vision yekugadzira nyika
,,, Dott · 2 years ago
Takakuudzai kuti kamukomana kanonyepa aka , kanga leader sei nyika kunypera vanhu kut U.N iku superviser kuti kape vanhu ma false hopes,,,,, kambwa mupengo hakafe kakatonga nyika ino haitongwi nembavha baba venhema

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