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HomeCrime and Courts

Woman Arrested For Alleging That Adela Construction Was Selling Sewage Water

1 year agoThu, 18 Jan 2024 07:28:55 GMT
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Woman Arrested For Alleging That Adela Construction Was Selling Sewage Water

A woman named Sandra Mazviita Pamberi has been arrested for alleging that Adela Construction Company was fetching and selling sewage water. The police arrested her is currently being held at Highlands Police Station. 

She is being charged with violating Section 164C of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23], which deals with cyber crimes. According to this law, if someone uses a computer or information system to spread false information about a person to cause harm to them psychologically or economically, they can be charged with a criminal offence. The punishment for this offence can be a fine or imprisonment for up to five years or both.

Sandra Mazviita Pamberi’s video went viral on social media, where she alleged that Adela Construction was fetching and selling sewage water. Adela Contracting has denied the allegations. The company stated that they do not sell sewage water in Harare and that their main business is supplying and hiring construction equipment. Said the company:

We do not distribute water for purposes of profit to private individuals or corporates, and our company have never ventured in such business.

They explained that they were working on a road construction project and diverted rainwater from a stream for the roadworks. They clarified that the water they used was not sewage water and was only used for road compaction.

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The Cyber and Data Protection Act (Chapter 12:07) became law in December 2021. It aims to protect data and increase confidence in the secure use of information and communication technologies. This law amends other existing laws related to cyber crimes and data protection. The Act introduced new criminal offences related to computer systems, data storage, and electronic communications. More on the Act:

  • The Cyber and Data Protection Act provides quicker and affordable access to recourse for victims of harassment, circulation of false messages, and cyberbullying through the criminal justice system.
  • The Act introduces criminal offences related to computer systems, computer data, data storage mediums, data codes, and devices.
  • These offences include hacking, unlawful acquisition of data, unlawful interference with data or data storage mediums, unlawful interference with computer systems, unlawful disclosure of data code, and unlawful use of data or devices.
  • The Act criminalizes certain conduct related to electronic communications and materials, including cyberbullying and the transmission of false messages.
  • Specific offences under this category include the transmission of data messages inciting violence or damage to property, sending threatening data messages, spam, the transmission of intimate images without consent, production and dissemination of racist and xenophobic material, and identity-related offences.
  • The Act also establishes offences against children, such as recording genitalia and buttocks beneath clothing without consent, production, distribution, and possession of child sexual abuse material, and exposing children to pornography.
  • All the aforementioned offences carry a fine ranging from level 10 to level 14, and imprisonment for a minimum period of 5 to 10 years.

The Act aims to provide victims of harassment, false messages, and cyberbullying with accessible and affordable recourse through the criminal justice system.

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mudazvemabara · 1 year ago
pindula updater news watiuraya nechimunya
Tapz · 1 year ago
Driver we bowser akaita ka deal kake keku supplier mvura kune munhu aiida kuti awane mari yema Super achaisa inganzi inyaya iyoyo. Better mukadzi uyu asungwe. Investigative journalism yaaitrya kuita iyi hazvingoitwi jakajakara unosungwa. Akaregererei kuenda kucompany yacho kunonzwa chokwadi. Ndo type dzakafoira kuchikoro nenyaya yechi**** apa akuda kuita journalism yaasingagone. There are many things that dirty water can be used other than consumption. It appears she wanted to fix the driver by putting it on media so that the company takes action against the driver but it took a new twist. The company got her arrested. Its common to do some small deals with drivers for supply of something even at a half price like supply of small quantities of quarry stones, sands etc and some big companies even bless as motivation to the drivers that.
chipo gumbo · 1 year ago
They is no smoke without fire. Anogona akazviona but the guys are smart enough to concile the did. They hid the evidence, put money in the hands of police and even journalists and are now fixing the person who spoke about their ill deeds. Why should the issue be sensitized like this? Kunemapersol vendette apa. Kune àNoda kuwachirwa apa.
. · 1 year ago
dzungu hakuzi kungwara muchembere
Reign · 1 year ago
Lesson learnt from nyaya yemukadzi uyu. If you dig deep into this case People maybe drinking mvura yemu sewage but she didn't have facts to prove what she was saying ndokungovhomoka kuisa paSocial media kuti ndini ndine breaking news
freedom · 1 year ago
obvious this company is runned by a zunoids
Justice · 1 year ago
Akamhanyisa hake. After shooting the video, angadai akaita further investigate kuti mvura yaenda kupi from there. She was a bit over excited, but with constructive intent.
Borrowdale Resident · 1 year ago
Ngaasungwe avharirwe.Chupeti yemunhu.Where did she ever see construction water browsers dzichitakura mvura yekuti vanhu vanwe? Ko ngaatipe a list where she saw this company delivering sewage water to Borrowdale residents. Saka according to her Borrowdale kunogara ma Grade 2 graduates who cannot tell the difference between green sewage water and borehole water.Uyadelela lo...
@Borrowdale shungu · 1 year ago
une shungu ne ball dell handiti ndichakuvakira chinyeda ikoko
Tapiwa Crosby Pamberi · 1 year ago
takananga kuma penalty shootout sister yedu hainyure handei tione
Tsuronzuma_Mafira Kureva · 1 year ago
Sori hako dhiya.
Mark Ngwazi · 1 year ago
ndakadzidzirA mhiripiri pamusuwo webhawa nyama ndikaidyiwa iri nyörö nezvidhakwa changosara pandiri mashizha chete
🌶️ · 1 year ago
This law must teach a lesson to all social media trolls vanotaura zvavasingazive.Ngavasungwe vachiti havabatike vanofunga kusvibisa mazita evamwe
@mhiripiri · 1 year ago
It's difficult kubata munhu pa social media just kuti this women sent the video via ma group of which it's easy to track someone kubva mu group coz people usually are foolish to use their real names and from there they can follow Yu thru handles like Facebook where the majority of us are foolish enough to provide true info about ourselves.Econet don't just give information to anyone if that was the case I guess all those people wanted by the police could easily be tracked using their phones
Sta Jose Do Santos Mush · 1 year ago
Mai vake nababa kumusha haafone basa kuita reporter wefake ndaamame mangwana anoziva basa refoni yake..imagine a reputable company inoita zveconstruction if wakambopinda muindustry unotoziva that company wonzi yakuita zvemvura haya...
Ndini · 1 year ago
Company iyi now obvious kuti ndeyi Zanupf chef this law was created only for this woman maybe it's true
weAfrica · 1 year ago
What a good move, thanks to Adela Construction for taking this up the legal route. We need to take issues of cyber bullying seriously, one should not think that having a cellphone, a facebook account and some data is the diplomatic passport to act as they wish with other people's rights. I was so disturbed by her ignorance when I saw the video and I could imagine how much harm it could do to the business of Adela. Now it turns out Adela doesnt even sell water.
doug · 1 year ago
I did not see the video but I have read reports on it. I personally see it as another case of creative journalism. An ordinary person knows what a construction company is supposed to do, and bottling and selling of water is now for the construction industry! With pliable journalists who are afraid of losing their livelihood if they do not follow instructions from the top, most of which is against the ethics of journalism, a lot of funnies are going on with our news! News is no longer interesting as reports are made with an agenda. What I see with this story is that someone desperately wants to put fear on social media, trying to show that one will be arrested by the police, and trying to instil in people on what cyber crime is. This fictitious case will go nowhere as it is just fiction. Maybe they should have used a better name than Mazviita Pamberi. Unfortunately, those who do not know Shona will need to get someone to translate or explain to them what the name means
for real · 1 year ago
the name is actually correct I know the lady I went to school with her and used to stay overseas in England I do not understand why she posted that
Mmmm · 1 year ago
Weaponizing the law. People will fear bringing wrongdoings to the publics attention.
doug · 1 year ago
You are not far from the truth!
porongi · 1 year ago
good move pagonekwa basa , kune vanhu vanoita basa rekukanganisa business revamwe vanhu better vasungwe, sure kusweroongorora mashandire e construction company isinei newe kutoisa mabundles ekuzora vamwe madhaka, this lady is very cruel
123 kid · 1 year ago
If Sandra is convicted by the stu. pi. d law she must appeal. It's a law that is suppose to instill fear into people like us who see wrong in everything that is meant to stiffle free speech.
Gweshegweshe · 1 year ago
Vese vanonyepera Zanu pf pa sosho media muchasungwa. Nguva yenyu iri kukwana
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
ekizekiri vakatoverengwa kunyanya pano paPindula vari kuzikanwa. saidi anyarara nekuti akayambirwa.
@fugu na @gweshegweshe · 1 year ago
Bvapo mkadzi uyu akasungwa coz zvinhu zvakaita guta muma group e watsup of which magroups they show yo phone number and it gets worse kana une eco cash coz inoburitsa zita😂for yo own info pindula inobvisa ma offensive comments and real Zimbabwean intelligence haina worry nevanhu vepa pindula coz nyaya dzacho dzinoperera pa Pindula 😂 Hopewell is a strong critic ye Zanu angoriko.Apa inyaya yekuti company filed a complain to the police to maintain their reputation that's why police acted.Zvekutaura corruption is not cyber bulling coz ichokwadi
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
kwasara yoyoyo anotaura nezvewiwi ya ed. anofunga kuti anenge asingawonekwi
Yoyoyo · 1 year ago
😁😁 @fugu pfeee wakayitira Wiwi ye YELLOW muchibhorani kayi iwewe🗜🗜🗜
Kaiser Sozés · 1 year ago
nzeve dzakazoita nyanga riiniko ? · 1 year ago
mameee 😅😅😅 zvinhu zvosungisa zvidiki fani ... wafadza vanhu ezvinezvi wavamuchizarira
🍓(⁠◕⁠ᴥ⁠◕⁠) · 1 year ago
Being arrested does not mean going to prison. So if you areacoward just shut up and leave space 🚀 to use human rights capmpaigners
🌶️ · 1 year ago
Ehe kungofarisa nekuda kufadza vanhu pasina. Dai akapihwa gore mukati or community service muma toilet emu CBD · 1 year ago
iwewe weka strawberry tanga wadzokera kutyoro wonoita ma registers or just type in shona tinonzwa mhani iwe stupeti
mampentsha · 1 year ago
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
kana ukaenderera pakaitwa ma investigation pindula inosungirwa kupa information. musaonererwa pano,, muchiti zvemahara
mampentsha · 1 year ago
@fugu pfeee and all rwangu rwendo ndipo parwaperera pano nhasi. andisi kutiza asi kuti ndagara ndasvika pandanga ndakananga😂😂😂😂🙉🙉🙉

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