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HomeCrime and Courts

Mutoriro Is Illegal And Prosecutable, Says Attorney General

9 months agoFri, 31 May 2024 05:46:25 GMT
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Mutoriro Is Illegal And Prosecutable, Says Attorney General

The Attorney General, Virginia Mabhiza, said the possession and abuse of Crystal Methamphetamine, commonly referred to as guka makafela or mutoriro, is a prosecutable offence in the courts under the existing laws.

Mabhiza stated that the Dangerous Drugs Act, Chapter 15:02, can be effectively used to prosecute those found in possession or abusing crystal meth.

As reported by The Manica Post, Mabiza’s remarks follow several arguments by lawyers in court that crystal meth is not classified as a dangerous drug as per the existing law.

Some lawyers, representing individuals found in possession of crystal meth, have often argued that the substance is not listed in the Schedule of Dangerous Drugs Act, Chapter 15:02, therefore, being found in its possession is not an offence at law.

However, Mabhiza insisted that those found in possession or abusing guka/mutoriro can still be successfully prosecuted in the courts of law under the existing laws. She said:

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Anyone who is found in possession of an illegal drug, like mutoriro which you are mentioning, can be brought before the courts and be successfully prosecuted under the Dangerous Drugs Acts. We have a law that deals with such scenarios.

So, as for mutoriro, the story that there is no law to charge people found in its possession is not correct because, under the Dangerous Drugs Act, such people can still be prosecuted.

However, I can admit that we need to improve our law so that we become more specific in terms of which drugs are we talking about and targeting.

But it is not correct to say that one can go scot-free after being found in possession of mutoriro.

In a recent court case, lawyer Admire Rubaya argued that crystal meth cannot be classified as a dangerous drug, solely on the basis that politicians and general members of the public wanted to refer to it as such.

Rubaya said the Ministry of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs should first specify crystal meth as a dangerous drug in terms of Section 14 of the Dangerous Drug Act to criminalise its possession and or dealing in it.

He raised the argument while notifying the State of his intention to challenge the prosecution of Anesha Brenda Gumbo on charges of dealing in crystal methamphetamine.

Gumbo had arrested after being found in possession of 98 grammes of crystal meth and was placed on remand at Harare Magistrates’ Court.

However, Mabiza stated that the country’s laws still address the prohibition of possessing crystal meth.

She said this depends on several factors, including mitigating and aggravating circumstances that the accused can present before the courts.

More: Pindula News



👑 King Abs · 9 months ago
Bt Bhobhojani unombotaura zvine musoro wena
Anonymous · 9 months ago
They don't ship meth. They ship the precursors - the chemicals for producing it. Those chemical can get in without any problem since they are not drugs. I have not read the exact text of the DDA, but in court, much will depend on the definition of a dangerous drug according to the Act. In most cases, the responsible Minister needs to update the schedule of DDs via a Statutory Instrument. This can be done quite quickly on recommendation from the police, Ministry of Health and our Medicines Control Authority of Zimbabwe (MCAZ). If we sleep on the job, we are going to lose an entire generation to drugs.
Asalif · 9 months ago
Crystalized methylphenidate maChina ma1 since maChina awanda kuSouthern Africa maiti zvoenda nepi unotaura zvekupinda kwaro iyo ichigadzirirwa Mumba chaimo
bhobhojani bhadhiza · 9 months ago
Hazvibetseri kuvhara mhino iwo mukonde wendove Uri muhov****si.Nyangwe pwere ichine mukaka pamhuno inokudzai pane bundu regomarara.Muzimbabwe hamugadzirwi guka,mubvunzo woti ndiani arikuuyisa mutoriro munyika,Kwatinogara tinotoziva kwaunotengeswa siku nesikati vanamugaradzakasungwa vanenge vachipiwa fufuro.Nhasi mouya pano muchiti ngaasadya sadza imi makamusunga makumbo ko muromo nemaoko madii kumasunga.
mommy dearest · 9 months ago
attorney general masirira ma beers itori dangerous drug fut
Stokvel puza 🍻 · 9 months ago
mabatwa naSatan manje msadero munhu waMwari
🦀🦀 · 9 months ago
ipapa ungatonzwa chi**** chezanu achiti unobvumidzwa
Bhomora Zvekuti · 9 months ago
The Griot is another one who uses heavy drugs like mutoriro and mbanje
Drug abuser · 9 months ago
Sunga ma elites ndivo vakupinza mtoriro munyika and ndivo vane ma company anogadzira tumbwa
eezy · 9 months ago
Crystal Meth is being manufactured locally i believe and mostly mapurisa acho are abusing the substance especially those working overnight vasingadi kurara and they're the very ones committing crimes like armed robberies because havarari husiku varume vacho.Tarirai maArmed robberies akuitwa muno muZim its Gunners and Police because they're the very ones abusing the drug(Crystal Meth).Munofunga kuti iwo mapurisa nemasoja vanoriisepi iro Guka ravanenge vatorera vakomana hanti vanorishandisawo ka.Pasi neGuka rauraya maGhetto Youths
🦀🦀 · 9 months ago
but une point,coz mhosva dzaakuparwa nemapurisa dzawanda
Asalif · 9 months ago
Kuita seunenge uripo soldiers are policemen are number one drug abusers
mai Kimberly · 9 months ago
hamuna nyaya imi tangai kubata varikupinza muno first
Sengezo tshabangu · 9 months ago
unjani umfazi wami
woof · 9 months ago
basop kuzotisungira doro, apo tingamamisane mu Court....
🦀🦀 · 9 months ago
mtoriro wacho urikumbopinda cy munyika,cy muchingobata varikuputa musingabate varikuupinza munyika nevarikuutengesa,
Antman · 9 months ago
I believe there are individuals who can manufacture Crystal meth
Asalif · 9 months ago
Crystal meth is a Chinese drug
. · 9 months ago
mai mabhiza vakanaka veduwe

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