Former farm owner confront's Shamuyarira's widow, reminds her of how she has ruined the farm

Ben Freeth who was removed from Mount Carmel Farm near Chegutu recently paid a visit to former cabinet minister Nathan Shamuyarira’s widow whom he reminded of how much she had ruined the once productive farm.
Freeth told NewZimbabwe.com that he decided to visit Shamuyarira’s wife in Harare’s Borrowdale suburb after he saw that the farm that produced up to 1000 tonnes of export quality fruit mangoes and citrus, 500 cattle, over 500 giraffe, zebra, impala, sable, water buck, kudu plus tonnes of maize and some 200 tonnes of other fruit per season when he owned it was now lying idle.
Mrs Shamuyarira is said to have told Freeth that she could not produce anything meaningful at the farm because there was rampant theft of crops and some other produce. Freeth said that she became offended when he told her that thefts at the farm were nothing new as the farm, during its peak, could produce enough for exports in spite of the them.