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HomeCrime and Courts

Zimbabwe Police Worried About Rise In Domestic Violence And Murder

1 year agoMon, 29 May 2023 19:51:02 GMT
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Zimbabwe Police Worried About Rise In Domestic Violence And Murder

The Zimbabwe Republic Police has expressed concern about the increasing number of murder cases across the country, particularly those resulting from domestic violence due to accusations of infidelity. 

National police spokesperson, Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi, released a statement citing several recent cases. One involved a woman who died after being struck with an axe by her husband, who accused her of having an extra-marital affair. Another case involved a woman who was found dead in a shallow grave after being allegedly assaulted by her husband. In another incident, a man was stabbed to death by a group of suspects.

In a statement seen by Pindula News, Nyathi urged the public to value the sanctity of human life and seek peaceful ways of resolving their differences. They also encourage couples to seek counselling from local police stations, traditional leaders, or church elders. The Zimbabwe Republic Police is deeply concerned about the trend of violence and urges individuals to find peaceful ways to resolve disputes. We present the police statement below:


The Zimbabwe Republic Police is concerned with the number of murder cases being recorded throughout the country on weekly basis. Most of these cases are mainly attributed to domestic violence arising from accusations of infidelity on the part of couples.

In one of the murder cases, Nyarai Masauso (41) died on 28′ May 2023 whilst admitted at Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals after being struck with an axe several times on thighs and stomach by her husband only identified as Muridzi, after a dispute on 26′ May 2023 at Watyoka Mine, Watakai, Concession. The suspect had accused the victim of having an extra marital affair. The suspect is on the run.

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In another case which occurred on 27th May 2023, Sikhangezile Tshuma (39) was found dead with bruises all over the body and a deep cut on the forehead, in a shallow grave which was covered with a cloth, in a bushy area near Gulalikabili Line, Tsholotsho. The victim was allegedly last seen arguing with her husband, Darlington Sibanda (36) at Patalika Business Centre on 26′ May 2023. Darlington Sibanda had accused the victim of having an extra marital affair.

On 28 May 2023 at Flem Flora Farm, New Parliament, Mt Hampden, Harare, Alexandra Gezi (52) struck his wife, Rita Rore (42) with a hoe on the head several times after accusing her of infidelity. The victim was found dead with deep cuts on the head after her daughter had alerted neighbours of the attack.

Meanwhile, police in Fort Rixon are investigating a case of murder which occurred on 27th May 2023 at a shop at 99 Village, 5 Kombo. The suspects identified as, Bethod Mthembu, Nkosi Mpofu, Arnold Sibanda and a male juvenile (17) took turns to assault the victim, Readman Ndlovu (46) with open hands before Bethod Mthembu stabbed the victim with Columbian knife on the chest. The victim died on the spot.

In Gweru, Police have arrested Darlington Tshuma (29) in connection with a cases of murder and attempted murder which occurred on 27th May 2023 in a bushy area near Matambo Business Centre, Matobo. The suspect and Moses Moyo (31) stabbed Jefta Mkwananzi (22) with a Colombian knife on right thigh before stabbing Fana Ntini (19) with the knife on the stomach. Fana Ntini died on the spot whilst Jefta Mkwananzi sustained a cut on the thigh and is admitted at Gweru Provincial Hospital.

The Zimbabwe Republic Police implores the public to value the sanctity of human life and resolve differences amicably without resorting to violence. We urge couples to seek counseling from local Police Stations, traditional leaders and church elders to find peaceful ways of resolving differences.

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Ba Dee · 1 year ago
Nguva yaMugabe kwange kusina izvi. ED is de. vil himself
anonimasi · 1 year ago
inyaya dze sombonyo idzi
wayne · 1 year ago
Bring back the Death penalty
m2 · 1 year ago
nhuu inokonzera vose ndeyekuti ukaona 4ni yomukadzi usina mvumo unosungwa Saka vakadzi voita zvavanoda mmmmmm
Dzubhurandi · 1 year ago
Zvenoise takazvisiya
Zuze · 1 year ago
I am more worried about ZRP violence against povo. ZRP violence against motorists. zrp tollgates on highways and byways.
Marve · 1 year ago
hazvina kuipa asi usakangamwa chazuro nehope
Black Adam⚡ · 1 year ago
🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️Ayo ndivo anonzi mamhepo manje. Mamhepo anotovhurirwa by a couple that doesnt pray together and trust in Jesus Christ. My wife and sometimes we face financial challengies ne nyaya dze rent but we pray together everyday even before ayenda kubasa. She respects me even achitambira mari yakawanda kundikunda. Tinodanana, i helped her finish her education before my hustles angu adonha. She loves me and I love her and we trust in God. Ayo ma couple anosvika pakuwurayana havanamate vese, either the wife or the husband has no relationship with God.
· 1 year ago
Black Adam kana zvsati zvakuwira tenda Mwari wako mudzimba murikuitwa zvinorova ..ende pamwe pamwe unosvka pakufa usingazivi Madhiri arikuitwa nemumwe wako
anonymous · 1 year ago
vanhu vakaita sewe vane overconfidence ndovanozoponda munhu kana kuzviuraya pavanozonzwa kuti boss kubasa ikoko vatoneta namadam vako,nekuzogaya kuti ndini ndakamudzidzisa wochiti ko iye Mwari wacho watinonamata sei asiya zvakadai zvichiitika.Hazvinzarwo bamunini,ukagara uchiziva hako kuti madam vako makazivana Makura uye kuti munhu haasi Mwari anosanduka hauite problem .
Black Adam ⚡ · 1 year ago
🙇‍♂️@Anonymous, I have faith in God ndinoto rumbidza Mwari kuti marriage yangu iribho. Mukadzi wangu munhu ari right anotya Mwari uyezve vabereki vake vanhu vari good, i get along with her family nema siblings ake. Even zvinhu pazvakatomboti womera her parents helped us coz ini ndakatombo baritsa her family before kakawanda madhiri angu paimbo bhadhara more before covid. I am close to my wife she is a teacher at a private school and boss wake ndi Headmistress u see so hapana chinoitika. She isn't the type inosvika pakuita ma secret affairs. I married a virgin, yakarerwa in a proper household ine vabereki vanotya Mwari. Deep Christians. I am blessed and grateful for everything.
.... , · 1 year ago
Violence is the example set by zanupf and has now become the normal in our society. Zanupf is a violent dishonest corrupt party that has made people suffer. They need to be voted out of power for a better future for our children.
Yoyoyo · 1 year ago
Yes 100% ED and Zanu are to blame for everything wrong with Zimbabwe
mhofela · 1 year ago
poverty is the source of domestic violence,porisi ngaitaure neGvt vogadzirisa poverty otherwise suffer continue vanhu vachingomamisana mudzimba nekuda kwenzara
Ras Musa · 1 year ago
Police yacho yechirume irege kuzonyenga vakadzi vevanhu vanenge vauya vachida kibatsirwa
Y2K · 1 year ago
Iwe usade kungopa bob mbiri issues to do with infidelity and murder zvaingovapo.vamwe vachito fira mjolo commiting suicide.
Jp😎 · 1 year ago
nguva ya bhobho kwanga kusina zvese izvi
T1 · 1 year ago
Problem Government ndyoyakati equal rights zvnowa zvizhinji zvaakuita kut vanhu wagare wachnetsana mdzimba
tokurenji musunganeblambi · 1 year ago
CCC haina vanhu inongove naChamisa nezvigure zvisina structure and form iye Nelson akuti ndiye ega anoziva skiri rekutunga Mira marombe iwaya
tokurenji musunganeblambi · 1 year ago
kukambura sumbunyu ndizvizvo chaizvo patawundi
bhobhojani bhadhiza · 1 year ago
Changova chikahumubataunye ,mukwasha kusunga dhuku raambuya zvino kana imi motichemera isu takatovimbawo nemwi zvonzi?
NATO · 1 year ago
CCC maparty manyama
GG · 1 year ago
It's a sign that the economy is bad and such problems can only be fixed when families can afford the basics of life which results in happy families.
@GG · 1 year ago
even in a good economy the men who have vast economic assets at their disposal end up having too numerous extra marital affairs which are a recipe for domestic violence and the women will also get sumbunyu from Ben Tens like you and the old masalas will kill to get even

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