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Harare Mayor "Sorry" Over Fatal CBD Building Collapse

11 months agoMon, 08 Apr 2024 06:32:30 GMT
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Harare Mayor "Sorry" Over Fatal CBD Building Collapse

On Sunday, Harare’s mayor, His Worship Councillor Jacob Mafume, expressed concern that several buildings in the capital were hazardous and at risk of closure due to their dilapidated condition.

Following his visit to a building that collapsed on Chinhoyi Street in the central business district on Saturday afternoon, resulting in one fatality and six injuries, Mafume spoke to NewsDay. He said:

We are sorry for the tragedy. I am very sad about what happened. It is very unfortunate, we issued a notice just a few weeks ago about the state of buildings in the capital.

We will inspect them with a view to close those that do not meet standards and give a timeline to revamp the buildings so that in future we do not record such tragedies.

On Sunday, 07 April, Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) national spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi said the victim, identified as Yolanda Hodzi, an adult female from Maridale, Norton, was positively identified by her next of kin.

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He also said three vehicles parked in front of the building sustained damage.

The damaged vehicles are: a Mazda 323, registration number, AAW 5934; a Toyota Probox, registration number, AGE 8052; a Toyota Spade, registration number, AGN 6805.

Meanwhile, last week, the City of Harare issued a 14-day ultimatum to all property owners and occupants of buildings in the CBD, requiring them “to renew or regenerate their buildings and/or properties either through repairs, refurbishments and/or repainting.”

In a public notice, Town Clerk Hosiah Chisango emphasized that the council will take decisive action against those who disregard this directive.

More: Pindula News



masigede · 11 months ago
those buildings needs to be removated coz mamwe ma buildings ave very old,kubva ichirikunziwo sunshine city here,
anne · 11 months ago
how old was this building
Anonymous · 11 months ago
It's not enough to issue a blanket warning. Conduct on-site visits and issue specific orders informed by technical advise.
local government minister · 11 months ago
this sparks the need for a new Harare replacing the medieval stone aged buildings left by John White and co
Gwedu · 11 months ago
Sometimes sorry alone won't solve anything let it be coupled by action. Yes your gave an earlier notice but look the things as they stand, I believe it's time to act with immediate effect. Vanhu vakutodya ka kana kudarika nemuma pavements or kusarudza mabhero namazibhutsu ayo aku China. Most of the buildings especially down town there are not for urban settings. We are navigating towards vision 2030 tiri muzvi tangwena imomo. Mayor, Mafumhe imi ndimi vekuno penda Rufaro stadium mukati yava world clas kaimi kkkkkkkk. Lipstick on a prostitute's lips doesn't change her HIV status. Build from within nxaaa. Izvozvi ma location marara oga yet you eat at the same table with Zanu mudhara imi nxaaa
Tina · 11 months ago
@anonmy, you are on point about the falling of buildings
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Partitioning of buildings is the root cause of weakening buildings in the CBD.Pillars of support can not be cut to create openings for shop entrances,simple. most buildings will fall down!!!
· 11 months ago
@anonymouus you can say that again my dear.vari kuzvinyanya zvetuma shop twacho uuummm.zvakambobva nekupiko zvedambura dambura shop 1 hombe kuitwa 15 tudiki mukati
🏃‍♀️Chi baby che Zanu 🌊 · 11 months ago
Rega nditombosv'irwa hangu. N****tama aaaaaah urikurwadzisa aaaaaaa😂
Anonymous · 11 months ago
At least Rufaro is working again what about your clueless sports minister promises on Chinese built NSS. Since COVID nothing to show. Asi zvikanzi muvaka Herbert chitepo of ****s
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 11 months ago
Jacob Mafume took football lovers for granted. Car park ndiyo ingavharirwa nhandare.... Akuda kutaura zvema 🏢 mu town, ngamboripa mhosva dzaakapara first
Ndini · 11 months ago
it's not your fault Mr Mayor All these it's because of introduction ye ZIG currency we going to experience at lot of calamities in Zimbabwe because of ZIG it's a cursed currency even Mbuya Nehanda Lobengula wouldn't use ZIG
Dubs · 11 months ago
What does this @Chi baby ch zanu smoke.
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 11 months ago
Mafume wakazoti kudii nenyaya yekuvhura stadium ine ma toulet ari in a sorry state
☝️ · 11 months ago
off topic yacho inoita tione kut hadzina kunyatsoti kwetsere mumusoro umu.
Yoyoyo · 11 months ago
😁😁🌽Chibage cheZanu 🌊 unotangira pa28Zig kukechesa ndokuona kupi ?
sad emoji1

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