People's Party
People's Party | |
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Abbreviation | PP |
President | Walter Mzembi |
Presidium | Lloyd Msipa |
Founder | Walter Mzembi |
Co-Founder | Lloyd Msipa |
Slogan | "A brighter future, Let's make a difference" |
Founded | November 1, 2019 |
Headquarters | Harare |
Ideology | Democrats |
National affiliation | Zimbabwe |
Address: 220 Construction House, Harare, Zimbabwe. Contacts:, +263775537963 |
People’s Party (PP) is a political party in Zimbabwe which was led by former Zanu-PF prominent member Walter Mzembi. The party was formed in November 2019.
Mission Statement
Equality Meets Opportunity
1. Preserve and Protect Our People and Our Sovereignty
People's Party pledges its total allegiance to the Constitutional Republic of Zimbabwe. People's Party believes that interpreting the Constitution must be based on the framer’s precise words and the meaning intended at that time. People's Party totally rejects the concept that the meaning can be interpreted and altered as leaders change. Zimbabwe must be a real constitutional democracy.
2. Promote Economic Growth and IndependenceZimbabwe is being bankrupted by a bloated bureaucracy that squanders more than our tax dollars. We are an over-regulated, over taxed, and over governed people. We will strive to eliminate trade deficits and protecting domestic production. People's Party shall endeavour to direct the taxation policy of the nation and our state to that of one reflecting the original intent of the framers of the constitution and not to that of people who tax citizens to raise money to fund their luxurious travel jaunts that do not benefit the state. Our nation’s national security and economic stability are dependent upon reliable access to affordable, dependable, and efficient energy policy must therefore ensure the energy independence of Zimbabwe.
Over the decades, our leaders have failed us. They have attempted to manipulate markets they cannot and do not understand. In trying to do this, they have overstepped their legitimate constitutional authority. The result of their policies has been disastrous to our nation and its people. We are poorer more than at any other time in our history to the extent that we can’t pay for our imports. This has been caused by the influence of well-connected cartels, resulting in the destruction of much of the domestic energy production industry and the good jobs provided.
People's Party holds that our nation, must adopt an Energy Policy that is constitutional and focused on solving our near-term energy resource problems, while promoting long term solutions. We support a transition of our nation’s energy consumption from the currently used petroleum, and other fossil fuels, to alternative and renewable sources of energy.
3. Encourage the Traditional Values of Faith, Family and ResponsibilityWe shall address social, moral and civil rights as guaranteed by the Zimbabwean constitution so as to promote freedom tempered by responsibility while seeking justice for all our citizens. We shall endeavour to uphold rights of the people of Zimbabwe including the right life.
4. Ensure Equality before the Law
Separation of Power: Ensure the government adheres strictly to the separation of powers enumerated in the constitution. Stop all Executive Orders and Presidential Directives and deny “Fast Track” authority since it is a clear violation of the separation of powers.
Oppose the Police/Military State: A people can not be considered free if they fear their government. Fear of our government has increased where people have been arrested, harassed, abducted, tortured, murdered and their property rights violated by the security forces and government. The supposed Bill of Rights have been shredded in the name of Law and Order. The People's Party takes a strong stand against the rise of military/police powers and laws that allow for the people to be politically prosecuted, penalised in fines and property seizures without due process of Law. We stand against the use of secret evidence in the attaining of search warrants or as cause for detaining citizens. We support the right of all our citizens to face our accusers and know the evidence against them in a court of law.
Protection from Wrongful Imprisonment: We will strive to protect the innocent from wrongful, political imprisonment. Among these protections are the presumption of innocence until proven guilty, guarantee of fair trial and a standard of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Our judicial system is broken, due to political interference, with innocent persons too often being imprisoned, and guilt persons too often set free.
5. Clean Up Our Corrupted Political System Eliminate Special Interest Budget Influence: We shall make no law that grants financial, political or social benefit to specific foreign or domestic group or business interest.
Restore Constitutional Governance: The freedom and happiness of our nation’s citizens must be restored, by binding the government’s power under the chains of the constitution.
Government Ethics: People's Party believes that faith in our government institutions requires our government officials to act in an honourable manner and we shall require the highest ethical conduct by all government officials. The reforms we need are necessary because many government officials have seemingly misplaced their moral compasses and abdicated ethical responsibilities incumbent for a Constitutional Republic to survive.
- Walter Mzembi - President
- Lloyd Msipa - Deputy president
- Godfrey Gandawa