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Corrupt Rank Marshals Pocket $1 Million Monthly In Unauthorised Bus Taxes

1 year agoSun, 11 Feb 2024 11:14:09 GMT
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Corrupt Rank Marshals Pocket $1 Million Monthly In Unauthorised Bus Taxes

Bus and commuter omnibus operators in Harare have revealed that rank marshals are colluding with corrupt police and municipal officers to collect unauthorized taxes at bus termini, pocketing an estimated US$1 million each month. The rank marshals, who work with five associations representing the operators, reportedly collect up to US$240,000 per month from each association.

According to Mr. Pious Chidzenga, the head of operations for the Zimbabwe Union of Drivers and Conductors (ZUDAC), each driver is forced to pay US$2 for every trip they make into the rank, resulting in rank marshals earning US$10 per driver daily. This exploitative practice extends over a month, with drivers individually contributing US$300. With over 800 members in ZUDAC alone, the rank marshals accumulate US$240,000 monthly from this association alone. He told The Sunday Mail:

Each driver is compelled to pay US$2 for every one of the five daily trips they make into the rank. Simple multiplication will tell you that rank marshals pocket a substantial US$10 per driver each day. This exploitative practice persists over a month, with drivers contributing US$300 per month individually. When multiplied by the 800 members of ZUDAC alone, the rank marshals accumulate US$ 240,000 monthly. This figure represents just one association out of the more than five operating within Harare.

During a public transport stakeholders meeting, Harare’s police officer commanding, Commissioner Wonder Tembo, expressed his disapproval of this behavior and announced an upcoming operation to eradicate this criminal syndicate. He acknowledged that some rank marshals falsely claim association with senior political figures but assured stakeholders that the police would not tolerate such behavior. He said:

As officer commanding Harare, I want to mention that as police, we don’t condone such kind of behaviour that is prevailing at various bus ranks. We are having running battles with people who claim they own certain ranks. I have tasked my assistant commissioners to sit down with Harare City Council officials to come up with an operation to tame this menace.

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We are aware that many of these rank marshals hide behind political parties, but we have never received a call from any political party or Government questioning why we have arrested certain troublemakers.

I urge you (council) to also come up with an operation and as law-enforcement agents, we will support you and we will come in our numbers to help you. We don’t want to be the initiators of the job that is supposed to be done by you.

Commissioner Tembo urged operators to resist paying the rank marshals and assured them of police support if they faced intimidation.

Harare’s Mayor, Cllr Jacob Mafume, acknowledged that rank marshals had gained excessive power at council bus stations but assured stakeholders that action would be taken to restore order. He announced plans for the council to take over the ranks and address the situation in the coming month.

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Bvills · 1 year ago
There is high level the country .The travelling public is abused in front of Law enforcement agencies nothing is done you are supposed to report to them. The police and Rank Marshalls work hand in hand that's why these touts are never apprehended. All over the country.people.cry.and nothing.happens that's why armed robberies have increased in recent years and.its be worse leading to warlords who control certain areas were the police will never step their.foot .Time will tell. We have created a problem in this country ladies and gentlemen don't blame others
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Corruption like this, and worse, is something you citizens have done nothing to stop from growing, since the 1980's! Equally fraudulent, and corrupt, central and possibly local government have jumped on the bandwagon as well! It might be worth a try to pass this onto ZACC... You have nothing to lose by trying!
PhD · 1 year ago
so mahwindi ane Mari that's how they afford to drink everyday
CDE · 1 year ago
council take over $5 per day mogadzira ma roads kwete mboko idzo ngavatsvage mabasa nxaaa
Justice · 1 year ago
Rank marshals only serve their own interests. They are a nuisance to the commuting public. We have complained in vain for years about them harassing commuters. Nothing has been done to them because they are Zanu Pf youths. The police only decided to make money with them when they realised that no law in Zimbabwe could touch these youths.
Tapz · 1 year ago
Zvamawe kucomplainer imi pamunenge muchivapa mari yacho munenge muchibhadhara chii. A stranger angauye pamba pemunhu here oti ndirikuda mari yemaroja.
Nyika inovakwa neVene vayo · 1 year ago
These guys swear allegiance to Zanu regai vadye bag
007 · 1 year ago
fambaa ****nal
TD · 1 year ago
zim zanu p f dog eat dog tirikutonga ndokutonga uuku kkkkkk
ctzn · 1 year ago
vonodya nevakuru, sei vasina zvavanoitwa
zenzo · 1 year ago
regai mari dzidyiwe takuvara neurovha
Zanu · 1 year ago
Kana uchida kutakura bhadara rank marshal. Rank marshal ndiye anoisa order ku rank. Kusina rank marshal vamwe munobuda musina kumbotakura nekuti ma poacher anenge achibinda achitakura matiro mosvera mawomesa miromo nendzara.
Da Truth · 1 year ago
Toswera kutaura zvema hwindi atora 200 USD kogold mafia irikutora marii pa week
operations · 1 year ago
ma operation one After another operation traffic yakamboitwa now land barons, vendors now rank mashals
Mai Ro · 1 year ago
mahwindi, zvimayouth zvezanu, mashurugwi nemagweja, drug addicts....etc...are the result of a failed regime.
bambo · 1 year ago
As I see it🧐 · 1 year ago
I employment zvayo but that picture, given the ammount of fuel consumed by such massive commuter omnibuses against railroad alot of foreign currency would be saved, Ma combi azo wandisa too much to flaut road rules neku wear off ma roads apa they contribute no tax I hand to mouth neku ring in more combis to continue destroying roads I like the way Bulawayo handles combis, through companies, and not all combis are city bound but they do belong to number of organisations and do not violate their routes
super · 1 year ago
afcon na 10 pm
Tman · 1 year ago
Varikudya Mari yekanzuru inofanira ichigadziriswa maroads
bidzo · 1 year ago
Nhasi afcon iriko nguvai maZimbo manyama
Chinese zodiac · 1 year ago
Yaaa pakaipa
🚩 · 1 year ago
Fact check on that, it's just incredible. Yes rank marshals are paid on spot for their services but hardly do they make millions.
cccc · 1 year ago
The stated amount is not going to one person, it's shared by rank marshalls. The problem is they contribute nothing to the commuting public and add no value to the combi owners. What is happening is actually daylight robbery of both combi owners and the commuting public. If mahwindi are removed from the system the system can improve, more money will go into the pockets of the combi owners who can then do a better job of servicing their vehicles or even by more for the convenience of the commuting public
Anonymous · 1 year ago
I don't use the commuter buses. but from a couple of experiences, I noted that its the rank marshall who load the buses. That's what they are paid for.
cccc · 1 year ago
@Annonymous vanhu vanoronga vega nzendo dzavo voenda panokwirirwa ma kombi kana mabhazi, kana bhazi kana kombi ikasvika vanokwira vega nemakumbo avo. Hwindi hapana basa raanoita. As a motorist as you drive unosangana nevanhu munzira vokumisa vokuti varikuda kuenda ku Norton iwe woti ndiko kwandiri kuenda pindai tifambe tese hwindi obva ati bhadhara kuti watakura vanhu vangu.

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