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Khupe Planning To Recall Councillors To Paralyse Harare City Council And Let A Govt Commission Take Over - Report

4 years agoFri, 04 Sep 2020 10:33:51 GMT
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Khupe Planning To Recall Councillors To Paralyse Harare City Council And Let A Govt Commission Take Over  - Report

The Khupe led MDC faction is reportedly planning to paralyse the Harare City Council run by the MDC Alliance by recalling many councillors after Luckson Mukunguma lost to MDC Alliance candidate Jacob Mafume in the Harare Mayoral elections on yesterday, ZimMorning Post reports.

This was revealed by an MDC T official who said the party was moving to dismantle the Harare City Council as a reaction to losing to MDC Alliance. The well-placed source reportedly said:

We are faced with an impossible choice, either accept the MDC Alliance to continue using their influence in council to fund their operations which are targeted at defeating us, or to dismantle council, deprive it of a quorum and let a government run commission takeover.

According to the publication, massive recalls may open a window for the Government’s Ministry of Local Government to dissolve the Harare City Council and appoint a commission which will run the affairs of the city until the 2023 elections. The plot by the Khupe’s camp might be welcomed by the government which has been pushing July Moyo to dissolve the council and appoint a commission to run the council.

More: ZimMorning Post 

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