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That whole blood is thicker than water is nothing: Wicknell warns sister about feuding with wife

7 years agoTue, 18 Jul 2017 11:56:51 GMT
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That whole blood is thicker than water is nothing: Wicknell warns sister about feuding with wife

Controversial businessman Wicknell Chivayo who paid lobola for his South African fiancee, Sonja Madzikanda, seems to have divided opinion among his family with his marriage. Wicknell’s sister Moe, who is based in the United States, took to social media site, Facebook, to make her feelings known.

Moe posted at different times:

Considering none of his six sisters are attending this circus (the sisters whose names she can’t memorise because they are too many) . . . I suggest some of you can go and represent coz pressure yacho ma1 and misquoting people . . . This story is becoming boring, don’t you think?

That’s why less people are showing interest. Hopefully now that they are gonna get married, we can stop hearing daily that they had eaten sadza with what meat

Hesi mhani KingYaya and QueenWicknell happily ever; after till money do them part when the king finds out Queen is a comic book millionaire and owes more than he owns. Good night send us pictures of the $50k that they said he was going to pay, I want to see it.

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Chivayo did not take this as well, and responded with:

Listen if she (Moe) doesn’t appreciate me, and doesn’t respect my choice then it’s not my fault, she’s my sister, she is my baby, that’s my last born, but if she’s stupid enough to go on social media and display my business and fight the girl that I’m intimate with, that I sleep in the same bed with, that makes me scream all night then she’s stupid because she can’t win that battle.

…And if she (sister) thinks she can control me over someone I sleep with, she is a fool, she’s stupid, these are matters of the heart, I will take my girl any day. She will realise it later in life that she misses me.

I asked her why she would want to fight with my girlfriend ‘do you want me to marry her?’ Don’t forget the bedroom power, that whole blood is thicker than water is nothing.

More: Daily News



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