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Over 100,000 Illegal Homes In Harare Aren't Paying Bills - Mafume

3 months agoFri, 22 Nov 2024 06:37:44 GMT
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Over 100,000 Illegal Homes In Harare Aren't Paying Bills - Mafume

Harare Mayor, Councillor Jacob Mafume, revealed that owners of over 100,000 illegally built houses in the capital are not paying rates to the city council.

In response to a prominent user on X (formerly Twitter) commenting on a Sunday Mail story about the City of Harare’s plan to demolish 5,000 illegally constructed houses, Mafume clarified that the number of illegal houses is actually much higher.

He added that these homes were built on land originally designated for schools, clinics, and sorting facilities.

Mafume also disclosed that the Harare City Council had suspended the demolitions due to the elections and the SADC summit. He wrote on X:

These are built on schools, clinics, open spaces & sports grounds. We stopped because of elections and the SADC. Children are forced to move 8 km to school. Clinics are non-existent. Houses are flooding. It has to be corrected…

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The irregular settlements number over 100000 houses in and around Harare.

The illegal houses will soon outnumber the legal rate-paying houses of Harare. The 322000 households we bill foot the bill for everyone!

ZANU PF land barons have been implicated in the syndicates that has been illegally parcelling out land in the City. Said Mafume:

They do not own the land. They seek no approval from anyone from start to finish. They just build at will and with no due care and regard.

More: Pindula News



Z · 3 months ago
Jacob Mafume 's time to die has come
hondo · 3 months ago
siya tigare makatidzinga kuma farms tikauya uno makuti tiende kupi futi hee, fambai mupiwe Mari yamurikuda yacho vanhu varimo muma cottage avo
Legit Kid · 3 months ago
musoro wake bho here its so big
chirume chirume · 3 months ago
Hatina mari yekukuvakirai dzimba pachena, tichambo looter tizadze homwe dzedu kusvika ku 6th generation as of now, chimbochilai
chirume chirume · 3 months ago
hantie maipiwa nezanu mastands acho ndiyo ichaku protectai, or elsie toputsa
Native · 3 months ago
Goverment ngayivakire vanhu dzimba. Kune vanhu vakawanda vasina Mari dzekutenga maserviced stands. Saka vakavakira vasingakwise hatiyite problem yema illegal settlements. KuSouth Africa vane avanoti maRDP houses dzinopihwa vanhu zviripachena. Dzimwe nyika muAfrica dzakutevedzerawo kuyitawo maprogramme akadaro.Panguva yeRhodesia mabhunu vakavaka Highfield, Mbare, Gillingham(Dzvivarasekwa) nana Mabvuku vanhu vachipiwa dzimba zviripachena. Ko Government yedu irikuzvitadzasei. Ngavagadzirise ipapo. Nekuwanda kwayita mahome seekers ngavavake maflats zvingabatsire chaizvo.
African Observer · 3 months ago
Just bill them your worship simple.
waa · 3 months ago
Maumee, how does an illegal settler pay bills?
fugu pfeee · 3 months ago
ko zvamaien**** muchida kusarudzwa kuita mayor maiona ma clinics here or vanhu. siyai vagare ndovaka kuvhoterai
guts · 3 months ago
ipai vanhu ma deeds not destroying houses.not paying bills its coz of ur mismanagement
Sir African · 3 months ago
Things will only get beter if people kick out Zanu pf.
Corruptmore Looto · 3 months ago
Exactly, trying to fix things with Zanu PF still in power is just useless
King nadolo · 3 months ago
Murikurara pa basa putsai zvipere kani · 3 months ago
This is reason why ZANU PF has intervened to stop HC to stop demolitions, they want to protect their land barons.
gg · 3 months ago
Bills for what service?
@gg · 3 months ago
apa they use blair toilets & solar kk
Tambaoga · 3 months ago
They are illegal homes ka how can they pay bills if there not in your system.hakuna masewer pipes,no water no refuse collection so no Bill

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