Mujuru challenged on how she can be trusted when Zanu PF beat up and killed people when she was VP
7 years agoTue, 20 Jun 2017 14:21:35 GMT

Joice Mujuru is challenged by #ZimCitizen on how he can trust her when she is former Zanu-PF that beat him up & killed his relatives Part 1 pic.twitter.com/EtgVGyRdkV
— Povo Zimbabwe (@povozim) June 20, 2017
Joice Mujuru is challenged by #ZimCitizen on how he can trust her when she is former Zanu-PF that beat him up & killed his relatives Part 2 pic.twitter.com/9BClAE7PD9
— Povo Zimbabwe (@povozim) June 20, 2017
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