Paul Madzore

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Paul Madzore
Paul Madzore, Zimbabwean Politician
Paul Madzore
Born (1970-06-30) June 30, 1970 (age 54)
Years active2000 to present
Known forBeing Member of Parliament
Political partyMDC Alliance
RelativesSolomon Madzore

Paul Madzore is a Zimbabwean politician and musician. He was a member of parliament for the MDC-T party led by Morgan Tsvangirai before he defected to the newly formed MDC Renewal Team led which was led by Tendai Biti.

Personal Details

He is Solomon Madzore's elder brother.
Children: Paul Madzore has two children with his ex-wife Philda Kanengoni. [1]

In December 2016, Madzore's son Paul Madzore Junior died at Parirenyatwa Hospital. At the time of his death, Paul Junior was 17 and in Form 4 at Mufakose High in Harare. He had a running stomach for about three weeks. According to his Uncle Solomon, Paul junior succumbed to what seemed to be a difficulty in breathing and a serious level of dehydration due to loss of fluids when he had an incessant running stomach. [2]

School / Education

No information was found on his Junior or High School, or any tertiary education.

Service / Career


In the 2000 Elections, (see A History of Zimbabwean Elections) Glen View returned to Parliament:

In the 2013 Elections, (see A History of Zimbabwean Elections) Glen View South returned to Parliament:

  • Paul Madzore of MDC–T with 8 301 votes or 69.98 percent,
  • Boniface Hurungudo of Zanu PF with 2 583 votes or 21.78 percent,
  • Elizabeth Chinyanga of MDC–N with 695 votes or 5.86 percent,
  • 3 others with 283 votes or 2.39 percent.

Total 11 862 votes

After the elections which ushered him into parliament, his party led by Morgan Tsvangirai was followed by internal factional wars which resulted in a breakaway by some senior members. The breakaway party was led by Tendai Biti and Elton Mangoma. The breakaway party became known as MDC Renewal Team. Madzore was one of the 21 members of parliament from the MDC T who had defected to the newly formed party. [3]

However, on 17 March 2015, the speaker of parliament Jacob Mudenda made a ruling that members of the MDC-T who had formed their own party were no longer part of parliament. This was after Buhera west MP Oliver Mandipaka had moved a motion in parliament calling for the dismissal of the 21 MDC-T MPs who had broke away from their party. The motion was further strengthened by MDC-T leader Morgan Tsvangirai who wrote to the speaker of parliament requesting the parliamentary recall of the so called 21 rebel MPs. [3]

In October 2016, Madzore rejoined the MDC-T led by Morgan Tsvangirai. [4]


In 2018, Paul Madzore released an album titled Mhenyamauro Volume 11 Tiberekei Tifambe. The album had four tracks Tiberekei Tifambe, Majaya/Mhandara Musatya, Mweya Wakanaka, Ngainyururwe Mumvura Ngwena.[5]

By 2021, Madzore had released 14 albums.


  • Manyararireiko (2021)
  • Mhenyamauro Volume 11 Tiberekei Tifambe (2018)



In 2016, Paul Madzore was taken to court by his former wife Philda Kanengoni for failing to cater for his two children. Madzore told magistrate Mr Tendai Mahwe that ever since he lost his parliamentary seat he had no alternative source of income. Madzore was in arrears of $1 040. He pleaded guilty to the charge. Madzore was sentenced to a three-month jail term which was wholly suspended on condition he paid the money on or before 29 April 2016.

On 30 October 2013, Madzore was ordered by the Civil Court to pay a monthly maintenance fee of $300 for the upkeep of his two children. [1]

Bank debt

In 2018, Paul Madzore was taken to the High Court over an outstanding bank loan amounting to $22 000. Madzore had benefited from an overdraft facility with CBZ Bank in 2015, but failed to repay it within the agreed time frame.

CBZ Bank then instituted legal proceedings, claiming $22 087 plus interest. The interest was calculated from 30 May 2017, to the date of payment of the full loan at the rate of 26 percent per annum. [6]

Further Reading


  1. 1.0 1.1 EX-MP Madzore falls on hard times, The Herald, Published: March 30, 2016, Retrieved: July 2, 2021
  2. 17-year-old son of former MDC MP Paul Madzore dies in hospital, Nehanda Radio, Published: December 16, 2016, Retrieved: July 2, 2021
  3. 3.0 3.1 , Tsvangirai Dispatches Dismissal Letters to Rebel MPs,Nehanda Radio, published:10 Mar 2015,retrieved:18 Mar 2015"
  4. Dr. Wangu Mazodze, MDC-T founding member Paul Madzore kisses up with Tsvangirai, Bulawayo24, Published: October 24, 2016, Retrieved: July 2, 2021
  5. Madzore in pro-Chamisa, MDC Alliance album,, Published: April 4, 2018, Retrieved: July 2, 2021
  6. Daniel Nemukuyu, Bank sues Madzore over $22 000 debt, The Herald, Published: September 10, 2018, Retrieved: July 2, 2021

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