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Woman Abandons Toddler At Shopping Centre Overnight In Cold Temperatures

8 months agoSat, 22 Jun 2024 06:09:19 GMT
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Woman Abandons Toddler At Shopping Centre Overnight In Cold Temperatures

A 36-year-old woman Harare woman appeared before the Harare Magistrates’ Court on allegations of contravening the Children’s Act, that is, ill-treatment of a child or neglecting a child and young person.

Allegations are that on 04 June 2024, at around 9 PM, the accused person took her 2-year-old son to Makumbe Business Centre in Domboshava and allegedly left him there

The child was seen crying the whole night until he was taken in by well-wishers the following morning at around 5 AM.

He was then taken to hospital as he had been exposed to the cold weather overnight.

The toddler is currently in the custody of his father.

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The matter was deferred to 24 June 2024 for bail application.

In an unrelated case, a 27-year-old woman from Dangamvura in Mutare was convicted at the Mutare Magistrate’s Court on charges of contravening the Children’s Act.

According to the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA), on 27 May 2024, at around 7 AM, the accused person was at home with her son aged 7 whom she accused of stealing some sweets.

She forced him to put his hands on top of a lit gas stove as punishment. The 7-year-old sustained burns on four of his left-hand fingers.

The woman was convicted and sentenced to pay a fine of US$300 or 60 months imprisonment in default of payment.

More: Pindula News



ctzen · 8 months ago
kill the ****
Jojola · 8 months ago
Ko dai vangoti mari iyoyo varapise mwana pane kuti itorwe ne state apa mwana achidambuka zvigumwe nekushaya mushonga
Mukoma Oncemore · 8 months ago
What a sad story, however, the writer didn't give us all the information we want. It's difficult to give a comment
Zuze · 8 months ago
Then shut up. You don't even qualify to be a journalist
Rabs Aug · 8 months ago
300 ishoma moita seiko imi. Dai matoti 5yrs n jail kuti vamwe vatye
legend · 8 months ago
Satanism iyo
Khan · 8 months ago
@ chicken why are you such a strawman..Is common sense not that common???...where did I insinuate that I am part of the crowd??...Please miss me with that bull you no good shrimp of questionable origins...The Lord is forever
Khan · 8 months ago
@ The Sultanate of Brunei You do not contribute anything to the society.. You have no source of income , probably skint right now, living in your mom's house pushing 40 yet you out here lambasting an entire section of the most productive people on Earth...Shame on you as you are probably using a device coded by a gay man to spew nonsense on this comment section... Furthermore most of the clothes in your ramshackled and dilapidated wardrobe were designed and made by a gay man yet here you are pretending as if you are holier than thou....The Lord thinks you are nothing but a piece of garbage, a slimeball and a maggot in possession of a vapid brain ....Despite being all those things no1 is actively clamoring for your incineration...The Lord speaks and the crowd listens
🐓 Chicken · 8 months ago
So you are part of the most productive group good to know
Khan · 8 months ago
@ Yoyzi only simps and low value people like you spend their entire day obsessing and thinking about s.e.x and carnal desires...There is more to this world than just fantasizing about coitus...As for your delusions about bestiality those are your own thoughts and it seems you willing to project your depraved fantasies onto me...That is blasphemy against the Lord...The Lord is displeased with your ramblings as it does not reflect well on him....I do not have time for sycophants and deviants like yourself....I am the Lord and I approve this message
The Sultanate of Bhurunai · 8 months ago
Pasi ne LGBTQ community in Zimbabwe, those animals vanoda kupihwa food ine tu cement vofa zvavo slowly
Khan · 8 months ago
@ Patriot seems the crowd is actually on my side now they know the Lord is not gay.. You are the one willing to push a narrative so that you can have a low hanging fruit to attack the Lord with...That is called strawmanning you actual gremlin and it clearly shows you still on a lower tier when compared to the esoteric strata of the Lord...You know without the fictitious and fallacious accusations pertaining my s.e.x.uality you would no metaphorical leg to stand on...You do realize how d.u.m.b you sound trying to discuss issues way below your intellectual pay grade...There are no females in a gay relationship so what you are saying exposes your moronic one brain cell..Keep quiet while the paragon of Zanu PF and the disenfranchised speaks...The Lord has won and you should gladly crawl back to the primordial ooze you somehow seeped out of
dolphin 🐬 · 8 months ago
anenge anakirwa nechirungu chakhan chemu dictionary okanganwa kunwa ma contraceptive pills kkk ave mwana chirungu hachichagone kuchengeta mwana
Yoyzi · 8 months ago
i have never seen such grandiose delusions such as Khan has that freak must be bound up for his level of pervertedness knows no bounds...No doubt even female pet and stray dogs arent safe from his advances seeking sêxual intimacy
Khan · 8 months ago
Say his name and the Lord appears...Grown men and women who exhibit all the traits of mature incels castigating and chastising the Lord for the mere infraction that he is much better and exhibits more dexterity with his bars and jibes....Since I got the whole nation on tenterhooks waiting with baited breath let me weigh in on the issue of these women...Women are no saints worth our reverence please...These women made the conscious decision to mutilate and endanger their children... This is the nature of the so called fairer s.e.x so this should not be front page news...I am rather disgusted by the sheer number of simps who are actually blaming men for the women's decision...There are plenty of contraception methods in the good year of our Lord yet they decided to keep their babies and expected the whole world to play guardian. .I am the Lord and your horrible takes displease me
Mdara Odza · 8 months ago
there goes the village ídîot over inflating his ego to overcompensate for his sorry pathetic life
Patriot · 8 months ago
I see a lot of comments about Khan but the truth is Khan is not attracted to females rather he'd like to be the female in relationships with other men...he has no use of his bellend since it is a toddler's finger size
dj TECH · 8 months ago
as men hatinzwire vana tsitsi,unotanga watarisa kut m I nt sentencing m own kid to a Lyft tym of whtteva nonsense tht woman is capable of doing.iqewe anokuvhiringa mkadz uyu wobva wat mwana wako oita hama yakadaro kwehupenuu hwese?HUTSINYE
· 8 months ago
Can confirm Khan anogara paBlock 6, Matapi, pane road Instagram sewage ichibva kuseri kweOK.
Vesto · 8 months ago
#inotakura NOT Instagram
fugu pfeee · 8 months ago
muvakidzani wako
dolphin 🐬 · 8 months ago
@nherera taura hako it will be too late vakuda kusiya mwana pamashops vavharwa nechirungu chisini basa. most of these guys vanotaura tuchirungu twekunyepa vanopfeka tumagrazi futi musoro wakazara mvura
nherera · 8 months ago
This girls are being by Khan with his night school student companion rotten English then when they find kuti Khan hana kana cent anogara namai kumatapi one room flat
nherera · 8 months ago
This woman was impregnated naKhan achimunyepera nechirungu chenema apo Khan anogara kumatapi flats mbare
dolphin 🐬 · 8 months ago
vana vacho muchimbovaitirei nhai kna muchizotambudza kudai. muchazvirega henyu zvemjolo izvi. Ito twurume tusingachengete vana ndimi munokonzeresa zvakadai kuita baba vemubhurugwa chete aah

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