WATCH: Choppies Zimbabwe Evicted From Adullah’s Building In Gweru

Choppies, a retailer in Zimbabwe, was evicted from Adullah’s building along Main Street in Gweru Central Business District (CBD) this Friday. A video circulating on social media shows that all commodities were thrown out of the building.
Employers who spoke on condition of anonymity claimed that the commodities were thrown out by the messenger of court who then locked the doors. The cause of the incident appears to be linked to the sale of the building by its Indian owner. Choppies was allegedly given ample time to relocate, but refused to do so, citing a lease agreement expiring in 2025 with the previous owner. This resulted in the new owner throwing them out after they failed to meet the deadline. One till operator, who declined to be named for fear of victimisation, confirmed the details of the incident.
Some reports suggest that the retailer failed or neglected to pay rentals. Watch the video below for more.