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Mafume Defends CCC Councillors' Attendance At ZANU PF Ideology Workshop

6 months agoFri, 23 Aug 2024 13:48:53 GMT
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Mafume Defends CCC Councillors' Attendance At ZANU PF Ideology Workshop

Jacob Mafume, a councillor with the opposition Citizens’ Coalition for Change (CCC) party and the current Mayor of Harare, has defended the decision of mayors and council chairpersons to attend a two-day training seminar organised by the ruling ZANU PF party’s Herbert Chitepo School of Ideology.

The Ministry of Local Government and Public Works summoned all mayors and council chairpersons to attend the indoctrination sessions held at the Rainbow Towers Hotel on August 21 and 22.

While Bulawayo Mayor David Coltart and his deputy Edwin Ndlovu opted not to attend, Mafume was among those who participated in the training.

Although the training was conducted by Munyaradzi Machacha, the principal of the Herbert Chitepo School of Ideology and the ZANU PF National Political Commissar, Mafume has sought to justify the attendance of the opposition-led local authorities. Said Mafume:

We cannot shy away from attending some of these workshops when we are invited by our parent Ministry. No one has been asked to renounce their political party, but people have gone to understand the genesis and philosophy that some of us are operating in. It is something we have no qualms about attending, and we are part and parcel of that process.

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Speaking in an interview with The Sunday Mail in 2022, Machacha made it clear that the Chitepo School of Ideology is a party school for ZANU PF. He said:

Chitepo School of Ideology is a party school for ZANU PF. Its mission is to train and conscientise the leadership of the party, including the cadres, that the party deploys into Government, parastatals and other key national institutions. We aim to raise the political and ideological consciousness of the entire citizens of Zimbabwe.

Meanwhile, the Mayors, Council Chairpersons, and Town Clerks who participated in the two-day training programme were expected to receive certificates for completing the Chitepo School of Ideology course this Friday.

More: Pindula News



Chicken 🐓 · 6 months ago
That's the norm. people who get to positions need orientation and through that, employees are updated on the vision, mission and objectives of the organisation.. The ministry of local gvt should organize such trainings before assumption of duty for all mayors then the mayor's will in-service their surbodinates. We will have a smooth floor of events not the circus portrayed by the said opposition including Coltart and Ndlovu.
Chicken 🐓 · 6 months ago
Coltart, hachina kuuyaka, chinotonzwa munhu mutema kunhuhwa. He still considers himself superior and 5hinks he knows everything. If he is under local gvt he should be in the parent ministry.
Champion · 6 months ago
I'm not offended by these attendees because they represent Tshabangu and Zanu Pf. Very soon Welshman Ncube, Tshabangu, Obert Gutu, Charlton Hwende, Hopeless Chin'ono, Mwonzora, Elias Mudzuri, Morgan Komichi, Susan Mutami, Tindo Biti, Lovemore Madhuku, Linda Masarira and Ibbo Mandaza will also attend.
. · 6 months ago
They have already been trained @Herbert Chitepo Skuru of Ediotology. That's exactly why they are acting as id.iots
Anonymous · 6 months ago
Wataura zvako Champion...
voice of the voiceless · 6 months ago
he doesn't have qualms about him being a zanu mayor wrapped in ccc colours, had we known before but now we have qualms about it... we're recalling you & all your two faced cadres.
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 6 months ago
Dzidziswai gwara renyika
. · 6 months ago
Gwara reZANU harisi renyika iwe skopodhonoro
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 6 months ago
Well done Mafume
. · 6 months ago
ungatii iye ari wenyu weZANU?
. · 6 months ago
Mafume, defending the indefensible. Typical of ZANU piyefu Lite
ClD Admire kuyeri · 6 months ago
CCC moto . ZANU PF must GO.
opt · 6 months ago
vin diesel · 6 months ago
Doink ,Doink , Doink how many times have I called your name wo
Patz · 6 months ago
Mufume is right. When elections are over every Mayor, councillor or MP becomes as such for everyone. You cant be a mayor, councillor or mp for members of your party only and after all you cant tell who voted for you and who did not. Zanu pf and CCC are already working together in various spheres like in parly portifolio committes, councils, house of assembly and senate. Even the President of the Republic ED is not serving Zanoids only. He is serving everyone. Attending a seminar or workshop with members of other parties does not make one change his party. I dont think the workshop was for opposition members to cross floors but conscientising the attendees about the need of being upright in serving the country. Members of the opposition may be equally patriotic like members of the ruling party. People should not misconstrue opposition members as enemies of the ruling party but as simply another legal party with a differing view of how the country should be run. To be a true representation of the people the cabinet should comprise a propotionate number of Ministers basing on the percentages of MP in Parly
Anonymous · 6 months ago
You clearly misunderstand what it means to be in opposition. Seminars that are of a national interest should not be held in one party's ideology (indoctrination) facility. It should be held in a neutral location as it is for the benefit of the national interest, not one party's interest. ED may not act solely Zanu PFs interests but in the national interest. However, Machacha has clearly stated that Chitepo School is for the party of Zanu PF. There is a difference between being in opposition and working for the ruling party under an alias. Mafume is the latter. If it wasn't for Tshabangu, he wouldn't have been mayor in the first place. Mafume stated it clearly, he was going there to learn the philosophy under which he is working in. As it was held in a clearly identified Zanu PF school, then his philosophy is clearly of Zanu PF and not the opposition. Patriotism does not belong to a party. It belongs to the nation.
Patz · 6 months ago
@Anonymous The seminar took place at Rainbow Towers and I dont think that is a Zanu Pf Facility. If Rainbow can not be termed neutral then neutral facilities dont exist. Anyway I dont think the place where the seminar takes place matters coz what matters is the content of the seminar. Whether under a tree or on an open space that does not change the content of the seminar. The syllabus remains. Yes Machacha said that but that does not bar the School from being used for other purposes. Min of Education schools are used for leaners but dont you see them used for church
joe90 · 6 months ago
Vanhu ngavadzidzswe vazive kwakabva nyika mekwayiri kuyenda. Tayidzidziswa European History isineyi nesu. Ngatizive zvemuno muZimbabwe.
Sir African · 6 months ago
nyika irikuenda kumawere
Anonymous · 6 months ago
Correct, even during run-up to elections isu veZanu we attended ccc rallies to learn their ideology tozovhotera Zanu yedu after comparing the two. How can you choose a party when you don't know what it offers? We can't vote blindly but understudy the party at it's rallies the decide. Tisu veZanu tinotopiwa ma T-shirt ne compain material first. Toboora maziso toisa bepa pamuti kana taona kuti ndiZuze. Pese pamunenge muchiti vanhu ndevenyu tinenge tiri zii zvedu vana Wezhira.
Dhadza · 6 months ago
Sei maMPs eCCC vachiteerera munhu weZANU PF muparliament Jacob Mudenda?
zig · 6 months ago
Mafume mwana weZanu.Unoma ma chete
Mmmmmmh · 6 months ago
Ko Inga parliament ma opposition Mpvanosangana wani Iye speaker we parliament ari ku Zanu🤔

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