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HomeCrime and Courts

Police, ZESA "Found Nothing" After Pouncing On Morgan Tsvangirai House Over "Tampering With Metres"

1 year agoThu, 23 Nov 2023 11:03:02 GMT
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Police, ZESA "Found Nothing" After Pouncing On Morgan Tsvangirai House Over "Tampering With Metres"

The Movement for Democratic Change (MDC), led by Douglas Mwonzora, stated that the police and Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority (ZESA) did not find any evidence of wrongdoing when they searched Morgan Tsvangirai House. There were allegations that the party was not paying electricity bills and tampering with electricity meters at its headquarters.

Mwonzora emphasised that the MDC is a law-abiding and professional party that would never allow its offices to be involved in criminal activities. He said:

Yesterday, acting on a false and malicious “tip off,” ZRP and ZESA officials visited our headquarters, demanding to carry out certain investigations. We agreed, and they did their work. Nothing amis was found at our headquarters all.

We are grateful at the level of professionalism shown by the investigators in this case. What was clear is that people opposed to our leadership wanted to harass and embarrass our organisation through abuse of state institutions. 
The MDC is law-abiding and professional and can never allow its offices to be used for crime. We are busy with the program of serious reconstruction of our party to be the effective vanguard of the people to deliver democratic change.

Mwonzora’s post came after the MDC released a statement alleging that the police and ZESA received false information from the MDC’s enemies. Read the statement:

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False Tip-off to ZESA by Our Enemies

MDC condemns in the strongest terms the recent attempt by our adversaries to mislead the Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority (ZESA) officials and the Zimbabwe Republic Police with false accusations regarding alleged illegal power connections at our party headquarters. Our erstwhile and fervent enemies are resoning to desperate measures to divert attention from the critical bread and butter issues currently occupying the minds of our people. This orchestrated effon to tarnish our pany’s image through baseless allegations is a clear indication of the lengths they are willing to go to undermine the democratic principles we stand for. In the spirit of transparency and our commitment to upholding the rule of law, we allowed the police and ZESA officials unhindered access to thoroughly investigate the false claims. We are pleased to announce that their findings have vindicated our party, as no evidence of any illegal power connections was discovered.

Our adversaries have recently engaged in other nefarious activities, including a violent attempt to overrun our party headquarters just a fortnight ago. They resorted to hiring thugs in an attempt to disrupt law and order, jeopardizing the safety of our members. Additionally, we must address the recent attempt to incite rebellion among our workers under false pretenses. Despite these challenges, we want to assure our supporters and the nation at large that the MDC remains steadfast in its commitment to the principles of democracy, justice, and the well-being of the Zimbabwean people.

As we navigate through these adversities, we reiterate our dedication to the people’s cause. The MDC will forge ahead with the current reconstruction under the theme of the 3Rs: Reset, Restart, and Recover all.

Our focus will remain on addressing the genuine concerns of our people and working towards a Zimbabwe that is free, inclusive, and prosperous for all. It has always been about the people, and it shall remain so until Zimbabwe is free from the shackles of oppression and stands as a beacon of democracy and justice.

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Anonymous · 1 year ago
A 'metre' is a unit of distance, Electricity is recorded on meters.
Führer · 1 year ago
Dougie is seeking relevence in the political jungle.
· 1 year ago
Consigned to the political dustbin is our Nzondora
Mazuva · 1 year ago
Tshabangu could learn something here. MRT House was handed over to Dougie by a crack team of Zanu Pf, ZR Police and the army. Zanu Pf was catering for all the expenses of that building under MDC-T. As Dougie became obsolete by disuse, Zanu Pf started defaulting on the bills. MDC-T started accumulating arrears in water bills, electricity and wage bills. Bubblegums have this tendency of losing taste as they are being chewed. Tshabangu is slowly losing his flavour. Best Before 9 December 2023.
Bogus · 1 year ago
basa sebasa kkkk
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Who are your 'adversaries'? Why don't you name them?
@Tk · 1 year ago
Akawanda api asiri kutaura 🤔from the pick I can just count about 5
· 1 year ago
Tichitanga naKomichi
👨‍✈️👨‍✈️👨‍✈️ · 1 year ago
ndokusunga nzondora dhagi
Jue Saidi · 1 year ago
kwasara kuuya kuzosecha mdanga rembira
gumlaz · 1 year ago
dai mamhanyiro amakaita raiwo amoita panenge paita fault ka dai magetsi asinganetsi kkk zesa & Zimbabwe raping people kkk
cid · 1 year ago
Baba Bertha Yu are not a threat to national security😂Infact aiva mangani mapurisa acho
Tip Offs · 1 year ago
ndiTshabangu akaita that false report as a of pleasing his master ED
dololo · 1 year ago
idyai mari dzamakapihwa dzine zvitsvuku kwete kutinyepera kuti bread and butter issues.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
CCC in action. Kudirajecha.
Zuze · 1 year ago
Siyanai neCCC, With employees unpaid for almost a year, this must be an internal matter
@@ · 1 year ago
dhagi dhagi
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Kkkkkkkk, Dhagi kari kudawo kutaurwa nezvayo especially after these past elections pakasina kumbovhoterwa kana nenhunziwo zvayo. He is seeking for news, nothing more. Hapana apa, who on this planet Earth would want to go and accuse Dhagi and his dying party kunyanya at this most crucial time in the Zimbabwean political history?
muchanetsa · 1 year ago
muchazotii bhowa imii nxaaaa

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