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Harare Councillors Attend Meetings Drunk - Mafume

1 year agoSun, 21 Jan 2024 05:12:40 GMT
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Harare Councillors Attend Meetings Drunk - Mafume

Harare mayor Councillor Jacob Mafume said that some councillors attend meetings under the influence of alcohol and drugs resulting in unnecessary disputes.

This comes after Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) Ward 43 councillor, Blessing Duma, disrupted a council meeting presided over by Mafume on Friday last week.

NewsDay reported that some councillors supported Duma after he was removed from the council’s influential audit committee.

Addressing the full special council meeting, Mafume accused councillors of attending council meetings drunk. He said:

As you all know when preparing to come for the meetings people take different substances.

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So, certain substances then confuse the person and it takes time for the substance to subside so that they do well and will be able to hold the meeting properly.

Mafume also said councillors did not understand the law resulting in them raising issues that were “legally untenable”. He said:

Our understanding of the law is very different as councillors and sometimes our level of comprehension is different depending on the tools that we developed for ourselves before becoming councillors.

So, sometimes they misread or fail to understand the law completely and raise their hands to legally untenable mouth things.

On Friday, (there) was a robust debate by some who felt certain changes ought not to be done for one reason or the other. We welcome the vitality and the energy of debates.

People are free to contribute when there are debates, but then there are times when you feel that people are plotting to sink the council.

The constitution is very clear on how a councillor or a mayor leaves office.

And one of them is certainly not bypassing the motion in the chamber.

In September 2023, Masvingo City Council Town Clerk Edward Mukaratirwa banned employees from consuming the Kambucha/Kombucha drink during working hours on the advice of council doctors who established that the drink was an alcoholic substance.

The ban followed incidents in which some city workers reported to work drunk while others were openly drinking Kambucha at work claiming it has medicinal properties.

Kombucha is a beverage that was introduced not too long ago and some of its consumers consider it an energy drink with medicinal properties while others, mostly men, consider the beverage an aphrodisiac and consume it for its supposedly sex-enhancing properties.

In October the Ministry of Health and Child Care ordered an investigation into Kambucha to ascertain whether it has health benefits as claimed by its producers and consumers or is just an intoxicating concoction.

More: Pindula News



Rudo💅 · 1 year ago
seka zvako Rudo🤣🤣
Malcolm X · 1 year ago
ZvaDoink vaKomana.
😂TRIPPLE 😂 SMILE 😂 · 1 year ago
Heyo CCC yakuzvitengesa yega yega. Vanhu vemu Harare makavhotera zvidhakwa
Voter · 1 year ago
pliz councilors musaende manwa Kembucha kubasa stop it
ama2K musharukwa · 1 year ago
to be honest munangangwa must go but still paanofa mu coffin anongovingwa flag only Saka akufireyi nekuita hutsinye
wezha Gamu · 1 year ago
kkkkkk kustika neNjengu pabasa.
@Vhedza · 1 year ago
Tiri kusvinura bit by bit at the end it's day time. The sun will shine for a purpose for every one to SEE.
· 1 year ago
Chamisa ngaongorore macouncilors Ake b4 election vamwe zvigunduru chaizvo vamwe ndovasngagoni kuverenga nekunyora
. · 1 year ago
Councillors are chosen by the electorate, they're not imposed like what is done in the ruinous party.
Me · 1 year ago
Mayor is right some of these councilors are illiterate to the bone
laugh emoji2
CHAWABVUNZA · 1 year ago
Dear citizens the mayor is absolutely correct this drunken behavior of the CCC starts from the top. [ HOVE INOWORA KUBVA KUMUSORO] The president of the CCC advocate Chamisa is also a drunk bastard who is utterly useless. Yours sincerely [THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC]
. · 1 year ago
...angafura iwewe, right now you are typing on pindula drunken statements, you're no different to"Huchi" brigades revarakachi
Bhuru · 1 year ago
Jacob, Jacob, Jacob, howmany times did i call you, you have been in the wrong basket since around 2020, we are watching you
Jacob Mafume munhu waSengezo Tshabangu uyo
Dr Hastings Kamuzu Banda · 1 year ago
ini funa kalamutendele angazifuna dzikola Malawi
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Kkkk maybe its mature to take mafume seriously some of the level of mismanagement blamed on zanu pf leave some of us with more questions, you can not have everything not going for you blamed on your opponent
. · 1 year ago
Kikiki... unfortunately Mafume is the biggest joke 🤣🤣
XXX · 1 year ago
While His Worship Jacob Mafume is right, I feel that he has gone too far. It seems he suggests that all Councillors must know the law !!!!! Noone should attend council business under the influence of alcohol or substances., but to demand that Councillors must know the law is also exaggerating issues. EHE ICHO !!!!!
maparamuro · 1 year ago
know the law enough not to break it, enough to respect it, knowing the law does not mean being a legal practitioner. people who do not know the law are a nuisance and it's worse if they are in positions of authority. councillors need to know the law on his w councils operate, must know the constitution, the supreme law of the nation, must know the by-laws of their jurisdiction. kusaziva kwedu isu vanhu ndiko kunouraya kanzuru. hamutore hwindi momuisa mukanzuru. hwindi anoziva kushandisa simba kwete njere. mukanzuru munodiwa vanoshandisa njere to plan the present and future of the city. hwindi anongofunga zvenguva iyoyo chete, kuti kombi yazara here zvaizvozvi, haambofunga kuti inogona kudzoka iuzoita imwe load here
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
Kudhakwa kunge party yacho ccc.
Tapz · 1 year ago
Mufume means be conversant with what the law says and in particular the by-laws of the City of Harare not necessarily being a legal practitioner. Unenge uri councillor werudzii akadzima zvake completely

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