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Over 100 Families Evacuated After Flash Floods Struck Harare Suburbs

1 year agoSat, 30 Dec 2023 17:07:44 GMT
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Over 100 Families Evacuated After Flash Floods Struck Harare Suburbs

Over 100 families have been evacuated after flash floods struck the Budiriro and Kuwadzana suburbs in Harare. The floods have forced residents to seek shelter in temporary accommodations. Harare Mayor Jacob Mafume has called for immediate action and a comprehensive approach to tackle the city’s housing crisis.

During a press conference in Harare, Mayor Mafume revealed that approximately 100 families have taken refuge at Budiriro 3 Primary School, while six to seven families have sought shelter at Kuwadzana 2 Primary School. The Civil Protection Unit (CPU) has provided essential supplies such as dry food for the affected families. Mayor Mafume mentioned that once the necessary sanitary facilities are in place, the families will be relocated to a vocational centre, as the schools are scheduled to reopen soon. He added:

We encourage families that are in those areas to go to these areas. Should flooding occur in other areas we will work with CPU to provide places for them to take people. They have provided transport and food and we as council have provided meat.”

Some of the flooded areas were newly allocated council residential stands.

For those that were allocated land legally and it is within an area where you cannot construct we are going to give them alternative land.

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For those that have gone and invaded land illegally. We are becoming uneasy as a council with the process of regularization of illegalities. We need to come up with a robust plan.

We need to come with a ministry of housing. We have a national housing crisis as a country and as a city.

Furthermore, Mayor Mafume emphasized the need to reduce the cost of building houses. He proposed exploring cheaper building materials and construction methods to bring down the cost of constructing a decent house to approximately US$5,000. By implementing lower building standards, he believes that affordable housing can be provided on a larger scale, ensuring that residents have access to decent homes.

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tigerforce · 1 year ago
chinonetsa ndechekuti mumaareas ese iwayo monotoona vanhu vakagara kare varipo but sei vaisadawo here ma stands iwayo.vanoziva kuti hamugarwe umu.varungu vaisapenga kusavaka mumawet lands .iwe mubhoyi woti ndozvigona,then face the music
🌻🌻🌻🌻 · 1 year ago
true cash talk never breaks friendship wataura chokwadi iwe.chete vanhu abateereri zvao munhu agara anonetsa asi you said the truth.
mafirakureva · 1 year ago
You buy your Land from Land barons or you grab open wetlands as "youths" , Council try to stop you from developing is such places, you fight them to the extend of beating and suing development control officers, some times you bribe them to leave you alone. You build at night and during weekends to avoid being stopped by Council. You make every effort to build on prohibited areas and you win. When demolition orders are sought, you fight at the courts and say where was Council when we were building if this if a wetland or a prohibited area, the magistrates become vexed and demolition orders are cancelled, you now seek regularisation and you force Council to authorise your stay in wetlands in retrospect, YOU WIN. But when the rains come you will see how **** you were! ~YOU CAN'T BRIBE THE RAINFALL!!! ~DURING THE WEEKENDS AND AT NIGHT, RAIN WILL COME, muchapedzerana. ~YOU CAN'T TAKE THE RAIN TO COURT!!! ~RAIN WILL DEMOLISH YOUR STRUCTURES WITHOUT SEEKING DEMOLITION ORDERS FROM THE COURTS. ~NATURE HAS ITS OWN WAY OF DEALING WITH PERPETRATORS IF YOU DO NOT RESPECT IT. ~THE WORST PART OF IT, VAKAKUTENGESERAI MASTAND AYA VANENGE VATIZA NEMARI, NO REFUND, BUT IVO VANENGE VAGERE MUDZIMBA DZAVO DZAKAVAKWA PAKANAKA USING YOUR MONIES. SAKA MANJE MUCHAITASEI? NGWARAI VANHU IMIMI!!!
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Well said ....... wetlands not for development
🚩 · 1 year ago
Ko vakuda kugara kuma wetlands, sema worms? They invaded the wet lands using Zanu pf muscles, let them test the bitter pill of ignorance. Kuma wet lands hakugarwe even our primitive ancestors knew it.
covid 44 · 1 year ago
siyanainekutenga mastands Mumapani emachirman
Clemence · 1 year ago
its not about family planning, its about saving our loved ones. yes we can adopt your policy but it won't work if there is poor governance especially starting from the top. l think Mr Mayor is trying to restore the lost pride. Thank you Mayor
Clemence · 1 year ago
its not about family planning, its about saving our loved ones. yes we can adopt your policy but it won't work if there is poor governance especially starting from the top. l think Mr Mayor is trying to restore the lost pride. Thank you Mayor
Munyika muno munofanirwa kuita 2 child policy between two parents and by doing this you will the level of disasters, poverty, crime, money wealth rituals,no employment jobs will come to pass..... I mean kuti Dai vanhu vambomira kuwadza makuva munyika, HAMENO KUTI MOPAONAO SEI IPAPO....
Uya..nya · 1 year ago
msoon of yours
· 1 year ago
Urikutaura izvozvo nekut hauzvari

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