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Family Demands Independent Inquiry As Godknows Machingura's Killing By Police Sparks Controversy

1 year agoMon, 12 Feb 2024 10:04:14 GMT
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Family Demands Independent Inquiry As Godknows Machingura's Killing By Police Sparks Controversy

The family of Godknows Machingura, a suspect in an armed robbery case, is demanding an independent inquiry into his killing by police detectives. They believe that the police account of the shooting does not match the evidence observed during the autopsy or the explanations given by Machingura’s friends. Machingura, who was 44 years old at the time, was shot dead by detectives from the Harare CID homicide in December 2023.

According to the police, Machingura and his five friends, including Paul Zhou and Jabulani Ngobeni, were trailed by detectives who received a tip about their planned robberies, including targeting prominent individuals for ransom. The police claimed that Machingura died from a gunshot wound to the groin after a shootout in the Arcadia suburb of Harare.

However, a family member, speaking anonymously, disputed the police’s account, insisting that Machingura was a victim of police execution. She stated that during the post-mortem examination, five bullet wounds were observed on his body, including two shots to the head, one below the ribs, and two on his legs. The family member shared graphic images from Machingura’s autopsy, showing the gunshot wounds and his badly beaten body. She told ZimLive:

We want a thorough and transparent investigation into the events leading to his death.

In the news, it is falsely reported that Godknows sustained a gunshot wound yet he has five gunshot wounds; two shots in the head, one gunshot below the ribs, and two gunshots on his legs.

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According to the family member, Machingura had been under surveillance by the police since April last year, and detectives eventually used Zhou to lure him to his death. She claimed that Machingura was dragged into Zhou’s house, where he was severely beaten before being forced into a vehicle and driven to an unknown location where he was killed. The family member said:

Godknows was lured by the police to go to Zhou’s Waterfalls residence where armed CID officers fired shots three times in the air and commanded him to get out of his car and put his hands in the air before cuffing him.

He was dragged into Zhou’s house where he was severely beaten.

We hear that officers who held him captive then discussed among themselves on who among the six was should die on the day and they agreed on Machingura and Jabulani (Ngobeni).

Godknows and Jabulani were forced into Honda Fit vehicles and driven to an unknown location where they were killed and the remaining four were taken to remand.

Godknows back was also torn, and Jabulani also on his armpit has a huge hole, even his hands were torn apart by what appears to be very sharp objects.

These people are cruel and we want justice.

The family members expressed frustration in their efforts to uncover the truth from the police. In response, the national police spokesperson, Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi, advised the family to approach the Commissioner of Police if they felt aggrieved by the police conduct. He stated that the police were conducting investigations and would release more information once the investigative processes were complete.

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chimuti · 1 year ago
5 shots is to much pamunhu ivo vonyepa kuti 1 again kko musana wake wakapisirwei guys vhurai maziso vanhu vanhu vanopera kuurayiwa zvichingonz robbery
chimuti · 1 year ago
Mapurisa aya ngaataure chokwadi kuti munhu uyu wakamuurayirei
Bvudzijena · 1 year ago
Munoshamira saka mati zvino svika kupi mubairo wechakaipa rufu. Maidya zvekuba nhasi zvaipa ko vanhu vakauraya nekubira munoti havana kurwadziwawo here. Thank you ZRP for killing him.
Clemence · 1 year ago
in the first place, H.E warned about robberies. You don't listen. See now
Neighborhood · 1 year ago
The family is just raising an alarm for nothing here they knew their son was a criminal, yearly they brewed beer and carried out some rituals so that their son was protected in his criminal activities, how many families lost their loved ones at the hands of this armed robber ,relatives too also lost their beloved because of the rituals the family regularly performed for their son which were weird and unheard of . it's a matter of a ritual gone bad , anything which involves rituals ends like this .
olyver · 1 year ago
ndipewo number dzako Rudo iwe l think ndini ndega ndinokupedzera ini
secret · 1 year ago
aaaa ngavafe mhani vanhu awa on surtaday 6:30 ndandakwira wish yematsotsi yenavy blue ndichienda kuruwa pana 40th ndakazopona nekurova rova mota ndichit ndidzikisei tatokwira tiri 3 ,,,sak vanod kuuraiwa mhan vanhu awa
pindula · 1 year ago
pindula so moisa HKD boss pa pic musadaro guys
karma · 1 year ago
unouraya nepfuti unofawo nepfuti
inini · 1 year ago
Akosheiko uka robber Uno. pfurwa vanhu ivava. pavacha. kisvikira. ndopamuchabvuma kuti ngavafe kana imimi musiri vamwe. vacho coz it sounds like you are some of them
Mdara Odza · 1 year ago
Hands off the HKD Boss
What doesHKDboss mean · 1 year ago
Thanks kune vachabatsira
Manyengavana · 1 year ago
hatimirire kusimbisa dangerzonei
what a name · 1 year ago
vanotambira mudangerzone,vachisimbisa dangerzone zvekudaro
🧐 🤔 · 1 year ago
I think police are capacited to handle such approach to criminal and would be Criminals, Im sure their approach makes them filter Criminals from hide out,. Vanhu vano complainer kana vabatwa for public drinking if you are not careful, you find kuti amongst people drinking there too are civils, munokumbwa mese ne timhu racho but someone is most important or has information or links, that why amongst robbers nabbed you find a gun used in several robbery and they hardly miss their target always it has been on spot, Hakuna zvekunzi aka framewa they had seen ma movement acho for quite a long time Ini hangu I want to know kuti why ma robberies achi raper kana kuti why ma burglars achiita 💩 panoita breakin at most I have encountered this on many occasions
🔵 · 1 year ago
Death penalty has been abolished, however this police death executions must cease forthwith, to make this death penalty abolishment sincere.
tafman · 1 year ago
I stl stand by my first's most likely to be a cover up. covering dirty tracks. no crime, resistance and past offences mentioned in the report.
. · 1 year ago
@ Supercop muudze tt uyo kuti junior police kuma humbwe kwekungoenda zve 2hrs .Once a week .Wotozvipembedza iko kwekuti kana iwewe tt usina ka grade 7 unoenda wototaura kunge wakaenda kuMorris depot.
Mbhobho · 1 year ago
Machingura had been under surveillance for almost a year since April last year. So vakuru in that charge office between your two ears you have found out that the police didn't follow all those basics. You must be be better police than the police.
baba jukwa · 1 year ago
kana maporisa akawana a tip off they must bring in undercover investigators so that they catch the culprit on the act or on the spot kuti nyaya ive nema standing grounds kana yave ku court, and this can only happen kana pane exhibits ne a concrete evidence yekuti this is the culprit kwete kuti wongo gamuchira 4n wotmhanya ne AK47 kuno regedzera munhu nyere kkkkkkkkk ko kana ndiri ini zvangu ndatorerwa bby neumwe ndomuita yakapenga or kutorerwa ma customer ku business or even kutongo achito shanda ne police iyoyo and he became a threat to their reputation vano kuuraya like that vobva vaku fremera hombe
@tt · 1 year ago
this is Zimbabwe my guy authority has become the killing machine to silence or cover the truth even ku politics zviriko ku business zviriko ku law zviriko saka don't say our police are always good, at time they are cruel they use minimum force on pple who are not resisting arrest be4 you judge me let me tell l was a junior call at Tshabalala extension so l know how to arrest and how to handle criminals ma trikisi ese ndino maziva
Supercop · 1 year ago
Mmmm @tt, police work is far much more than the kindergarten junior call. Real cops go to college. It's not child's play
@tt · 1 year ago
this is Zimbabwe my guy authority has become the killing machine to silence or cover the truth even ku politics zviriko ku business zviriko ku law zviriko saka don't say our police are always good, at time they are cruel they use minimum force on pple who are not resisting arrest be4 you judge me let me tell l was a junior call at Tshabalala extension so l know how to arrest and how to handle criminals ma trikisi ese ndino maziva
SIR VAST · 1 year ago
Mupurisa haangabate an illegally armed man kunge hwindi aripacopacabbana, pfuti mumusoro zvichemo Monday.... People want the police to die mercilessly at the hands of ana Muvhevhi for them to be released by the courts. HELL NO
baba jukwa · 1 year ago
that's why l always say how can someone tip the police of a thing that he/she does not know or have never been into it. some pple can do that in business, if they see that you are taking customers away from them they can frame you for a crime you did not do or nyaya dze mujolo can do the unthinkable munhu anoku nyudzira bby kkkkkkkkkkk for good saka police don't just execute just becoz of a tip a true officer of the law investigates t****ughly kwete kuita makuhwa pabasa kkkkkkkk
tt · 1 year ago
does tipping police need one to be involved. iweka don't make us judge you
Tambaoga · 1 year ago
kana usati wambosvika panoitwa armed robbery pachirepiwa vanhu unofunga kut police ikuita hutsinye.Those guys are Monsters
@Ian Smith · 1 year ago
You are also into armed robbery i bet
zim · 1 year ago
chokwadi mbavha dzawanda mu zim vanhu varikupondwa hama dzavo dzinorwadziwa se zvamurikuita ne hama henyu hatizivi chokwadi chakaitika ,asi mbavha dze pfuti CID pfurayi
04 · 1 year ago
mhondi ngadzife .no to robbers.shoot to kill no question.
mupositori · 1 year ago
kwasara muvhevhi
Anonymous · 1 year ago
.uvhevhi anorwara anopenga Anokandwa ku Ngomahuru kwedu Masvingo ogara nemamwe maoenzi achidya harugwa.
Ndlovu · 1 year ago
The robber deserved to die the way his life was taken, criminally, as this was his way of life. He should have known and lived with the risks. Yes , he was eliminated criminally and he also robbed and eliminated innocents criminally!! No matata here.
💅Rudo · 1 year ago
I just want you all of you to know kuti ndaka rara nemurume wemunhu last night for 10usd nekuti I needed money for this week. I am so happy nekuti ndaitozo gona kufa nenzara nekuti there is nothing else that I a can do to earn a living. There is only one choice, I have to sleep around nevarume vakasiyana siyana, vachindidiridzira mukati. I have gotten used to it now. Hapana chimwe chingandi raramisa, 10USD iyoyo yandakapihwa ndeye chikafu chevhiki rose. Chingwa, polony and tomatoes are a priority ipapa
Tambaoga · 1 year ago
Saka ndongokupa hangu $10 paweek worega zvevarume nhai rudo
Rudo💅 · 1 year ago
Rudo aripamusoro uyo haana kutombokwana hake.Arikundisvibisa
💅Rudo · 1 year ago
@Tambaoga actually huya zvako, unyatsondi gadzirisa wazvinzwa, ndinotoda kuti undiremadze usvika ndakutadza famba kani. Huya nedemo iro riri mubhurugwa rako iroro
. · 1 year ago
Hama Dzamachingura dzaidya naye .Chaunotamba nacho ndo chinokuuraya.# no to robbers#Mamido Machingura
excellent police.we want a robbery free country.This is not South Africa .musorobhangu
Bvepfepfe · 1 year ago
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Mbavha iyo iri kutotsva ku Hell
XXX · 1 year ago
The family of the late Godknows Machingura have every right to question Police conduct. What evidence does Police have which ties Machingura to the crimes they were investigating ? From my understanding, the deceased must have been murdered. If he was shot in the head first, there is no way he would have survived. Then why did Police go on to pump other bullets in his body ? If he was first shot in the leg or below the stomach, then those shots which were aimed in the head were meant to finish him off. Police must aim to disable and arrest criminals so that they stand trial. They should not aim to shoot and kill. EHE ICHO !!!!!
Bvepfepfe · 1 year ago
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Godknows had it Coming, u have no idea the type of crimes he did besides robbing. That guy was rapist too
Justice · 1 year ago
Godknows was a robber by conscious choice of the best things in this life. He knew that his rights could be violated in the process. He made a decision to kill and violate the rights of others. His relatives need to be t****ughly investigated to establish whether they were just innocent beneficiaries or they knew that they were enjoying the benefits of blood or were even fellow robbers.
Expert · 1 year ago
Akamamà say no to robberies
Supercop · 1 year ago
Spilling human blood is the ultimate evil of man. A robber knows very well that he is armed for destruction. The police officer is armed legally to save innocent robbery victims. The robber knowingly shoots to kill the policeman who fires back to effect arrest, save his own life and save the lives of the robbers's victims. I'm shocked that the relatives of the robber are not concerned about the lives of those who were killed or were going to be killed by the robber.
kk · 1 year ago
ufunge hako. sttuppid people
Ian Smith · 1 year ago
You did not read the story.He did not shoot at the officers.Whether he is a robber or not he did not deserve the treatment he got since he was subdued .
ii · 1 year ago
iwe Ian dai vamboshanyirawo kwenyu vana robber avo uzonyatsotaura zvaana whether naana deserve avo
Poor Journalism · 1 year ago
@Ian Smith, the details of the actual shooting are not in the story. We're all speculating
inhema · 1 year ago
here kuti he was a dangerous criminal kutscaga kuti tinzwire tsitsi armed robber shoot to kill
kk · 1 year ago
I feel pity for him if and only if he wasn't a robber. but if he was, you can say all sorts of rrubbbbishh
Ndini · 1 year ago
The family was happy when he was terrorisinng others because he was bringing money
Tapz · 1 year ago
The relative is just saying what she heard not what she saw. The detectives report on what transpired on their with the robber. The relative is correct in expressing her worries about a dead armed robber but should also appreciate why he is dead.
@taps · 1 year ago
"the family member shared graphic photos of the autopsy"...
💅Rudo · 1 year ago
Ivory Coast haina zvayakaita iyi. Musanyepere vanhu guys. MaWarriors ndiwo ayifanira kutora. FIFA yakatipa ban kuti tisatambe maqualifier matches eAFCON. Pakapera maQualifier matches ban yedu yabva yaliftwa. Saka takaitirwa politics dzekuti tisayende bcoz CAF yaiziva kuti maWarriors ayitora dai vakayenda. By the way muWarrior wedu Tino Kadewere akagohwesa nezuro achitambira chikwata chake chinonzi Nantes FC yeku France. I love you Tino 🍉🍑 Go Warriors Go ⚽⚽⚽⚽🏃🏃🏃🏃⚽⚽⚽⚽
Gunvosta · 1 year ago
@💅Rudo, I think you're dream my dear. Muka ubike doro
Gook · 1 year ago
@Rudo,you must be drunk or mad or probably both..In 44 years,unless you were born before 1980 Zimbabwe has never that AFCON trophy and don't start dreaming now.Former Warriors coach Ben Koffi summed it up 1983 that even if Zimbabwe hire a Martian for a coach they will never win that trophy.Just shut up and lick your wounds.
Rudo💅 · 1 year ago
Rudo aripamusoro uyo haana kukwana arikungondisvibisa,nxaaaa
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Kkkkkkwaaa #,
june · 1 year ago
vanhu vanodarirei kuita mbavha munouraiwa zvinorwadza family imagin family yaana chidhumo kuti yakanyara nekurwadziwa sei
june · 1 year ago
they where hanged
Blue · 1 year ago
Rimwe zuva zvichanaka hazvo.Amen...
· 1 year ago
ska apa nyaya ndeye 5 bullets here kana kuti 🤷
citizen · 1 year ago
zim is dangerous, you can die from wildlife attacks or you could be shot by the police "following a tip"!
baba jukwa · 1 year ago
promotion ndiyo inenge ichi tsvakwa kuti akauraya a notorious robber oto simudzirwa to a higher rank inini hamunga ndiudze nezve police ndamboita junior call ndikazo shandira mu C number 2012-15 saka mmmmm vangu baba vanoita yese yese and Mari vanogadzira refu nekuda kwe mabasa akaipa iwayo
TTL · 1 year ago
akafa zvinorwadza they should have investigated first before killing him.
baba jukwa · 1 year ago
it's very dangerous for you to be suspected of a crime in Zimbabwe, many innocent pple die for being suspects and some are in jail for crimes they did not commit so let's only say someone is guilty when proven guilty by the Court beware vamwe vanofa as scapegoats to cover up vakuru vakuru
frf · 1 year ago
which courts do you trust it seems you are one of the robbers
gunvosta · 1 year ago
so this guy was killed following a tip the police had?? actual crime, just a tip
baba jukwa · 1 year ago
😂😂😂😂😂 that's where the details are confusing, he did not shoot at the police or try to run away minimum force was used on someone they detained without resistance
Pindula English Teacher · 1 year ago
"who among the six was should die" What kind of English is this Pindula??
Pindula · 1 year ago
it's English you get on a free site, you prick
Homeboy · 1 year ago
Hahaha! Good one mate
Teacher Dofo · 1 year ago
When are you going to learn that the words in quotes "" belong to the speaker and not the reporter? Reporters only correct the grammar when narrating. When words are in courts, it suggests they are the exact words from the quoted person.
baba jukwa · 1 year ago
police and soldiers are the very.culprits of robbery and they have syndicates that are not in the authorities so the rule of robbery is that if a. member becames a most wanted or a high profiled criminal who may lead to the exposure of the bosses, they eliminate you it's either by death or send you to jail for them to stay in the cover so l suspect these officers were working with them they know everything
Zimbos · 1 year ago
the question is, was he a robber? if yes, then whatever circumstances killed him it's good riddance... there is no place for robbers in our societies...
Tambaoga · 1 year ago
ko iye zvaaiuraya vanhu ku armed robbery.armed robbers are very very cruel.they rape and kill.Ndofunga ange aribread winner nechi armed robbery chaaiita.
# · 1 year ago
if there is no place for robbers in our society then this govt would not be here.....this guy did not run away from prison, he was just a suspect & the cops probably murdered him for doing business without their blessing
Alheit · 1 year ago
He was not cooperating and must die with his information
@# · 1 year ago
He was an armed robber,,full stop .ukatamba nepfuti unofa nepfuti
land Smith · 1 year ago
@#.He was not a robber you numb skull but a suspect.You do not extra judicial kill a suspect.Even robbers at law have rights.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
true,if the guy was a robber then he deserved death,how many did he rob?what about killing,how many did he kill?
june · 1 year ago
is this true
Ian Smith · 1 year ago
It is called extra judicial killing and it is not allowed in Zimbabwe.The police Commissioner cannot investigate himself and the family must approach the court through their lawyer. In 1987 police tried to cover up the shooting of man who was also a lover of Michael Banana's girlfriend and an inquest found he had deliberately been shot. The matter was then properly investigated and Michael went to prison for murder.The shot to kill policy is not yet in the statutes,but since our government loves statutory instrument it may be gazetted soon.They love blood these books.
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
ndiyo death sentence yasara kumabhinya nemhondi. shoot to kill. iyo family ichenjere kudyiwa mari yese yakasiiwa na godknows.

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