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Apostolic Sect Member Says It's An Offence To Receive Medical Treatment

2 years agoSat, 10 Sep 2022 16:29:57 GMT
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Apostolic Sect Member Says It's An Offence To Receive Medical Treatment

A member of the Johanne Marange Apostolic sect says it is an offence for any of their members to receive medical treatment.

Dorcas Mhere (47), the senior wife of Clever Maveto, said they have been using holy water, salt and cooking oil to cure all her children when they fall ill since the early 1980s.

The Maveto family, from Bikita District in Masvingo Province, is accused of burying children in a mass grave after they allegedly succumbed to measles.

Reports claimed Maveto (67), a polygamist, buried his children, aged one, three and four years – as well as a 10-month-old toddler – under the cover of darkness after they allegedly succumbed to measles-related complications last month.

Maveto has, however, refuted the allegations saying he is prepared to let anyone exhume the bodies to see for themselves that there were no mass graves at his homestead.

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Meanwhile, Mhere told H-Metro that she has never been to a hospital and depends on prayers and help from prophets. She said:

It is not allowed for one to seek medical attention. You just pray for whatever illness you’re facing or consult the prophet for help.

We only use holy water, cooking oil and salt, depending on the prophet’s instructions.

When a child is born, we perform a ritual to protect the baby from measles.

For other ailments, like a running stomach, we use fresh milk and Coca-Cola, to cleanse the body.

Alice Chiyambiro, Mhere’s sister, said they also use a mixture of lemons, cooking oil and warm water for healing infants with fontanelle problems (nhova).



George Madiro · 2 years ago
Shame maningi stereck
Buju · 2 years ago
Science has brought more harm than good mapositori ari right 100% chifafu zvauri kuti zvakavhenekwa nana mazvikokota ipoiso kuvanhu rimwe gore kwakaita debate remvura inoiswa choline zvakasapera zvakanga tarisai zvirwere zvawanda zvisinganzwisisike munonyanya kukambira zvakauya nevauyi mwari haashanduke
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Imhuka idzi🛂
mubocha wekwamutare · 2 years ago
Mapositori akapusa maningi ndosaka mubhaibheri mwainga naana chiremba(Luke)airape anhu
Ccc · 2 years ago
Apana munhu anorambidza munhu kuenda kuhospital ended apana munhu anondidzinga church weather ndaenda or not but munhu anoita zvaanoda nelyf yake .siyanai nechurch yevanhu .pindula nyora news dzine musoro kwete kuswerera tunyaya tusina basa .I don't see problem with johhane marange
fifi · 2 years ago
true believer kkkkkkk
fifi · 2 years ago
munhu waunoti haazive anoziva , anoziva uya haazive. regai ararame akadaro nokuti ndizvo zvamusvitsa paari nhasi kkkkkkkkk mapositori vari kumberi -mberi
Chemusango · 2 years ago
Vakapusa.Ngavaverenge bible mushe
Chemusango · 2 years ago
ngavaverenge bible zvakanaka
Knivesout · 2 years ago
Verse Ani?
Tkt says · 2 years ago
As much as you may shout, you don't listen 👂 you guys Isu MAPOSITORA takaku udzai kuti hatisi kuzobaiwa nhomba dzeCOVID bcoz it will die out a natural death I even gave you a timeline or the days at which COVID will be no more mukandi idza benzi Since early last year, I said COVID will be dead by JULY 2022 and lo, where is it now? As for measles kwenyu kuda Lula maningi nesombonyo zvokutadza kuchengetedza vana here? Spare Sombonyo for a week and see kuti haararame here? After all its healthy for you two papa & mama when you restart your game baba vanonga vakagwinya kuita chigwindiri mai mode kufa ngeku nakirwa
Confidence · 2 years ago
Mimrod · 2 years ago
Mapositiri ndiwo arikudzorera nyika kumas**** ngaingovharwa church yacho zvavari kuita hazvisi zvekunamata
Majority Rule · 2 years ago
Ndosaka zanu ichivashandisa nekuti vakazungaira mapositori
Pride · 2 years ago
these apostolic sects they are cults
Naruto · 2 years ago
Vana Queen Elizabeth lived to 96 years of age because vaipota vachienda kumaDoctors kunowana maTreatments, kwete nonsense dzenyu dzekuti munhu anoshandisa colgate neCoco-Cola. Wakambonzwa Coco-Cola inonzi nemaDoctor usamwe kana uine maUlcers ichinzi inorapa munhu? I'm tired ini, innocent children who could live to 50 years of age die young just because of foolish parents. Chero vanaRussia neChina vaccinate their children and they don't believe in God zvekudaro saka chii chashamisira pamapenzi anoita sangano pamuti kuti they mustn't vaccinate their children? Hakuna zvakadaro. Ladies and gentlemen, let's capture these kids and drag them to be vaccinated coz we'll have our own kids infected and die takangotarisa. If not then every person who refuses to vaccinate their kids should be sent to the farms nerusvava chake vafira ikoko kumunda or die kuSouth Africa.
Bhuru · 2 years ago
But wangu...queen Elizabeth ukapagaya unoti vaisashandisa pure natural ingredients dzavaiba from dzimwe nyika here kuti vatsike kuma90...china..afrika..etc..ukapagaya zvavaipuwa hazviwanikwe mumahospitals ekuUK...coz dai vaipinda any hospital...zvaingonzi ndezvaqueen...kwete vip kana mp kana rich nhingi..but queen Poita isue yekufa kwevana..kune vakungorarama izvezvi vakafa Wani...the living dead...zvimwe zvacho zvichagona zviri bias futi pachitym tym...tisangogashire zvese tichiti ichokwadi..look both sydes Ivo vanarussia nana...vatoriwo nemaextrimists ekowo Kungoti handizivi zvoofambiswa sei hangu nevemagemenzi but handifunge vese vanoshandisa cocakora method yarehwa...chete gudo rikaba..zvoonzi makudo aba But iro rakasvetuka COVID kunge skipping rope..vamwe muchizadza maclinic Ndo pakuita ndigaye wangu...nekuti akording to iri were supposed to be whipped out by COVID since vaisabaiwa...ndo theori ka...but hona paground wangu...hona vise versa dzacho wangu
Allen Matengeni · 2 years ago
i agree with you... cholera yakambouya futi vakaita murakatira kufa... imajeni kuti of all the provinces Manicaland ine more tha 50% yafa necovid
Allen Matengeni · 2 years ago
i agree with you... cholera yakambouya futi vakaita murakatira kufa... imajeni kuti of all the provinces Manicaland ine more tha 50% yafa nemeasles
coca cola · 2 years ago
coke cola ndeye mapositori
Ndini renyu rakapotsa chembha · 2 years ago
Pastor · 2 years ago
I team ra anti Christu Iri!
Bhuru · 2 years ago
Waangu...waangu...maAnti Christ sandiwo atozara mumakereke here..achibira varombo nekuita zviito.....nyatsopagaya wangu
Bhuru · 2 years ago
But imbopagaya...these pipo myt be some vane the strongest imune systrm in zim or globaly... vanotamba nenatural tings(mostly) plus their ayatem is not contaminated or tainted .. they actualy have long lifespan than most vanoti hee hoapital.Yes the methods seem cruel n wrong ..kufa kwevana n pipo but..kunosara vakasimba(strong breeds). .vamwe vachitoti vese vachfa but honai kuwanda kwavo uye gudhu health... asi kuzoti vorambidzwa kuenda kuchipatara nemunhu anoenda..mmm But hanzi chese chine zvachakanakira nekuipira Pamwe tichatozoda help frm these pipo's imune sys kuti tigadzire kiyuwa..sinsi yavo iri piyuwa Mheno...kufunga kwangu hangu ndichipisa danda
Naruto · 2 years ago
What a bunch of gibberish garbage. Heee panosara fittest kudii? Saka unoti God created people kuti pasare maStrong breeds Here kana kuti He made people kuti tese to worship his name? He even gave us doctors for that purpose so that we get professional help when we're sick. He gave intelligence to people to create vaccines and medicines to treat us kana tarwara and also prevent us from getting sick too. These fxckers need to be banned chete. Kick them out to South Africa ukoko varauyiwe neDudula coz no one in Zim wants their kids to die because of an **** in white robes asingadi kuVaccinater mwana wake. I hate these fools
Bhuru · 2 years ago
Wangu Naruto...kungoti wapindira hako wakatsika ghiya imoshinari Mwari anemareasons ake aanosikira vanhu..kufa Kuriko futi Asi kuzoti isu tizode kujhajha neku...katanda karimuziso wangu Tarisa zvikuitwa mumakereke mazuva ano..varombo varikubiirwa..vanamai nanababa kusiiwa in poverty nemunhu akapfeka sutu...kuitiswa..wozonzwa vanhu vaita suwisaidhi kana kuti mwana akupisa danda seni Pamwe kungoti ndazvitarisawo ndichigaya mombe dzandavharira..mastrong breeds..but pagaye span yevanhu ava compared kune vanovimba newhite medicine Handina kuti medicine yakaipa...but COVID yakaita ndizvibvunze zvakawanda wangu...tarira vese vaibaiwa majority yavo kudonha kwayaiita..wotarisa team iro ...nekusabaiwa kwaro...raisadonha zvekumhanya Tarisa ratio dzacho wangu
Gwedu · 2 years ago
These are the highest level of brain wash. They are really captured by religion. Karl Max once said religion is an opium for the poor. Hosea said my people are dying because of lack of knowledge. These people needs a serious awareness and an intervention to de tocicate their mindset. They are dying alive. The world is moving forward and 20th century is over now we are close to the quarter of the 21st century. New disease are discovered, new medicine are discovered, new skills and ideas are discovered. but people are keeping captured by the nonsensical ideological thinking. My worry is zanu. it smiles watching on children dying for political gains. Out country needs a serious help form religion to politics. Religion is captured for toxic political gains. Politics is weaponized to impoverish people. Judiciary is weaponized to subjugate innocent and democratic people....Guys let's stand together, new ideas new strategies.Zanu must fall. ..
Muyuti · 2 years ago
but imbogayayi...these pipo are probably some of the healthiest pipo in zim...or globally.. their immune sys is pure and untainted... yes the methods are extreme..and seem cruel..kufa kwevana nekudini..but vanosara vanenge vakasimba..they have long lifespan..than most vanobaiwa..even..pakaita vanovaashuwira vese kuti vafe they still live on...pamwe one day we will need help from these peoples uncorrupted systems kuti pagadzirwe cure ...who knoz.....although kuzoti their leaders go to hospitals ivo vachirambidzwa..yha...but..zvonzi chesse chine zvachakanakira nekuipira..mheno..kufunga kwangu hangu ndichipisa danda
Tswetswe · 2 years ago
Mayuti angati ndiko kufunga kwangu ?. Kufunga ikoko ?.Haufunge iwe.. Asi unosvuta mbanje?
Leviticus Chaunoita · 2 years ago
Learn more about the natural methods than blaming the sect. Vakakubaya boost re covid vanototi shandisai ma Lemon, so ate these guys. mvura chaiyo inorapa sickness without attending to clinic. Now ur friends are busy testing there drugs on u desperate sickers. **** with mapostori news zvakangofanana nekuti Zanu yatibira asi muchiziva kjti penalty inohwinisa team
Johannes Mwansa · 2 years ago
kwa Mai chisamba tinoti varoverei maoko ,,maonero avo
Zimbo · 2 years ago
with this kind of mentality unobva watoona kuti hapana kwatirikuenda
Skibiri · 2 years ago
Typical of us as Africans we easily fool one another. With these latest diseases like cancer , covid ... Surely these Apostles will perish like cockroaches
Observer · 2 years ago
So this is what you give the president "holy water, cooking oil & salt, milk & Coca-Cola" while he is wearing a skirt & carrying a stick........agh shame zimbabwe
Does Zimbabwe have laws dealing with pandemics ? If it has, is Police using those laws to persuade Apostolic Church members to take their children to hospital for treatment and if they do not those kids to the hospital, arrest and prosecute them. Zimbabwe must do everything in its power to convince members of the Apostolic Church to take their children to hospital when they fall I'll by measles or any other pandemic. [ ZANU PF IS HARDHEARTED. IT IS BANKING ON APOSTOLIC CHURCH MEMBERS TO VOTE FOR THEM ]. [ VOTE CHAMISA CHETE CHETE ]. Yours faithfully William Sonboy CHINEMBIRI [ THE BUSH LAWYER ].
tongwai · 2 years ago
well there is freedom of worship in the constitution ndosaka vachitoita vekunyengerera
Worzell Gummidge. · 2 years ago
Yes, Zimbabwe has the Public Health Act. The public Health Act can be used to declare a public health emergency wherein all Zimbabweans regardless of religion or whatever persuasion are compelled by law to comply with any directive imposed by the Ministry of health including immunisations & vaccinations. Sadly, the Public Health Act is still to be aligned with the Constitution of Zimbabwe since 2013. The problem is, our leaders rely on the support of the Mapostan'a who who give them massive votes. So they look the other way when the white robbed cult members refuse immunisation. However some apostolic sects are progressive & they embrace medical science. The Constitution also curtails rights during public & national emergencies. Maybe there there hasn't been a Public health emergency pertaining to measles yet. Remember that COVID regulations where imposed using the Public Health Act and the WHO guidelines where turned into Statutory Instruments under the PHA.
... · 2 years ago
and how is coca cola made off kkkkkkkkk thick headed apostool
Apostool · 2 years ago
Tintin · 2 years ago
the wise thing to do is to put the measles vaccine in fresh milk and coca cola.
mwenewazvo · 2 years ago
😂😂😂😂😂😂 ehe ndokuzvipedza
Byron Chitanga · 2 years ago
bato nemikhando yevatsigiri varo
Doug · 2 years ago
Why is it that their members with high political positions go to hospitals when they fall ill, and, all their children will have had all the vaccinations?
Bindula · 2 years ago
Anochengeta munhu ndimwari asi mwari mumwechete iyeye ndiye anotipa ma scientists nema doctor anovandudza hupenyu hwedu. Zvimwe zvinongodawo kuvhura meso
Allen Matengeni · 2 years ago
You can say that again
,. · 2 years ago
Ndiyo Church inopinda Manyengavana nemhuri yake.
Comic · 2 years ago
The president's best friends
Sorojena · 2 years ago
I feel pity for these people. God assist those who seek assistance. Prayer alone can never cure a disease.
@Sorojena · 2 years ago
I feel pity for you for God only exists in your mind and like them think that holy water can cure illness.

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