The Nehanda Story (Movie)
A new movie, the untold story many of us have been waiting for. That is The Nehanda Story. It is the story around the trial and execution of Charwe Nyakasikana, the spirit medium for Mbuya Nehanda. She was one of the leaders of the resistance to white settler occupation in the 1890s. That the story is told in the context of history is where we love it. A story told by Zimbabweans, ownership of history and storytelling really.
The Nehanda Story stars Ratidzo Eunice Java, John Dennison, Larry Greeff, Khetani Michael Banda, Rodney Bowen, Andrew John Goddard, Tariro Washe, Shona Mushayi and Daniel Tapera. Special Matarirano and Sydney Taivavashe wrote it. Taivavashe also directs the movie.[1]
Official Trailer (2021)