Govt Imitating Ian Smith By Spending US$88 Million On Fringe Opposition Politicians - MDC {Full Text}

The illegitimate government intends to spend $US88 million in scarce foreign currency on the Political Actors Dialogue (POLAD) platform while the nation starves and the slow genocide in the nation’s hospitals is getting worse every day.
POLAD is a talk show of fringe politicians who agree with Mr Mnangagwa and the broke government will spend some US$88 million in allowances, accommodation and workshops on them.
Meanwhile, the crisis in the country’s health institutions is worsening every day and the government has to date fired 211 doctors for demanding a living wage and better working conditions.
In the hospitals, there are virtually no medicines and other consumables while only last week, the police violently quelled a peaceful protest march by the country’s civil servants who were demanding better wages and improved working conditions.
Morale among the country’s civil service has hit rock-bottom.
The odious $88 million budget for POLAD vindicates the position that we took from the onset. We argued as a matter of principle that there was no wisdom in joining a politically compromised process which was designed to co-opt the opposition.
We refused to be puppets of a regime that is devoid of legitimacy. We knew POLAD was part of the regime strategy of co-optation of dissenting voices.
The disgraceful $88 million budget for POLAD is the most visible sign of the Zanu PF regime’s plan to buy the opposition and of the compromised former opposition parties’ willingness to sell their voices for a few pieces of silver.
These individuals masquerading as the opposition have no mandate from the people of Zimbabwe. Having failed to win the hearts of the people, they have shamelessly sold their souls to Zanu PF.
They are not the first to do so in the history of this country. Back in the late 1970s at the height of the liberation struggles, the Ian Smith regime managed to co-opt a few black leaders.
Those men who sold their souls were duly punished by history as the people emphatically rejected them at the first democratic elections in 1980. The people knew they had been used by the colonial regime to create a facade of change and progress.
Now, as 40 years ago, the people will not be fooled by those who have decided to abandon the cause of genuine democracy by working hand in glove with the monstrous regime.
History has plenty of examples of men and women who, out of selfishness and greed, have abandoned the people and chosen to line their pockets and fill their stomachs.
Mr Mnangagwa himself hires a private for all local and international trips while Zimbabweans can barely afford a meal every day.
The country has no fuel; prices of basic commodities are going up every day while despondent citizens have had to endure 18-hour power outages. The recklessness of this illegitimate regime knows no bounds.
The time has come for Zimbabweans to boldly say No to this gross insensitivity. Only a people’s government-mandated through a legitimate and credible election can begin to address the concerns of the people.
We demand an accountable, corrupt-free government. As we state in our RELOAD document, we demand a sincere, credible and honest dialogue process under a mutually agreed convener, a national transitional authority, comprehensive reforms and free and fair elections that must yield a popularly mandated government, which then must begin to transact the business of the people.
MDC @20: Celebrating courage, growth and the people’s victories.
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