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Wheel Dislodged From A Moving Truck Fatally Hits A Doctor Walking Along The Road

1 year agoWed, 03 Jan 2024 18:17:24 GMT
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Wheel Dislodged From A Moving Truck Fatally Hits A Doctor Walking Along The Road

A medical doctor who worked at Chinhoyi Provincial Hospital as a Government Medical Officer died this morning after being struck on the back by a wheel dislodged from a Scania haulage truck while walking along the road.

A police report seen by Pindula News identified the victim as 30-year-old Dr. Tinotenda Madzima. The report also said the Scania haulage truck was travelling towards Harare. Read the police report:

The Zimbabwe Republic Police reports a fatal road traffic accident involving a Chinhoyi Provincial Hospital Government Medical Officer, Dr Tinotenda Madzima (30) which occurred on 03/01/24 at about 0700 hours at the 116-kilometre peg along Harare-Chirundu Road. The doctor was walking along the road when he was hit on the back by a wheel which had dislodged from a Scania haulage truck which was travelling towards Harare. The victim died on the spot.

This unfortunate event follows another recent incident where a female police officer also died in similar circumstances. She was standing on the side of the road when she was fatally hit by a wheel that had come off the trailer of a moving haulage truck. The incident occurred on the Harare-Mutare Road at the 51-kilometre mark.

Murder Cases:

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In Guruve, the police have arrested a person named Bayisai Scotch (28) in connection with a murder case. The incident occurred on January 1, 2024, at Marirambada Farm, where Isaac Kusikwenyu (33) was fatally struck on the head with a log. Sadly, Kusikwenyu passed away on January 2, 2024. The cause of the altercation was related to a payment dispute. The suspect had refused to pay for gumboots that had been sold to him by the victim’s mother. The police are investigating the case further.

In another incident, the police in Bulawayo are seeking information from the public regarding a murder case. An unidentified woman was discovered dead in a bushy area at Denver Farm, Cowdray Park. The victim had swollen lips, cuts on the head and knees. She was wearing a red and white dress with a charcoal-grey hooded jacket. The police are urging anyone with information about the incident to come forward and report it at the nearest police station. This information could be helpful in their ongoing investigation.

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Yoyoyo · 1 year ago
@no name... urikureva bhara here. don't mx it neMotor car
· 1 year ago
kwafa munhu anobatsira kuchisara zviNdomundomu ana Fugu Pfee zvnoita basa rakuchera mbeva nekutengesa mbeu yePfumvudza
Okongo The Villager · 1 year ago
Rest in peace doctor
Friend of Palestine · 1 year ago
under normal circumstances doctor haifanirwa kushaya chero vitz but becoz sme1 once said being a doctor is not a profession but just a skilled rebhara and refused to pay them accordingly nw look we have lost a young man who was destined for greatness ndarwadziwa shame ....pasi neZanu pf
makwiramiti · 1 year ago
my opinion is that the doc was probably taking a healthy walk when the unfortunate incident occured , just as any other educated and civil person .I also concur with you that Doctors ought to be paid reasonable salaries and. allowance such that they can have their own cars
Anonymous · 1 year ago
MHSRIP it is important not to mix issues. Nowhere is it said that he didn't have a car. Some of us with cars take some walks whenever the situation suits.
yoo · 1 year ago
Hezbollah · 1 year ago
its an accident normal one
Tina · 1 year ago
I mhepo idzo
PANE CHIVANHU APO · 1 year ago
Pane chivanhu apo
Anonymous · 1 year ago
· 1 year ago
Kwafa munhu akafunda zvnorwadza Soo apa mwana mudiki fut
Vladimir · 1 year ago
another coincidence
VZ · 1 year ago
mhuri yekwavo ngaifambe. paita muroyi asingade budiriro mumhuri
Anonymous · 1 year ago
The sons & daughters of the land are conveying a message to us all. What are they saying ..., i leave that to your interpretation
tgw · 1 year ago
rest in peace doctor pasi harigute pasi pano tiri kutandara eish it's so painful 😢 💔 😞 😫 😭 😔 😢 💔 😞 😫 😭 😔 😢 💔 😞 😫
My deepest condolences · 1 year ago
Zvakaoma mufunge, chete ndodzira yedu tese, hatizivi zvichati bvisa pasi rino, kunze kwezuva racho Kana rasvika, 30 years anga achangotanga Career yake mufunge, Zvakaoma MHSRIP 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭.
Kule · 1 year ago
Chivanhu, vakafamba vanozvibata👀
🌻🌻🌻🌻 · 1 year ago
a sad story indeed may his dear soul rest in eternal peace eish so sad.
chbba · 1 year ago
Uuh zvorwadza MHSRIP
Tee · 1 year ago
Zvakaoma mufunge
kkkkkk · 1 year ago
hezvo chii nhaimi chinenge ngozi
Cecil John Rhodes · 1 year ago
Zimbabwean doctors can't afford toby cars. In September a doctor from Mutare died after a mishikashika car he boarded from Hauna over turned.
XOXO · 1 year ago
ummmm vanhu sungai maWheel nuts emota dzenyu mhani

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