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Ex-Mayor Who Rejected Toyota Fortuner Now Persecuted For Accepting Fuel Compensation

1 year agoSun, 16 Jul 2023 18:34:23 GMT
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Ex-Mayor Who Rejected Toyota Fortuner Now Persecuted For Accepting Fuel Compensation

Dyke Makumbi, the former Chinhoyi mayor who rejected the council’s offer to buy him a Toyota Fortuner valued at US$$75 000 and instead used his own Volkswagen Bora sedan for council errands is facing persecution for accepting fuel compensation

Chinhoyi Municipality has decided to pay Dyke Makumbi around US$7,000 for using his own car while working for the council. This decision has caused some controversy. Makumbi was given 40 litres of fuel per week and was allowed to use his car from September 2018 to November 2020. He is expected to receive compensation for 4,600 litres of fuel. The Finance Committee has recommended that the council pay US$325 to cover the cost of 37 council meetings, which involved travelling a distance of 740 kilometres.

He insists his compensation was above board and selfless, and that his political enemies are behind the persecution. Makumbi, the incumbent CCC Chinhoyi Ward 12 councillor, told 

What has to be appreciated is that l actually stopped the purchase of a Toyota Fortuner for mayor, which had been approved at a cost of US$75 000 at that time and ordered that the money be used for service delivery to residents and ratepayers.

My conscience is clean to accept the compensation amid all the hullabaloo because l was not greedy but selfless in sacrificing my personal vehicle for use on council business. I bought my own fuel notwithstanding the depreciation of my car and what do l get in return, persecution.

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The crux of the matter is that council technocrats calculated the distances and came up with the quantum for compensation, which l wasn’t part of. The figures then went through a council committee and subsequently ordinary council.

My political enemies are behind this persecution. It is a clear smear campaign because l have not made secret my ambition to reclaim the mayoral seat because l have unfinished business that l need to complete.

Makumbi pointed out that water augmentation was one of the incomplete projects during his time as mayor.

He will likely face competition for the Mayoral post from within the opposition party, as David Malunga, an aspiring Ward 8 Councillor, has confirmed that he is also aiming for the job currently held by Ward 5 Councillor Garikai Dendera.

Sources say the CCC plans to conduct internal interviews for mayors and chairpersons of smaller local authorities across the country before selecting suitable candidates. Makumbi served as mayor from 2018 to November 27, 2020, when he was recalled by MDC Alliance president, Douglas Mwonzora.

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Ctzn · 1 year ago
at one point I thought it was KK from Muvhango , the look alike yacho
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Tapiwa Moyo · 1 year ago
Kkkkk @BOUY wakadakwa iwe ,urimutengesi.Weather frost or frost weather whatever the name they called it,it happened. @Bouy or Boyu whatever the name you call yourself kkkkk
cid · 1 year ago
ko vanhu ve weather frost yamaitaura hakuna wani it's 4:28AM ndiripanze hakuna kana chando like wat u said😂
BUOY · 1 year ago
iri mumusoro maTapiwa Moyo😅😅😅
Mr Makumbi, i know this guy very well munhu ane hunhu uye akabva kuvanhu, vw polo guy kkk
Tapiwa Moyo · 1 year ago
In my view this Comrade was right.He owns his car ,the so called Fortuner or Tuned Fortue whatever the name they called it was not going to change his life.If he said $75 000 be for service delivery,they must be follow up on those suggested things rather than folding yr hands pretending like a good boy.We know that those (Council Vehicles) are governed by rules& regulations.It was an option to take it because nothing like service delivery you will see .I hope next time you take it because this Country is called ZIMBABWE
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
tapiwa moyo usaita bhambi. ko zvajazoita here zve service delivery. uyo mayor imboko. ku zanu pf hatina mafuza akadai
The Truth · 1 year ago
@muzondi you're correct because that heroism is only appreciated in movies not in real life.zvamanje manje ukawana mukana unotorova shot reipapo ka1 hauite zvekurara izvo kuramba Fortuner at the expense of your own personal vehicle???uchaona musi waunofa kut kunouya vangan kumariro ndipo uchanzwisisa kut wakarovera bhora musango apa dai mkadzi wako akakunyima chepakati bcoz une nungo dzekufunga zvnoita benefit mhuri yako.
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
ccc akomanaka. ko maresidents akazowana service delivery yacho here zvawakaramba fortuner
Muzondi Maposvo · 1 year ago
Uyu hakusi kupusa kutoroiwa chaiko
Tea Inonaka · 1 year ago

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