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Mangwana Lists Options For Students Struggling To Pay Fees

2 years agoMon, 12 Sep 2022 18:52:15 GMT
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Mangwana Lists Options For Students Struggling To Pay Fees

Information, Broadcasting and Publicity Services Secretary, Nick Mangwana has listed options for students struggling to pay fees. 

This comes amid outrage over a fee increase by the University of Zimbabwe (UZ). He said this Monday:

There are students whose domestic situations are such that they may struggle to pay fees. Universities run different support schemes to assist these students meet their fees. Some unis like the UZ have these schemes;

1- Work Study Programs

2- Fees Payment Plans

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3- Student Loans

Following a review of UZ fees, some have been calling for the reintroduction of students’ grants to assist struggling students.

Student Loans:

The government reintroduced loan schemes for students in State institutions in 2019. The facility had been discontinued in the 1990s due to non-payment.

The Minister of Higher and Tertiary Education, Science and Technology Development, Professor Amon Murwira, announced in 2019 that the student loan scheme would be administered by the Commercial Bank of Zimbabwe.

He said the loan must be paid back to enable the sustainability of the critical intervention. He added back then:

We are now very strict. This is a commercial arrangement and students will have to pay (back). The government used to have this facility, but it collapsed during the 90s due to non-payment.

We cannot continue to be careless and we will follow up on beneficiaries. We want to support and empower the next generation

If assessed and approved, the beneficiaries will pay as they go. The payments will differ according to the beneficiaries’ capacity.

He also said the system would be tailor-made to the capability of the individual.

Work Study Programs:

In other countries, Work-Study provides part-time jobs for undergraduate and graduate students with financial need, allowing them to earn money to help pay education expenses. The program encourages community service work and work related to the student’s course of study.

Pindula News



Anonymous · 2 years ago
Im here in rutenga amarula haisi kushanda vashandi vakatosiya basa vave kutorojesa ma NGOs building yacho
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Student loans are traps even in countries like USA,munhu anosvika pakufa achimabhadhara
Dhuterere · 2 years ago
Mangwana is far detached from the real struggles bedevilling citizens and as such does not deserve to represent a gvt that works for the pple he is too elite in his thinking and choice of words he has no empathy at all
Nkosi Ntini · 2 years ago
Civil Servant anotambira around zwl 30000.00 per month UZ fees (Government Institute) kunodzidza mwana wa Civil Servant kodiwa zwl 485000.00. Vauchirirei maoko, vapei sando dzavo. Zvekuti muchaita sei havanei vazvo and hazvitaurwe. Ongororai nyaya iyi nemweya wa Mwari zviri honest. Mwana wacho anobhadhara loan yacho nei iwo mabasa kusina.. Akashandira fees yacho yatove life yesezve tichitarisa mari yavanotambiriswa. All this is evidence yekuti pane zvisina kumira mushe apa.
tongai santana · 2 years ago
kupi kunotambirwa 30000
g · 2 years ago
mudhibhisi anopihwa 30000 rtgs i can upload th payslip now
Doug · 2 years ago
Before independence, the poor who qualified for university were never made to struggle with fees and they managed to finish their degree studies.
Mlotshwa · 2 years ago
This speech reminds me of a Shona proveb"Kudada kwevarimugomo kukumbira varipasi mapfihwa"🤗
Tkt says · 2 years ago
Haa guys for you nown information, no DAM has been built in ZIMBABWE zvisina mining MUKATI @Marovanyati there, the Chinese we're but mining a huge deposit of gold 🌟 🌟, uchahwa rumwe richiti kunyepa isu taka pa shanda tibvunzei A lot of us who worked at the site son are dead bcoz they knew we would disclose the real motive behind
Mambo k · 2 years ago
nyora neshona chirungu chokunetsa iwe **** ukasiyaka n kusiya kwenyu it doesn't mean that's all also the end of the project go back n see not kungoukura
Faith · 2 years ago
if theres a war against terrorism its going to start because of wat this terrorist called mangwana says. He's the definition of vulgar and an insult to reason. Poor decisions and bad choice of words are his order of the day
Ashley · 2 years ago
Musafadzwe nenhemamatsotsi
Faith · 2 years ago
I come from Murambinda, Marovanyati Dam was started by Mugabe, Chinese were looting minerals from that area for years. Offici opening was done by ED claiming the dam was 90% complete. Since then ndopatichiri rakatombodhirika spill way yacho during Cyclone Idai haisati yavakwa nanhasi
Wisdom · 2 years ago
EDiocratic republic of Zimbabwe
Mr galguide · 2 years ago
mmmm indava une problem iwe advocate
Leviticus Chaunoita · 2 years ago
Pamberi ne Zanu pf. But ma Diamonds ngaabhadhare vana like Zvaiitwa ku Libya
Anonymous · 2 years ago
But Makangomu sabotager Gaddafi wacho
Thomas Kandima Chimuperu · 2 years ago
Imi inga Maka sabotage Bob The Goblin in November 2017
Worzell Gummidge · 2 years ago
ZANU PF AND ED FAILURES IN 42 YEARS: Rampant corruption and no convictions. No national project ever completed on time. UZ fees now pegged at ZW$500 000 per Semester. Government services charged in U$ Dollars. Hyperinflation. All natural resources & minerals dished out to the Chinese in exchange for personal bribes. Poorly paid civil servants. Theft of pension funds. Some pensioners receiving U$6 per month. Increased electricity blackouts and daily load shedding. No clean running water in towns. One Television channel in 42 years. Millions of people living outside the country as economic refugees. High Unemployment rate. Drug abuse by unemployed youths. Use of Witchcraft and Satanic practices in governance of the State. GMB & Cottco not paying farmers on time and usually not at all. Collapsed health systems with no medicines in hospitals.
GreenWorld · 2 years ago
Mxm Tibvire
Mambo k · 2 years ago
povho yaramba nyarara iwe une brain problem CCC yakarova ma journalist wani saka rohwai usarove kana uchida kuti usarohwewo

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