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HomeCrime and Courts

WATCH: Video In Which Mazviita Alleged Adela Was Selling Sewage Water

1 year agoFri, 19 Jan 2024 07:58:37 GMT
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WATCH: Video In Which Mazviita Alleged Adela Was Selling Sewage Water

A woman named Sandra Mazviita Pamberi has been arrested for alleging that Adela Construction Company was fetching and selling sewage water. The police arrested her is currently being held at Highlands Police Station. 

She is being charged with violating Section 164C of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23], which deals with cyber crimes. According to this law, if someone uses a computer or information system to spread false information about a person to cause harm to them psychologically or economically, they can be charged with a criminal offence. The punishment for this offence can be a fine or imprisonment for up to five years or both.

Sandra Mazviita Pamberi’s video went viral on social media, where she alleged that Adela Construction was fetching and selling sewage water. Watch the video:

Adela Contracting has denied the allegations.

The company stated that they do not sell sewage water in Harare and that their main business is supplying and hiring construction equipment. Said the company:

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We do not distribute water for purposes of profit to private individuals or corporates, and our company have never ventured in such business.

They explained that they were working on a road construction project and diverted rainwater from a stream for the roadworks. They clarified that the water they used was not sewage water and was only used for road compaction.

The Cyber and Data Protection Act (Chapter 12:07) became law in December 2021. It aims to protect data and increase confidence in the secure use of information and communication technologies. This law amends other existing laws related to cyber crimes and data protection. The Act introduced new criminal offences related to computer systems, data storage, and electronic communications.

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Anonymous · 1 year ago
Asi Haaaa chokwadi. Hanzi ngaatiratinze vanhu varikutenga vhura yacho. Ndini munoti mukadzi Hondo yauya moti ndinoda kutanga ndaona vafa vacho. Stupid minds are so dangerous.
. · 1 year ago
Kufamba neRocco akuda kutozviita captain. Am@m@...ane dzungu. Kana murume haagare
Tapz · 1 year ago
Ngaasungwe kuzhangandira kupere. Ipapa haana kana details dzemunhu one akatenga to prove the genuineness of his story. Ko kana driver akaita kadeal kake kuti awane mari yeSuper kana achaisa nemunhu aida mvura iyoyo yekushandisa something not kunwa, kubika kana kugezesa arwadziwa nei manje jealous ramupinza muchitokisi. Kurwadziwa nezvinhu zvinhu zvisina basa as if she is perfect.
Tapz@ musape support kune chitororo
skun · 1 year ago
ana Sandra Ava problem vakangoitawo tumari two minutes wakugara mu greystone park wakutozviita kunge wakazvarwako..aifanira kuongorora sichaz asati aita zvaakaita..hapana chozikanwa apo..APA murume anogara arikumahwag.a ..kana kuti akatosiwa nemurume...akazvisungisa ega uyo..staying in your lane sometimes is better..achamama ari ega ega..mazimbo magwara hapana achaenda kunomubatsira..unonyura wega hodo..
Ukaona wakuzi nepolice chiisa signature yako apa ibva waziva kuti zvadhakwa cos unenge wakunogara mutoilet 48hours behold court appearance breakfast nelaunch unodyira imomo, guys ngatipei legal support kune babe iro
Tina · 1 year ago
Munyama pane vamwe vanhu vanopara mhosva hombe asi varikungo famba free
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Did they have a permit to extract that water, seems some chefu behind this company.
Vybz Kartel · 1 year ago
Mazvita inenge ndururani ummm. Twuyi twuri mumusoro twunenge sora rakazorwa dovi ?
Seith Sithole · 1 year ago
@Vybz Kartel, wakapera panonaka dzangove nharo chete. Wadi kunyarara sevamwe vako vakaita saBush Lawyer, Asalif, Bvumbururu, Chimoko nyama. Usatisembura pliz @Vybz
Ambiguous Nonsense · 1 year ago
Nhai zvako iwe.Tuvhudzi tunenge choya chebenzi.Ko zvaaiti ndiri kuita live streaming pa FB angadai akatevera truck wotiratidza pari pamba piendeswa sewage water- si mpuru.
wikilk · 1 year ago
Are you in need urgent financial Loan, Contact us now for any kind of loan
we stand with Mazviita no matter what · 1 year ago
handei tione ko vanga vane riparian water permit here ko mvura iyoyi yacho kana yanga iri contaminated ndobva ndatsika ndisina bhutsu I'm applying for a joinder to stand with Mazviita no matter what
Bvepfepfe · 1 year ago
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 No Mazvita zvanenge akayanika zamu her big breast ritori panze🤣🤣, maybe ayida kuita seduce police officer.
ko iyo stream water nema sewage hazvisi kusangana here pazviri kufamba .... imi vakomana imi ityai mwari asi hamusi kuona masewage azara munyika yese here ayo
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
thats area haina ma sewer pipes. kunoshandiswa ma septic tanks. kwandinogara handisati ndamboona sewage ichiyerera nekuti we use septic tanks
Iwe fugu pfee urikuda kuvharidzira chii ipapa hausi kuona here mvura iri kunaya yatovwe contaminated kare nema blair toilets enyu ayo
Anonymous · 1 year ago
This company is into civils and doesn't even sell domestic water. Musavanyebere kana kuvasvibisa zita ravo please. They are good guys ava
we stand with Mazviita no matter what · 1 year ago
she is my protege and confidante.i personally trained her to carry those kind of operations we can sting like a bee and dodge the law with the dexterity of a muremwaremwa sandawana handei tione mafero
Nyasha · 1 year ago
ko anenge akapfeka morning gown asi apa ungati ari mu charge office wani😂
Ghetto Prophet · 1 year ago
Vari ku filler ma details mu kamba umo.. Dai vasungwa vachitanga va vett-wa mental stability, ndava kuona kwangu pane inenge inot ngirrrr apo or its jst ignorance of the law.
· 1 year ago
kana muchinge mazviita pamberi apo tinoku sunga
we stand with Mazviita no matter what · 1 year ago
we stand with her paanofamba munzira dzinorema ndewedu zvamuchose
Mazvita · 1 year ago
Adela mukuramba mhosva iri pachena
Alheit · 1 year ago
If there is anyone who bought water from Adela they must come forward to clear this story

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