Mugabe pledges to improve soldiers' working conditions
Delivering his keynote address to commemorate Defence Forces Day, Robert Mugabe pledged to improve the working conditions of members of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces.
Said Mugabe:
In an effort to improve conditions of service for ZDF, Government has provided staff with vehicles and other equipment. However, a lot is still to be done to provide the forces with medical support, housing, salaries and allowances. Ndozvimwe zvavanochemawo nazvo izvi. Mari inotambirwa yakadzikira, ndinofunga kuti nekusimukira kurikuita nyika yedu vanhu vachazenge vachibhadharwawo zvakakodzera. But hatingati nekuti tiri kupihwa tumari twushoma hatichaita basa renyika, kwete. Basa renyika rinoramba richienderera mberi tinoruzivo rwekuti nyika yedu icharamba ine runyararo pasina bishi nemheremhere. Ichasvika kwekuperera, mari inenge yawanikwa and hurumende yakugona kupa vanhu masalaries akati kwire.ย It is also strongly recommended that the housing projects in Dzivarasekwa, Khumalo and Zimbabwe Military Academy, aimed at improving housing provision for the ZDF, be resuscitated.
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