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HomeCrime and Courts

Murder Suspect's Body Found Hanging In A Local Church

2 years agoSat, 10 Dec 2022 13:35:13 GMT
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Murder Suspect's Body Found Hanging In A Local Church

The body of a suspected murderer was found hanging in a local church in Cowdray Park, Bulawayo.

A police statement seen by Pindula News says the deceased, Judge Evans Zinzombe, was a wanted person in connection with the murder of his estranged wife on 7 December 2022. 

Reads the statement by the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP):

The ZRP reports that Judge Evans Zinzombe (36) who was being sought in connection with the callous murder of his estranged wife, Phelomina Mabika (32) which occurred on 07/12/2022 at a house in Cowdray Park, Bulawayo, has committed suicide. His body was found hanging from a metal roof truss at a local church in Cowdray Park, Bulawayo.

It is alleged that Zinzombe killed his estranged wife in cold blood on Wednesday and went on to sexually abuse her corpse in full view of the couple’s two minor children.

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Police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi said Zinzobe allegedly sneaked into the room where Phelomina Mabika (32), their daughter (12) and a son (7) were before strangling her to death with hands.

He and his wife were reportedly having marital disputes which forced them to sleep in separate rooms.

After killing her, Zinzombe allegedly went on to sexually abuse the body in full view of his children.

The children spent the whole night with the body before a police report was made in the morning.

The incident happened just as the nation was observing 16 Days of activism against gender-based violence.

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Mukanyapazvese · 2 years ago
Join the zesa people who switch off electricity in hadesss
Tateguru · 2 years ago
Cursed case
calm down · 2 years ago
Yooo kubi kuyethusa yisihluku ngendlela abantu asebebulalana ngayo now adays
Ngazviende · 2 years ago
The man was depraved. let's just that we live in the mordern age but munhu akadai should not leave any genes behind
Inonaka · 2 years ago
Ndoda kumboinzwa yemunhu akafa kuti inonaka here pamwe zvoda kukurumidza ichiri kudziya kana kuti yatonhora inenge yadzoka size zvekuti mboooro ikapinda inobva yaita kunge yadzipwa obva ave manhanga kutapira. Mkadzi uyu airamba nemheeeche ndosaka mrume akasviiira chachitunha. Vakadzi mheeeche hairambwi.nayo unofa zvakafanana nekurwisa an armed robber. Mrume akati ndoda mheeeche mupe apedze zemo otherwise unofira mheeche yako
sekuru gudo · 2 years ago
@ very painful who will love a **** woman like you it's not that you don't want to get married but no one wants to get married to a rotten woman like you who needs pleasure.i know you are always in temporary love affairs kkkk chijoki
Vandem · 2 years ago
zvaakaita hazvina kunaka ,kuuraya wokwira fut chitunha, ummmm uyu anodawo stonyen uyu.Asi masimba evakadzi awandisawo.Zvinorwadza kugara nemkadzi achikunyima bonde
pwati · 2 years ago
😂😂😂😂😂😂 stonyeni
pwatata · 2 years ago
gambi rine makuva Uri kutochemerera ipapo pamusoro
rabson Augustne · 2 years ago
mutumbi wake ngaupiswe
Very painful · 2 years ago
This is the reason why I will never marry. If you rewind the tape,years back these people were in love,How did things end up like this.Women should stop getting married to men.These people called men are demon they say I love you tomorrow they say I kill you.Its just b.u.ll .be single and enjoy your life like me.marriage is too risky.women please learn to be independent and strong.have a good day to you all,take care of your self be safe out there.
Talent Matola · 2 years ago
Not all men are like that my sister.There are lot of good men and women out here and remember not getting married is not an option.
Worzell Gummidge · 2 years ago
@Very Painful. Be cautious not to use an outlier to interpolate a conclusion. Out of millions of good men, one man may commit a dastardly act. That one murderous man is just a deviation from the norm or mean. That doesn't imply that all men are grizzly & murderous. You r good father, a man, raised you lovingly & educated you, but now you think all men are evil. He wasted his love & school fees on you. It takes two to tango. Who knows, maybe the deceased woman was a termagant Shrew who nagged him & drove him to the point of insanity. In any case, some people are so horrible & undesirable such that no one wants to marry them. So they delude themselves that they will never marry, when in truth noone wants them for a spouse.
Very painful · 2 years ago
In Greek mythology, the Amazons (Ancient Greek: Ἀμαζόνες Amazónes, singular Ἀμαζών Amazōn , via Latin Amāzon, - ŏnis ) are portrayed in a number of ancient epic poems and legends, such as the Labours of Hercules, the Argonautica and the Iliad . They were a group of female warriors and hunters, who matched men in physical agility and strength, in archery, riding skills, and the arts of combat. Their society was closed for men and they only raised their daughters, either killing their sons or returning them to their fathers, with whom they would only socialize briefly in order to reproduce. [1][2] Wounded Amazon of the Capitoline Museums, Rome A Greek fighting an Amazon. Detail from painted sarcophagus found in Italy, 350-325 BC Amazon preparing for a battle (Queen Antiop or Armed Venus), by Pierre- Eugène-Emile Hébert, 1860, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. Courageous and fiercely independent, the Amazons, commanded by their queen, regularly undertook extensive military expeditions into the far corners of the world, from Scythia to Thrace , Asia Minor and the Aegean Islands , reaching as far as Arabia and Egypt. [3] Besides military raids, the Amazons are also associated with the foundation of temples and the establishment of numerous ancient cities like Ephesos , Cyme , Smyrna , Sinope, Myrina , Magnesia, Pygela, etc. [4][5] The texts of the original myths envisioned the homeland of the Amazons at the periphery of the then known world. Various claims to the exact place ranged from provinces in Asia Minor (Lycia , Caria etc.) to the steppes around the Black Sea, or even Libya. However, authors most frequently referred to Pontus in northern Anatolia , on the southern shores of the Black Sea, as the independent Amazon kingdom where the Amazon queen resided at her capital Themiscyra , on the banks of the Thermodon river. [6] Palaephatus , who himself might have been a fictional character, attempted to rationalize the Greek myths in his work On Unbelievable Tales. He suspected that the Amazons were probably men who were mistaken for women by their enemies because they wore clothing that reached their feet, tied up their hair in headbands, and shaved their beards. Probably the first in a long line of skeptics, he rejected any real basis for them, reasoning that because they did not exist during his time, most probably they did nοt exist in the past either. [7][8][9] Decades of archaeological discoveries of burial sites of female warriors, including royalty, in the Eurasian Steppes suggest that the horse cultures of Scythian, Sarmatian , Hittite likely inspired the Amazon myth. [10][11] In 2019, a grave with multiple generations of female Scythian warriors, armed and in golden headdresses, was found near Russia's
rr · 2 years ago
how many cases of woman doing devilish things read the papers it's on both side wangu
Worzell Gummidge · 2 years ago
@Very Painful. My young sister, I'm not sure why you copied & pasted that copious passage below. Geek mythology is just folklore & fable with grounding in historical reality. The Amazonian myth ingori ngano dzaTsuro naGudo. How did the Amazon women get pregnant? Through lesbianism??? Stop reading comic books & stop watching movies based on Marvel Comics & DC comics, such as the Avengers, Thor, Superman, Spiderman, Batman, Antman & other childish works of fiction.
Sorojena · 2 years ago
When passions of love turn into hatred it becomes war.
Progressive Citizen · 2 years ago
Not all man are evil.. But usually women ignore early RED FLAGS haana kuzvitanga ipapo Evans uyu.. Zvakazoita kt varare separate rooms was lots on Red flags
The Adjudicator · 2 years ago
As a judgr he new his sentence thats why he hanged himself .Most of these domestic crimes are driven by jelousy because of women being over protected by the law.
Citizen · 2 years ago
He was not a judge but it was his first name.
Zuze · 2 years ago
Zvakangofanana naJustice Mayor Wadyajena - baba vake vaishuwira kuti achaita Mayor weNembudziya Goats Point
... · 2 years ago
Unity Village · 2 years ago
The Shona people who have settled in Bulawayo are tarnishing the image of our beautiful city. Let us #gofund# to repatriate them!
ubi · 2 years ago
u are 1 of them also trying to tarnish our gud reputation.we ndebele are a peaceful loving people and no hate comes from us
thrasher · 2 years ago
this is Zimbabwe I can go where ever the fucck I want.
Ini zvangu · 2 years ago
Handisi hangu Judge, asi uyu arikuenda ku Gehenha

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