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WATCH: Choppies Zimbabwe Evicted From Adullah’s Building In Gweru

1 year agoFri, 21 Jul 2023 14:23:06 GMT
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WATCH: Choppies Zimbabwe Evicted From Adullah’s Building In Gweru

Choppies, a retailer in Zimbabwe, was evicted from Adullah’s building along Main Street in Gweru Central Business District (CBD) this Friday. A video circulating on social media shows that all commodities were thrown out of the building.

Employers who spoke on condition of anonymity claimed that the commodities were thrown out by the messenger of court who then locked the doors. The cause of the incident appears to be linked to the sale of the building by its Indian owner. Choppies was allegedly given ample time to relocate, but refused to do so, citing a lease agreement expiring in 2025 with the previous owner. This resulted in the new owner throwing them out after they failed to meet the deadline. One till operator, who declined to be named for fear of victimisation, confirmed the details of the incident.

Some reports suggest that the retailer failed or neglected to pay rentals. Watch the video below for more.



Anonymous · 1 year ago
The level of corruption n stealing has reached alarming rates in our beloved country. A big entity like choppies srsly relies on rented shops kutadza kuvaka shop yavo vega vachingodya profit day in n day out. This is silly. Kamweya kekusada development.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Waaangu even vana OK and TM PIKnPAY variku renter it's about the location yavaida kuita business ndiyo yakaita kuti vaende ipapo but paunenge pasina new space to buy land so they resort to renting.
chahototo · 1 year ago
in zim zvese zviriko esp uri mwana wekwa mainini if u know u know
Anonymous · 1 year ago
In this day and age, we still have barbarics throwing tenants out of buildings like that? I thought humans have evolved beyond that. Who will come and rent a building where someone has been tossed out like that?
Chihururamatamba · 1 year ago
@Anonymous. Waverenga nyaya ukahwisisa here? Hapana barbarism yamboitwa apa. Messenger of Court ndiye aburitsa stock yeChoppies panze. Kureva kuti Landlord/Lesser akatoenda kucourt akanopihwa Order of Eviction. Zvorevazve kuti Choppies yakapihwawo mukana wekuzvimirira mudare, uye ikapihwawo nguva yakakwana (Eviction Notice) yekutsvaga pamwe pekuenda. Iyo Choppies ndiyo isina kurongeka. Handiti mota dzeDelivery ndipo padzinofanira kutakura Stock kuendesa kuWarehouse kana zvadai? Kwete kuti grocery rinomwararidzwa panze iyo management neHead Office zviripo.
Li · 1 year ago
Change of topic .... re zesa ... they put up the tarrifs huge .... and boasted load shedding no more .... what happened. ? We got no zesa 8-12 hrs a day every day ???? Athlone msasa
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Court ?????? And corrupt judges .... really
Airbender · 1 year ago
ngaatore team mutoriro kana 20 oenda naro otenga tumbwa vomwa votangisa maone unstopable
PARAFFIN · 1 year ago
As a general rule, lease agreements are not affected by transfer of ownership. Failure to pay rentals when they're are due however amounts to breath of contract
. · 1 year ago
Point of correction. New owners have no legal obligation for contracts signed by previous owners. Property rights have to be considered. Whoever purchases a property will have their own plans for use of the same and cannot be hampered by previous owners liabilities.
PARAFFIN · 1 year ago
Im selling a property, the rights of the lessee are protected. In this case what may make sense is neglect or failure to pay rentals
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Wanguka i can't buy a property then be expected to be tied down for 5 years due to a previous commitment by the previous owner. My role is to give you adequate notice time for the termination of the agreement in which you should also pay rentals as due. Also if I bought the property for personal use then that's also another point to consider
Child of hope · 1 year ago
seems we have super educated people on Pindula, wow
@paraffin · 1 year ago
The current Choppies case shows the rights of property. Notwithstanding that the previous landlord has given them a lease valid to 2025, they were evicted after due notice. So your argument falls flat. Any new owner has a right to his property as long as he gives due notice. This is the case with Choppies. The lease should have run until 2025f, but the new owner has a right to use his property as she deems fit, not that the lessee has any rights enshrined by previous lease. Tge owner has The Right of property. full stop.
PARAFFIN · 1 year ago
I agree with you. If due notice was given then property owner has a right to evict the tenant lawfully. That is perhaps why the messenger of court enforced the eviction order without any equivocation. In this case the tenant is left with no other option but to negotiate. The owner has full discretion to agree or disagree
Bvu Bvu Bvumbururu yeNdege · 1 year ago
pj · 1 year ago
iwe isawo maComments anoratidza kuti uri Grown up everyday tinogara tichikuona zvedu kwana
this is so sad

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