Private Sector Minimum Wage Set At $2 500
The government has gazetted Statutory Instrument 81 of 2020 which sets the national minimum wage at $2 549.74 for all employees except those in the agricultural and domestic sectors.
Labour Minister Paul Mavima said the directive comes into effect immediately, with those who are unable to pay the stipulated fees granted permission to apply for exemption with the relevant National Employment Councils.
Statutory Instrument 81 of 2020 reads in part:
The minimum wage of $2 549 applies to all workers other than domestic and agricultural employees, for which alternative provision will be made.
The exemption shall take immediate effect as granted by the NEC unless and until the Minister on grounds of public policy objects to it, in which event the minimum wage must be paid from the date of publication of this notice.
The newly gazetted minimum wage of $2 500 translates to US$100 at the fixed exchange rate of 1:25.