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Police Arrest Two Suspected Drug Dealers In Harare's Avenues Area

1 year agoTue, 16 Jan 2024 11:40:44 GMT
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Police Arrest Two Suspected Drug Dealers In Harare's Avenues Area

Police have arrested two suspected drug dealers in Harare, Mai Toga, and Dexter Muteredhe, in separate incidents.

The Zimbabwe Republic Police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner, Paul Nyathi on Monday confirmed the arrest of Norah Makwavarara (40), also known as Mai Toga, at 13 Marsham Flat along Baines Avenue, Harare.

She was allegedly found in possession of Chrystal Meth with a street value of more than ZWL$5 million. Said Asst Comm Nyathi:

On 13th January 2024 detectives from CID Drugs and Narcotics, Harare acted on received information and arrested Norah Makwavarara at 13 Marsham Flat along Baines Avenue, Harare for possession of 0.053 kilogrammes of Chrystal Meth with a street value of ZW$ 5 300 000.00.

On 15th January 2024, the suspect appeared at Harare Magistrate Court where she was remanded in custody to 16th January 2024 for bail application.

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The suspect has been previously arrested for dealing in dangerous drugs on two different occasions and was on bail pending trial.

In one of the incidents, the suspect was arrested on 25th February 2023 for unlawful possession of 10 X 100 mls Benylin Cough Syrup, 09 X 100 mls Broncleer Cough Syrup, 08 X 100 mls Adco-Salterpyn Cough Syrup and 3 grammes of Crystal Meth.

The suspect appeared at Harare Magistrate Court on 02nd August 2023 where she defaulted court and was issued with a Warrant of Arrest.

In another incident, the suspect was arrested on 06th May 2023 for unlawful possession of Crystal Meth and was taken to Harare Magistrates Court where she was remanded out of custody to 21st March 2024 for continuation of trial.

Police said Muteredhe (34) was arrested at Alban Court, corner Blackstone and Fife Avenue, Harare after a tip-off,  and he was found in possession of 48 grammes of Crystal Meth. Said Asst Comm Nyathi:

Meanwhile, on 13th January 2024 detectives from CID Drugs and Narcotics acted on received information and arrested Dexter Muteredhe (34) at Alban Court, corner Blackstone and Fife Avenue, Harare, for unlawful possession of 48 grammes of Crystal Meth.

Nyathi urged the public to continue reporting illicit drug activities to the Police on the National Complaints Desk number (0242) 703631 or WhatsApp on 0712 800197 or report at any nearest Police Station.

More: Pindula News



macala · 1 year ago
ma prosecutor nema magistrate vanenge vapombwa .vanopireyi munhu bail ane mamwe macase of a similar nature .... fokoff
gaucho of pampas · 1 year ago
norah,norah, norah vakomana mhururu kuenda nekudzoka ...rakaimba bhinya reZanu..ndiye airehwa uyu
laugh emoji1
mm · 1 year ago
coccaine i drugs rudzii nhy
King George · 1 year ago
hazvibatsire chinhu ana musoro bhangu vacho vachingobuditswa pavanotosvika vanenge vatomiririrwa neQ yemaCustomer nxaaa
Ghetto Prophet · 1 year ago
Most paying job in Harare after Armed Robbery 😀😀😀
· 1 year ago
varikungobuditswa wani vema drugs vacho murikuzvinetserei zvenyu kuvabata muchizovasiya
Central Cee · 1 year ago
Yakuda kumatengesa out of town this year munoti feeler
nm · 1 year ago
ngavatange vavata mukuru wemadrugs kumbare uko
sorry · 1 year ago
mune problem!!!
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Sungai vanhu ndovarikuita kuti CCC igare yakadhakwa zvokushaya structure too much drugs vanavadiki.
Tsuronzuma · 1 year ago
yacho ine stirakicha iri kuita chii chinowonekwa kunze kwekuti kohwesa nhamo?
chinondidya chii · 1 year ago
arikumbopinza crystal meth muno ndiani batai iyeye coz munhu 1 nevana vake case closed
cj · 1 year ago
batayi munhu
If you're not outraged you're not paying attention · 1 year ago
🇿🇼 Looting Club with no decency: By Hopewell Chonhono In Zimbabwe, infrastructure projects are used to loot public funds by the ruling ZANUPF elites using their business surrogates, oligarchs and corrupt Government bureaucrats. Two years ago I reported about how the Mbudzi Interchange project was used as a looting tool by inflating the cost of the interchange. The true cost of building the Mbudzi Interchange is US$42 million. The deal was given to Fossil Constructing, a company linked to ZANUPF oligarch, Kuda Tagwirei. The cost was then inflated to US$88 million, and the deal was made into a loan from Fossil Mines to the Zimbabwean Government. A Government gazette note was published saying that the regime had borrowed US$88 million for the Mbudzi Interchange. But Finance Minister Mthuli Ncube also published in his budget then that the Government of Zimbabwe was allocating money to build Mbudzi Interchange from the IMF Special Drawing Rights. So the project was allocated money twice, a loan and IMF Drawing rights. This is a ZANUPF specialty when looting public funds from councils to the treasury. Europe’s biggest Interchange and spaghetti junction in England called Gravelly Hill, cost US$140 million at today’s rates, and it has 117 kilometers of road on it. The Mbudzi Interchange in Harare has 8 kilometers of road yet is costing you 11 times more, or 22 times more if you factor the double invoice. The ruling ZANUPF regime amplifies its propaganda around these infrastructure projects because the citizens have never been told about the catastrophic looting of public funds using these projects! Transparency and accountability are important aspects to limit or STOP corruption in such projects to ensure the efficient use of resources, but this has never been the case under ZANUPF. The involvement of business figures linked to the ruling party raises concerns about fair practices and the issuance of tenders which reflect the true cost. This has been made worse by the fact that the opposition has no shadow ministers who should have been making noise and informing us about this massive theft of your public funds that is taking place as reported by the Zimbabwe Independent. A strong opposition with vigilant shadow ministers plays a vital role in highlighting and addressing such issues. It is essential for citizens to be informed and engaged in holding their government accountable for the responsible use of public funds without which we suffer collectively as a country. Ask your members of parliament this question; “What is happening with the Mbudzi Interchange and why are you not talking about it in parliament?” Meanwhile money meant for hospitals, schools and clean drinking water is diverted through these dodgy inflated tenders! Copied from X (formerly Twitter) 🇿🇼
· 1 year ago
ska zvoshandei kana vanhu vakaita report iye munhu achiburitswa mujeri.zvimwe zvacho kuitiswa vanhu chaiko,Mai toga kava kechi 3 vachisungirwa madrugs vachibuda havo
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
ma lawyers anenge agona basa.
Teeman · 1 year ago
mubvunzo woti warikuzviwanepi zvinhu izvi zvakawanda kudai.warikushanda newakuru wacho wemapurisa iwawo

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