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David Coltart Rubbishes Mafume's Treasurer General Claims

1 year agoFri, 23 Feb 2024 10:54:01 GMT
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David Coltart Rubbishes Mafume's Treasurer General Claims

The Mayor of Bulawayo, David Coltart has distanced himself from former MDC and PDP members who claim to have taken control of the opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) party.

This comes after Harare Mayor, Jacob Mafume, who claims to be the CCC’s spokesperson, said Coltart was the party’s Treasurer-General.

Mafume and his allies who include Welshman Ncube and Tendai Biti, purport to have revived the MDC Alliance structures elected by the 2019 Gweru Congress to run CCC.

Coltart, who was elected MDC Alliance Tresurer-General, was among the party’s former bigwigs who snubbed a recent meeting of CCC members who sought to revive the structures from the Gweru Congress.

Responding to an X user who had asked to know his position regarding the remarks made by Mafume, Coltart said he ceased being Treasurer General a long time ago. He said:

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That is news to me. I ceased being Treasurer General ages ago. As I wrote in my statement recently I refuse to be drawn into any zero-sum game. The future of Zimbabwe depends on all genuine democrats finding each other and working jointly to defeat tyranny.

Commenting on Coltart’s stance, journalist and government critic Hopewell Chin’ono said opposition political activists must resolve their differences and work together. He wrote on X:

This is why Blessed Mhlanga’s question was important and relevant to the current opposition drama,
@DavidColtart has rejected Jacob Mafume’s assertion that he is the current Treasurer-General.

This now leads to more questions that need to be asked, questions asking who else was named and yet is not part of the CCC leadership structure in the faction represented by Jacob Mafume as party spokesman.

As the man he has always been, @DavidColtart has maturely advised anyone opposed to ZANU-PF corrupt rule to not fight to kill each other.

He realises that these opposition fights have only one beneficiary, ZANU PF.

Coltart is among the majority of CCC’s elected representatives who resisted pressure to resign after former CCC leader Nelson Chamisa quit the party last month.

More: Pindula News



Kadora Charamba · 1 year ago
Chengezo is now a mbinga.Advocate ****fume is building a 16 bedroom duplex.Confused Bwititi is expanding his roll.Zvangu zvanaka.MhamhaKore is working for here imminent retirement.Inonzi mari.ln Germany they say "money doesnt smell"
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Zanu. Chiororo pfee, mungatidii, tine intelligence yedu, naShumba, naMutsvangwa, na Chamisa wechidiki mutumwa pedo, kachiimbirieazvako dzechimurenge.
nyikaa · 1 year ago
Unofa uayisiya vana Ian Smith vayiti hayitongwi mama black but ndezvipiko musazvinyengera one gozho rakabambura musungo Nyoka haizi yezanupf vakawanda vzkaenda kuhondo kwe zanupf chete kana vachena vaibatsira kahondo aka Baba va Chamisa vakarwa hondo iyeyi akaponiwa tisati tazvitonga eye Nero This President of Zimbabwe haana kutorera hondo asi,,,,,,,,,,,zvakaita kunavammwe kunyangwe vana Mugabe vaneraki vakarwa war varipo vamwe vakauraiwa nyoka ndeye munhu wear ane Raki Chava chimurenga chechi4cha Chamisa nevamwe tichavaverenga my History Muzorewa akarwa wanii Ndavaningi Nkomo Chitepo Dhabengwe Lookout Masuku vaNkomo chibwechitedza vaM Gumbo Trkere vana Baba nana Amai vedu very Zvavakuda vasina tops mumaoko
wasu · 1 year ago
nyangwe irii Shona yandotaurawo bt ndatadza kuinzwawoo inii..
@Vhedza · 1 year ago
@baba jukwa the strategic ambiguity that you thought could work did the opposite. The infiltration that you feared came to reality. So in other words CIA was outweighed by KGB. You are going nowhere. The best is to talk Zimbabwean and live Zmbabwean. Tell them it does not work here you have been outwighteed. Hapana hapana.
baba jukwa · 1 year ago
@Vhedza you are very right to say it did not work, but that is not a limitation to keep on trying, Why? becoz even this Zanu. pf as it is right now, it was formed under a authoritarian gvnmt but they kept trying all avenues of the struggle to end the white rule. and if you look very close to what is happening, it's not that apposition parties do not win elections. they win but Zanu does not want to let go, becoz they are protecting their loots and crimes they did, so it will be very hard for them to leave alone power. what is happening in this country can be stopped if their so called friends in the ANC stop supporting the wrongs and intermediate to bring about peace and agreements that will assure these morons that if they leave office no one will inquire anything done during their reign. Zanu pf knows very well that elections do not favour them only thanks to the captured institutions and the secret agents that intimidates pple during election period
maparamuro · 1 year ago
@baba jukwa you are talking sense in admitting that strategic ambiguity did not work I hope everyone in the party sees it that way. To correct a mistake one must start be admitting the mistake. Personally I have a problem with people who never introspect choosing to always point fingers at others. Strategic ambiguity was novel, it had it's flaws now it's time to find and try new strategies
baba jukwa · 1 year ago
yeah you are ryt, that's why we are waiting for mukomana to tell us whts nxt and then he comes to us and discuss the way forward and this is what we did. from the formation of the deserted party. we agreed with the idea of strategic ambiguity, thinking that it's a win win option. but this has proven that Zanu is ever able to destruct any strong opposition against it's mis-rule. but what you know and what the world know is that Zanu is were it is by cheating and killing it's competitors
Tabuka Zvinodhaka · 1 year ago
the opposition is in toxic mode and was created in toxicity and will never be non-toxix because the Westminster Foundation is anti state of Zimbabwe and their running dogs masquerading as the opposition will never rule this country
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
Kana shungu nenyama yembongoro yatisingadye. Ngazviende ikoko!! Ngazvimwashuke!! Ngazvitsemukire!!! Ngazviparare!! Ngazvizorore!!!
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Putitsanai ikoko mega. Chitima chisingamiswi chakazorora parizvino. Pachichasimuka ndopauchaona kuti zvese zvaana Chamisa hazvina kana deal, ngekuti chinogofamba, chigofamba, chigosvavsanga chigohwinha zvinemutsindo muna 2028. Chimboukurai parizvino munyatso gadzirira kusvavsangiwa muna 2028. Hoyooooo.
Sevamwe · 1 year ago
Asi Chabuda.... Hapana, zero, dhololo
PhD · 1 year ago
so coltart is a mutengesi in the eyes of chamisa loyalists
· 1 year ago
Taurai zvekuZANU kwenyu nezvaChavangu. Ndozvega zvamunoziva.
XXX · 1 year ago
Advocate David Coltart is a lawyer who is playing his cards well. He has refused to join Ncube, Buti and Karenyi-Kore.He sees no happiness in their party. EHE ICHO !!!!!
maparamuro · 1 year ago
All opposition members that are fighting amongst themselves are doing so for the benefit of zanupf and they know it. Why they are doing that is everyone's guess. If Coltart ceased to be treasurer then who was the treasurer? There was no SG, no VPs . How did they operate as a group or they are now telling us openly that there was no group/ collective effort in this. If that is the case then we need a t****ugh examination of the heads of all who participated and voted for CCC.
laugh emoji1
Zimbo · 1 year ago
@maparamuro, for you ever think logically? Coltart says he ceased to be Treasurer , a long time ago (in 2022 wen Mwonzora appropriated MDC Alliance). At the same time MDC Alliance had three VPs. Biti, Ncube and Kirenyi-Kore. Hwende was Secretary General. So where do you get the myopic narrative about non-existent posts? Eish, pfungwa dzemaZANU dzine madandadzi.
maparamuro · 1 year ago
@Zimbo the posts you talk about where MDCA posts. CCC never had an elective congress, it was just announced and people assumed it was a rebranded MDCA therefore people who moved from MDCA to CCC migrated with their posts. As we all know and from Coltart's response that was not the case. Only Chamisa maintained his position, the rest were abolished. Hu zanu hwangu wahuona papi. Its funny that you know me from Pindula and your warped thinking tells you am zanupf. Kwana iwe
maparamuro · 1 year ago
@Zimbo it's myopic to see Zimbabwe in only zanupf and CCC colours. Zimbabwe is much more diverse than that.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Zvaburana Saka MOTi Zanu yakariga, kwanayi. Get organized.
baba jukwa · 1 year ago
@maparamuro.As of the party's structures, we as the party's mobilization team we were told that we have resolved the structures that were put at that Gweru Congress, why?just becoz the court did not recognize them as it ruled in favour of Mwonzora, that is when the unsatisfied members of the party decided to leave MDC and form a new movement, remember each party has got it's intelligence, that is when they got informed by the security that they were pple plotting to infiltrate the new baby and they was a lot of money that was used on that plot, so that's why mukomana decided to use another strategy of ambiguity that's why you see a lot of pple who requested to join the party were made to be card carrying members without posts or to work in the mobilization of votes so that's why Jonathan became angry and started to talk bad about Chamisa I speak on the position of a village point person that is one of the positions that we were using and all positions that we had during the MDC we were advised to not even use them even in rural areas, what we did we were working as champions of change and the pple who were respected most is us the point personals becoz we worked as undercover to mobilize for our president and that worked very well to a point that in the Zanu pf strong holds we managed to gain a interesting figures that even in the times of MDC alliance were never obtained in the rural vote.
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
ccc yatowa mince ichukungo mwashuka mwashuka
maparamuro · 1 year ago
@baba Jukwa party politics by nature is all about outdoing one another, to achieve that you have to know what your opponents are planning, you come up with better plans and if you can't you disrupt their plans. That's politics. Politics is also public affairs, there should be no fear of infiltration if everything is public. The plan to improve the economy and standard of living of the general populace is sold to all even the ruling ruining party, it cannot be a secret of the opposition leadership, it's actually what entices the voters to come to the opposition. Chamisa should have just opened all his cards and let the people decide. we are going to end corruption, we are going to grow this economy, we are going to have a functional judiciary, we will have a professional army and police etc. Infiltration will always be there to find your secrets, in an attempt to avoid infiltration Chamisa left the door open for Tshabangu to declare himself SG and now look at the disaster that resulted

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